All right-thinking Britons who love their country should oppose interracial marriage. The implications of race-mixing are much more sinister than is commonly understood - individual objections notwithstanding. Integrationists by definition are far too blinkered to see the big picture.
It is common knowledge that the mainstream media and many leading politicians exert considerable pressure in favour of race-mixing and scream 'racist!' whenever any sane individual protests against this kind of coercion.
Such pressure is mainly directed towards blacks and whites. In spite of the abominable practice of Muslim 'grooming' of mainly vulnerable white adolescent girls, Asians will almost exclusively favour their own kind for longer-term relationships regardless of any outside pressure. Muslim women risk so-called 'honour' beatings and even killings if they don't [like Banaz Mahmod, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/6733919.stm ]. Heinous as this cruelty is, it simply reinforces the point.
Large-scale white and black liaisons are of course unlikely to occur in spite of media and political pressure. They could, however, be enforced by the EU, via Europol and the Euro-army, when Britain is fully absorbed into the EU Superstate or ['golden garrotte'] concentration camp following the treason of Gordon Brown in May 2009, compounded, sadly, by royal assent. The aim, as always, is to destroy white Anglo-Saxon Celtic Britain, both as a nation and as a people.
(The USA attempted much the same with Germany after WW2, by sending large numbers of black troops to make up the occupation forces.)
Enforced race-mixing is one of the most effective ways of so doing. The black race in Britain would be destroyed in the process but that would be of no consequence to our European masters, i.e. gauleiters.
Paul Broca published a study in 1864 on hybridity in the human race. He found that, in South Carolina, where white Anglo-Saxon males had cohabited with negresses, the mulatto offspring were "little prolific and short-lived." See
He also reported that "the union of the Caucasian women with negroes is very frequently non-productive."
J.H. Van Evrie, M.D. reached the same conclusions after studying "several thousand cases of mixed blood" and published the results of his research in 1868. A CD entitled Vatican Assassins 3rd Edition, by American Baptist writer Eric Jon Phelps, summarises Van Evrie's work and is obtainable via Eric’s site http://www.vaticanassassins.org/store/ .
Van Evrie concludes that the mulatto progeny of white males and negresses, who then inter-breed with other hybrids, are by the 4th generation "as absolutely sterile as muleism...it may be assumed as the natural and impassable barrier of this abnormal and exceptional being."
He adds that "it is in the female hybrid that this tendency to decay...is most apparent. Many of them are incapable of nourishing or taking care of their offspring, and together with miscarriages and the numerous forms of disease connected with maternity, they are often found to have had a large number of children, not one of whom reached maturity."
An additional burden for our already overstretched NHS, I suggest, should the EU force this strategy on Britain.
Broca found that mulatto offspring of Southern European whites and negroes were more successful in reproduction but where this happened on an appreciable scale, as in Portugal, the result was disastrous after little more than 100 years.
In Racial Realities in Europe, Lothrop Stoddard describes how Portugal was a major sea power in the 16th century.
He then describes how she experienced a drift of her population away from rural areas to the cities, lured by wealth, a constant drain on her manpower by foreign wars and "racial impoverishment...with negro blood," as great landowners imported large gangs of Africans to work the half-deserted countryside and who inevitably intermingled with what remained of the indigenous population.
In little over a century, Portugal degenerated into a minor nation as a direct result of these combined trends.
Britain is degenerating in the same way. 5,500,000 or at least 10% of white Britons now live abroad. Britain continues to haemorrhage her white indigenous population at the rate of over 100,000 a year, to be replaced in over abundance by 300,000 foreign incomers annually. See
Her available employment, including rural work, is progressively being taken over by foreigners, especially Poles.
Though obviously not of African descent, Poles and other Eastern Europeans are nevertheless not equivalent to the native peoples of the British Isles. They are largely, i.e. 90%+, Alpine Caucasians, not Anglo-Saxon Celtic, or Nordic Caucasians (the Nordic distinction applies to all so-called 'immigrants' to these isles up until and including the Norman i.e. 'North-man,' conquest) and clearly cannot be assimilated without a deleterious effect on Britain's indigenous racial character.
And incomers of African or Afro-Caribbean descent to Britain now number well over 1,000,000 and they are continuing to arrive in large numbers, e.g. Congolese to Norfolk, Somalis to the south-east etc.
This is sufficient for the EU to further its strategy of Britain's ultimate destruction as a nation and a people as outlined above.
Given that white Britons could be a minority in their own country by the year 2066 if present trends continue, the EU could achieve its aim by about the year 2100, or not much later.
Remember Portugal - and that, like Portugal in its final decline, Britain is no longer a major sea power, so the EU destruction of Britain is off to a running start.
Alan O'Reilly
N. Yorks.
It is common knowledge that the mainstream media and many leading politicians exert considerable pressure in favour of race-mixing and scream 'racist!' whenever any sane individual protests against this kind of coercion.
Such pressure is mainly directed towards blacks and whites. In spite of the abominable practice of Muslim 'grooming' of mainly vulnerable white adolescent girls, Asians will almost exclusively favour their own kind for longer-term relationships regardless of any outside pressure. Muslim women risk so-called 'honour' beatings and even killings if they don't [like Banaz Mahmod, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/6733919.stm ]. Heinous as this cruelty is, it simply reinforces the point.
Large-scale white and black liaisons are of course unlikely to occur in spite of media and political pressure. They could, however, be enforced by the EU, via Europol and the Euro-army, when Britain is fully absorbed into the EU Superstate or ['golden garrotte'] concentration camp following the treason of Gordon Brown in May 2009, compounded, sadly, by royal assent. The aim, as always, is to destroy white Anglo-Saxon Celtic Britain, both as a nation and as a people.
(The USA attempted much the same with Germany after WW2, by sending large numbers of black troops to make up the occupation forces.)
Enforced race-mixing is one of the most effective ways of so doing. The black race in Britain would be destroyed in the process but that would be of no consequence to our European masters, i.e. gauleiters.
Paul Broca published a study in 1864 on hybridity in the human race. He found that, in South Carolina, where white Anglo-Saxon males had cohabited with negresses, the mulatto offspring were "little prolific and short-lived." See
He also reported that "the union of the Caucasian women with negroes is very frequently non-productive."
J.H. Van Evrie, M.D. reached the same conclusions after studying "several thousand cases of mixed blood" and published the results of his research in 1868. A CD entitled Vatican Assassins 3rd Edition, by American Baptist writer Eric Jon Phelps, summarises Van Evrie's work and is obtainable via Eric’s site http://www.vaticanassassins.org/store/ .
Van Evrie concludes that the mulatto progeny of white males and negresses, who then inter-breed with other hybrids, are by the 4th generation "as absolutely sterile as muleism...it may be assumed as the natural and impassable barrier of this abnormal and exceptional being."
He adds that "it is in the female hybrid that this tendency to decay...is most apparent. Many of them are incapable of nourishing or taking care of their offspring, and together with miscarriages and the numerous forms of disease connected with maternity, they are often found to have had a large number of children, not one of whom reached maturity."
An additional burden for our already overstretched NHS, I suggest, should the EU force this strategy on Britain.
Broca found that mulatto offspring of Southern European whites and negroes were more successful in reproduction but where this happened on an appreciable scale, as in Portugal, the result was disastrous after little more than 100 years.
In Racial Realities in Europe, Lothrop Stoddard describes how Portugal was a major sea power in the 16th century.
He then describes how she experienced a drift of her population away from rural areas to the cities, lured by wealth, a constant drain on her manpower by foreign wars and "racial impoverishment...with negro blood," as great landowners imported large gangs of Africans to work the half-deserted countryside and who inevitably intermingled with what remained of the indigenous population.
In little over a century, Portugal degenerated into a minor nation as a direct result of these combined trends.
Britain is degenerating in the same way. 5,500,000 or at least 10% of white Britons now live abroad. Britain continues to haemorrhage her white indigenous population at the rate of over 100,000 a year, to be replaced in over abundance by 300,000 foreign incomers annually. See
Her available employment, including rural work, is progressively being taken over by foreigners, especially Poles.
Though obviously not of African descent, Poles and other Eastern Europeans are nevertheless not equivalent to the native peoples of the British Isles. They are largely, i.e. 90%+, Alpine Caucasians, not Anglo-Saxon Celtic, or Nordic Caucasians (the Nordic distinction applies to all so-called 'immigrants' to these isles up until and including the Norman i.e. 'North-man,' conquest) and clearly cannot be assimilated without a deleterious effect on Britain's indigenous racial character.
And incomers of African or Afro-Caribbean descent to Britain now number well over 1,000,000 and they are continuing to arrive in large numbers, e.g. Congolese to Norfolk, Somalis to the south-east etc.
This is sufficient for the EU to further its strategy of Britain's ultimate destruction as a nation and a people as outlined above.
Given that white Britons could be a minority in their own country by the year 2066 if present trends continue, the EU could achieve its aim by about the year 2100, or not much later.
Remember Portugal - and that, like Portugal in its final decline, Britain is no longer a major sea power, so the EU destruction of Britain is off to a running start.
Alan O'Reilly
N. Yorks.
Most interesting, more stuff like this please.
Thank you, Sarah and thank you, IC1MALE.
African 'culture' is what is being used to dupe the white race into adopting African customs, morals and atttitudes and ultimately miscegenation with Africans.
It's known as rock music.
Dr. Hugh Pyle in The Truth About Rock Music p 10 states with respect to the origins of rock "Missionaries have dealt with heathen tribes in Africa, in Haiti and other islands of the sea. They describe the beat of the drums, the incessant chanting, the writhing dances by drunken, crazed savages. And they have told me that the beat and the movements of their pagan and sensual dances in these so-called heathen lands are exactly the same as the beat and movements of the rock ‘n roll dances over here in so-called civilized America! Dr. William Ward Ayer in a booklet, Jungle Madness and Modern Music, calls it “perverted music which came from the jungles by way of the slave trade of the Caribbean, the voodoo demon-worship of Haiti, and the sensuous pleasure houses, gambling joints and booze dives of New Orleans’ Lower Basin Street.”"
I submit that many of our adolescent victims of Moslem paedo gangs would be far less vulnerable to the lure of drugs, vodka and whoredom proffered by a carload of darkskinned adult male strangers were it not for the corruption already wrought in the young victims' lives by the poison of African jungle music.
A great monologue on the issue by former BNP member Arthur Kemp:
jesus christ, if you fall in love with someone, and think, well, i love them, but maybe there wont be as many people who look kind of like me in 50 years time, so ill just leave this person i love, then you are an idiot
you get one life, and only one, thinking like this is barely even human, now im aware with your views the chance of your having kids with someone who doesnt look like you, is very unlikely, so whatever, but the idea you'd frown upon two people in love, for any reason, is absurd, and shows you dont really care about people, only ideas
and you can refer to your nonsence study all you like, mixed race people actually get fewer repeat genes, meaning they have a greater potential to get two sets of positive genes (as well as two negative sets, but those are the odds) there are mixed race people that are less likely to get illnesses, have better immune systems, better muscle gentics etc, than the average of any other race
but thats recent reserach, we can ignore that, probably liberal bias anyway, better stick with the study from 1864
I don't know what research you have been reading ben, but it sounds like just more multi cult propaganda.
It is an open secret that the offspring from mixed race unions are more prone to any number of genetic problems, and you had better hope they never need an organ transplant, or a bone marrow transplant because they will not find a match.
I see ben that you are a confirmed integrationist, especially insofar as you refrain from citing any serious research.
I would challenge you to identify one major nation that came to prominence as a major nation in the last 500 years solely via mulatto leaders and a mulatto population.
'...its just that you only believe in what you want to and opt you ignore reality.'
Yes, that describes your attitude precisely Ben. You and your ilk are getting increasingly desperate. Whites are waking up to the truth about race and your lies no longer work. Wake up and smell the coffee.
How does being able to play football prove that someone has no genetic problems?, you can be deaf, sterile or mentally subnormal and still be able to kick a ball!
Im not against people having relations with whom they wish, but one point I think that was failed to be raised in this article was the pressure put onto the youth. Being mixed race must put a huge boundary on where one feels affiliated with.
Unfortunately I think over time we will end up living in a 'one race' world whether its forced and takes a hundred years or happens naturally over a thousand.
A good point, Jason, though in part not included because the article focused on the outcomes of mixed race liaisons.
A related point to yours is that of the race-mongrelisation-is-good-for-you mantra, as promoted by the MSM. Sarah has posted a couple of articles on this point, w.r.t. the media-puffed Girls Aloud singer (performer) Cheryl 'Ragwort' Tweedy-Cole.
CRT-C is said not to be able to carry a tune in a bucket by those who know about good singing but she was 'puffed' because she had this on/off (now off) relationship with black/mixed race footballer Ashley Cole.
The MSM will no doubt continue to promote this kind of liaison regardless of the destructive effect on both races.
We are having the same problems with non-White immigration here in the States. Hispanics are destroying our nation--our Anglo-Saxon heritage--and our gov't encourages it. There are many of us who have had it but speaking up will result in job termination or worse. I cannot understand how the West has allowed this.
You also have the threat of the mainly Hispanic MS-13 gangs in the US, particularly on the West Coast, I believe.
Eagles don't fly with budgies.
In the US, the rise of feminism and the family courts system has turned many men away from marriage in general and away from Anglo women in particular. They say that Latin and Oriental women are more compliant and make better wives (this is strictly hearsay as far as I am concerned). This is clearly short term thinking, considering only their own needs, but it is not surprising that individuals do that.
Miscegenation opens a whole can of worms that any reasonable person would sure prefer to leave sealed. Only the foolishly adventurous would get into this, knowing that it is forbidden in the Bible and was against most State laws until only a few years ago. That should be a clue that there is something not right about it. But youth tend to see such things as challenges rather than warnings, sadly.
"jesus christ, if you fall in love with someone, and think, well, i love them"
This is another Media myth hammered into our heads.The myth that love comes like a storm and we can do nothing about our feelings.Or to name it better: our initial urges.I will not have a relationship with a non-white woman ,just because i liked her butt for 3 seconds.I always imagine the offspring with her,and can you,who advocate such relationships really say that you want children with African or Asian features that look nothing like you?I still don't believe a word of that,no matter how many idiotic White women go on about how cuuuute mualatto children are.
Interracial relationships have nothing to do with real love, it is just a fetish gone too far.
People who fall for it know that it is wrong,that is why they defend it zealously whenever they are confronted with their dishonour.
Well said, Marwinsing and Dr D
What is happening, I think, is the Enemy removing the bounds to weaken the nations, Isaiah 10:13, 14:12.
It is God Who imposes bounds, Acts 17:26. Speaking from a strictly ethnicity stance, Africans should be in Africa, not in either the US or the UK.
(This does not mean that the US should be handed back to the native Americans. The scripture addresses that issue as well.)
Re: "People who fall for it know that it is wrong,that is why they defend it zealously whenever they are confronted with their dishonour."
I think that says it all, Anon.
Like the old saying about the expression of a bad conscience,
"A hit dog yells..."
Good point, Shaun, thank you for the link.
The essential point of the article was to show that miscegenation is termination for both races.
That is why other aspects such as IQ etc. were not emphasised.
Maybe you could use the link to compile an article on this other important aspect?
That's a very interesting article which not only applies to relationships between blacks and whites. My daughter who is married to an oil man has told me that a number of the oil men have married filipinos when posted overseas and she says that the women seem to have problems with their pregnancies. These unions are not very fertile.
I have also noticed that most unions between blacks and whites do not last. They tend to have the one child and then split up. Take Lewis Hamilton's parents and Kelly Holmes' for example. I definitely think the media is attempting to promote being mixed race as more desirable so as to brainwash the young. I think though our young girls are becoming more wary especially since in Kent a black man gave a white girl the HIV virus. I'm sure he was deliberately moved into the area as it was a white area so that he didn't sleep around with the black women in Brixton.
Thank you, Mr Fox
Re: infertility, I can think of a godly couple who are very close to us who, sadly, appear to be in that exact same situation.
For some time I've been noting the manner in which the media will place a black or dark-skinned man in association with a fair-skinned young woman who is often blonde. Scores of cases exist. It has been the practice in the US media for decades now.
It is to be hoped that our own girls and young women are, as you indicate, seeing through the media-inspired deception.
Thanks, Shaun
It's interesting that the Rense site for the Communist takeover of the US lists as an additional point:
46. Import anti-white racists from the Third World, via an open-borders policy, then force their integration to divide and conquer white Western civilization in North America.
This strategy appears to be in operation.
Breeding between races actually increases the health of children compared to their parents through a number of different factors.
Primary among these is the reduced chance of the acquisition of homozygous recessive alleles that can cause genetic disorsers.
Follow this link for a study on increasing hetrozygosity:
Further intelligence in humans is not race dependant, or rather the two concepts don't make any sense wehn linked. More literature:
With those as a base and using tools such as Google Scholar and Pubmed you can find plenty more studies from perr reviewed publications. Set the filter to only include stuff from the last ten years if you want current information.
Daniel, can you prove blacks are or are not a different race? Are you prepared to overturn the entire established Linnaean taxonomic system, subsequently confirmed by genetic studies, in order to uphold the current politically correct orthodoxy? Because you will have to.
Shaun, this why I like looking at opposing views, it makes me do a little research to make sure I am using the correct terms.
Looking at the biological definition of 'race' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_%28biology%29], it is clear that it refers to pretty insignificant differences, that are in fact so insignificant that they could not justify a different taxonomic label. To require any change to taxonomy, there would have to be a difference distinct enough to make them different species, or at least subspecies, and, quite simply, there is not.
Saying that Blacks, Asians, Whites, or inuits and Australian Aborigines are different races is only stating that they examples of the exact same subspecies (homo sapiens) from different habitats and/or geographical locations.
Could you please rephrase your latest comment, I do not feel comfortable approving it in its current form.
If you would like to write to me at sarahmaidofalbion@gmail.com we can discuss it
Of course, Sarah, as you wish. Perhaps I am a little too forthright. My apologies.
James, please read the link I posted above. The differences between people on this earth is more than cultural, and sometimes is greater than is believed or taught by politically-correct motivated professors. If you exchanged the populations of, say, Iceland and Haiti, would you expect Haiti to continue for long as a catastrophic rubbish tip and Iceland to continue as a first world nation? If not, why not? When you understand this, you will see that not all immigration is of equal quality.
Thank you Shaun
In appreciate your cooperation and understanding
Shaun, I agree that there may be factors that go deeper than social ones; we also have to consider history.
Swapping the populations of Iceland and Haiti probably is an interesting hypothetical. Transplanting the population of Iceland into a country with infrastructure devestated by natural disaster, disease and a deficit of marketable natural resources would probably prevent them from living as a First World nation. However, if the people within the country with influence in the First World used it for the good of the community, rather than just themselves, they could possibly get the country the aid it needed to rise to the Second World.
Conversely, the population of Haiti being transplanted to a ready made infrastructure, anda n evironment free of disease would offer a good chance for the country to sort itself out. They would suffer from a deficit of educated people, and the social instability carried over from their Third World status would remain, but should be ameliorated by the change of environment.
I don't think that it's any insult to the people of Iceland to suggest that, if they were forcibly removed from their country, treated as cattle for several centuries, had their language and culture banned and beaten out of them, and left in a social structure set up against against their own interests, as the people of Haiti and most ex-colonial slave countries have, that the Icelanders would be where the Haitians are now.
Anonymous, your history of Haiti is pretty much entirely fiction. Would you care to provide some sources or links? Otherwise it's little more than a gruesome fairy tale.
As far as I can tell, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti and http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=57588) slavery was abolished in Haiti after the French Revolution, and many Europeans and Black slaveholders fled the country before then, so that they could keep their own slaves. This was followed by a war of independence, but there does not seem to be a reliable account of the kind of atrocities you are outlining.
Are you sure there are no Icelanders in Africa? Not one emmigrant or foreign worker? Again, what do you base this on?
Africans and Europeans are constantly leaving their home countries by the millions, and millions of Europeans and Africans remain in their country. While I agree that people from the Developing World will always be more likely to move to the Developed World, defining it in terms of race is misleading and unhelpful.
Also, many immigrants return to their home country later in life.
Actually I doubt Anonymous will have much difficulty supporting his claim, the Haitian revolution was notoriously bloody. Even Wikipedia, which tends to try and sanitise these things, admits that the slaves slaughtered 4,000 whites and indulged in rape, torture and mutilation.
I have read also that they slaughtered everyone of mixed race as well, but I don't have the citation for that.
James Mathurin said...
"Anonymous, your history of Haiti is pretty much entirely fiction. Would you care to provide some sources or links? "
Richard A. Haggerty, ed. Haiti: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1989
It's not just Haiti or Africa: http://irishsavant.blogspot.com/2010/04/rudds-abo-apology.html
Pamela and Shaun,
Nice to get a decent citation, so thanks for that. Certainly looks like Haiti left everyone involved looking bad. It's certainly not as if such a reaction was unpredictable - dehumanizing people leads to them acting inhumanly, but just because the Blacks killed less White people than White people killed Black people doesn't justify their actions. It's one of the things that makes peaceful revolutions so rare.
Shaun, are you serious when you ask where the calls of racism over Mugabe are? Seriously, is there anyone now vigourously supporting Mugabe, and regarding him as anything other than a racist, homophobic, murderous tyrant? It is those qualities, rather than him being Black, which ruined Zimbabwe.
Your points about how the Icelanders would inevitably return Haiti to a paradise are surprising. Was it on purpose that you picked the majority-White country where the current global financial crisis kicked off?
Unless you're going to claim that the Icelandic bank crisis was caused by a sudden surge of non-White immigration, can you seriously claim that these people would be able to turn a Developing country into a paradise, when they have ruined the economy of their own First-World country?
Bear in mind, I am not claiming that they ruined their economy because of being White, as I really don't think that race has anything to do with that. They mismanaged their country, and these are the consequences, just as with Mugabe in Zimbabwe.
"Of course, no-one would just move whole populations like that."
Well, it would have horrible consequences for the moved population, consequences that would play out across generations, if not centuries. Just like the forcible movement of the entire Black population of Haiti. Do you not think the current state of th country might be more closely related to that, rather than the fact that they happened to have more melanin?
You also say that a gradual population change would have the same effect as a sudden one, but do you have a citation for this? Countries such as Spain have historically absorbed a high non-white population, including Muslims, yet still been a major world power. Do you know any research to the contrary?
"Going a bit off topic here, but the Muslim birth rate of 8.1 per wife is a purposeful act of colonisation being preached and spurred on by the Imams."
Again, evidence please.
I believe I have already discussed that Race, Evolution, Behaviour book on a nother comments thread. I can try to dig out my comments about it, and the problems with the research and conclusions if you wish.
The other points you make about IQ I will comment on later, as I've got rather caught up in reading the research for and against your points.
There is less mtDNA differences between dogs, wolves, and coyotes than there is between the various ethic groups of human beings, which are recognized as a single species.
Coppinger & Schneider, 1995.
Just for the record, I don't answer blasphemers.
I really shouldn't rise to the bait of this nonsense, James is probably a Communist troll. But I'll just mention this last thing, even though it's pointless going through it all because James' comments are really about continually changing the goalposts after his arguments have been answered, so, James said,
"Also, none of the African nations were "basket cases" before colonisation."
Huh? Over 2,000 years after Greece and Rome and long before Europeans arrived, and the Negroes still had no written language, no stone houses, no sea going vessels and not evenn the wheel for God's sake! Yes, having no wheel is one definition of basket case.
What James is essentially saying is that either Caucasian nations are no better than Negro nations in any sense we can agree upon, or, that if they are, it is never anything to do with race. Wheels, James, wheels within wheels. That's it. Go join the Jehovah's Witlesses, you'll be happy there and you will probably outshine most of the intellectual pygmies that populate the cult. But, in time you'll end up a dhimmi under the Sharia. Unless people like me take over. Then you can dream in peace without the threat of Sharia, but interracial marriage will be disapproved of and speaking against it will no longer be a "hate crime". There is nothing the Negro genome can offer to Caucasians that is beneficial to Caucasians, absolutely nothing. Our brainwashed youth must be legally protected from mixing their genes with Negroes. That's it, I'm finished answering questions only to have it ignored and a different question raised. You might not be a Communist Troll but you sound like one.
James. True, The berber people in N Africa are caucasians and the peoples from the horn of Africa i.e Ethiopians etc are hybirds and have roughly 40% caucasian ancestry.
Chimpanzees also share arond 96% of their DNA with humans this leaves a 4% differences. Interestingly enough northern Europeans were found to have between 3 and 4% Neanderthal DNA whereas sub Saharan Africans have none.
Does this means that northern Europeans are as genetically different to sub saharan Africans as they are to chimpanzees?
Of course not, a butterfuy is genetically 100% identical to a caterpillar, the only thing that changed was the gene frequency. So what matters most is not genetic variation per se' but gene frequency.
Alan Templeton 2003) claimed that in the nonhuman literature an FST of at least 25%-30% is a standard criterion for the identification of a subspecies. In conttradiction to this view it has been observed that autosomal FST values derived for humans are typically equal to and in some instances greater than those derived for other species acknowledged to be polytypic with respect to subspecies.
"James, you purposefully misunderstand comments when it fits you preconceived notions and deny the evidence before you."
Well, at least one of us is. ;-) The Egypt thing is a total strawman, as is the suggestion that I want us to "emulate" any Third World or Developing countries. I never suggested that countries outside of the First World were somehow equal to or better than countries in the First World, like ours.
"Because they have made their country a basket case."
And they had no help making it so? You have this almost charmingly naive view of colonialism and it's legacy. I can understand why, seeing history in that light, you blame Africans for what we did to them, but it is simply not historically accurate.
"If we assume that Muslim women are 50% of the Muslim population, and if we assume they were made pregnant by Muslim men, then that is pretty much the entire Muslim population. How on earth do you convolute your thought processes to conceive that this does not represent the majority of Muslims?"
I never argued anything even close to that. I said that the vast majority of Muslims are not the kind of insane Islamic fundamentalists that deliberately set out to 'outbreed the infidels'. I'm not pretending either that those Muslims aren't out there, but they are a lunatic fringe, equivalent to the KKK, or the Brixton Bomber.
"I bet you think the Communist takeover of Russia was a conspiracy theory?"
No, but I think that it was 80 years ago, and in the meantime the Soviets rose and spectacularly fell as a superpower, and as a threat. Even China is a capitalist superpower now, albeit a disgustingly undemocratic one, so unless you think Fidel Castro is planning to invade the UK, the communists are as big a threat as the Spanish Inquisition (I know, I know, nobosy expects the Spanish Inquisition...).
If it helps set your mind at ease, I know Communists. If they were going to take over, it would have been in the 60s. They are all now in their 80s and 90s, and while they may be angry, they are not armed, physically able, and are frankly too busy arguing amongst themselves. Do not fear them.
Anonymous, that sounds like it is basically saying that arguing about how genetically similar or disimilar any two races of humans are is a pointless exercise? If so, I could quite happilly get behind that.
The Comment facility for this thread will be closing tomorrow. It has become a magnet for classic troll "pick and challenge" attacks, which are now getting out of hand.
Anyone wishing to respond to James's latest messages, should do so by tomorrow, as no comments will be accepted after that.
So I've once again been labelled a troll, just for having an opposing point of view, and arguing my point? Sigh. At the very least, I'd like it if you could post the comments I made about my more personal reaction to the article.
I know free speech is important to you, and I hope that in the future you find the strength to allow some on here.
There is a difference between free speech and trolling. Challenging every statement in a posting and demanding that a commentator substantiate every statement and then challenging the substantiation or misrepresenting what was said is classic troll behavior.
It is designed to wear the opposition down until they give up, which enables the troll to claim victory, even though they have talked complete twaddle.
Anyway, it is all over now, this thread is now closed.
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