
Examples can be found in almost every aspect of our society and how we are required to perceive and describe them. It is, for instance, politically correct, and all but mandatory for anyone within the media, law or politics, to insist there is no difference in the rate of street level criminal offending between the races.
As in any totalitarian society it then becomes the role of the state controlled popular media to promote the approved doctrine in the propaganda beamed into the homes of the population by means of misreported news or fictional drama bearing no resemblance to reality, with the effect that, over time, the lie becomes a universally accepted truth.
Indeed, in in their eagerness to obey their orders, the media go even further and if one were to judge by the story lines and portrayals in all popular TV and celluloid drama the vast majority of all street crime, be it mugging, robbery, assault, rape or drug dealing is perpetrated by whites, whereas non-whites more commonly appear as victims or employed in law enforcement. Progressively as people lock themselves away from the frightening reality outside, the pretend world coming in through their TV screens becomes confused with the far less appealing one outside, until it becomes the new reality.
This applies even more invidiously to the constant propaganda aimed at the most vulnerable and receptive amongst us, our children. The makers of the new US TV Childrens' adventure cartoon "Dora the Explorer" brag that their Latina heroine and politically correct plots may "Change a generation". They will, of course, be changing that generation by making it believe in lies, and what else is that but propaganda?.
This form of reverse reality extends far beyond popular entertainment the tentacles of political correctness have wound themselves throughout all levels of society, especially into government, the media and of course all government funded institutions, which now suffer from what might be termed institutional political correctness. On the face of it, this may not appear too malevolent and there is a temptation to treat the zealots of political correctness with the benign amused tolerance one might grant to an eccentric maiden aunt. That is, until one realises that they are functioning on the basis of what are, in effect a series of untruths and blatant lies and that they are imposing those lies on almost every aspect of our lives.
Gradually these lies have come to dictate official policy within so many areas which directly impact upon our current well being and the very future of our nation.
The police for instance are the organisation tasked with protecting society from criminality, yet they are not permitted to acknowledge, or in many instances even address the truth of the criminality they are confronting. Instead they are required to operate as if within a parallel universe or pantomime, playing lip service to an entirely false reality.
Who can forget when following widespread public concerns about knife attacks on London teenagers, perpetrated exclusively by non-white youths, the London Metropolitan police produced a deliberately misleading public information film featuring a white boy carrying a knife.
The false reality is even more prevalent within so called “victim support” organisations, who appear to view their role as guardians of the politically correct flame as more important than the safety of those they are supposed to support.
This is not just happening in Europe, in America in the aftermath of the Duke Lacrosse case (the ultimate would be politically correct fairy tale), I recall reading commentary on a rape crisis website based in North Carolina, which made the claim that inter-racial rape was relatively rare, but when it did occur it was predominantly perpetrated by white attackers against non-white victims. I can't link to that web-page as it has since disappeared, presumably someone involved discovered a sense of shame and took it down, however, such blatant lies are commonly made by organisations who claim that their role is to protect the victims of violence.
Clearly, those running such organisations believe it is more important to protect a politically correct fantasy than it is to actually protect women from being raped.
As with the TV shows and newspaper articles full of fictional white racists, muggers and rapists and pretend non-white victims, it is, also politically correct not to notice that what is being said or what is being portrayed is factually incorrect and indeed the exact reverse of the reality all around us.
Not noticing inconvenient facts is another fundamental requirement of political correctness.
For instance almost every week another story of medical incompetence involving a doctor who has either killed a patient by giving them totally the wrong medicine, failed to notice evidence of child abuse, such as a broken back or missed the fact that a woman had a toilet brush handle in a body orifice, doctors so incompetent they could not could not diagnose their way out of a paper bag or so corrupt they have been selling the body parts of healthy Asian peasants to wealthy, usually Asian, patients, is reported in the media. However, we are supposed to pretend we haven't noticed that, to a vastly disproportionate degree, the majority of these incompetent charlatans are of third world origin.
We are also not supposed to consider it odd when qualification free Home Office Pathologist Dr Mohmed Saeed Sulema Patel is named as “Freddy Patel” by the newspapers who then go on to refer to him as “British”, or that Nigerian incompetent Daniel Ubani, who recently failed in his legal attempts to silence the family of a man he killed, is invariably called a German. (Both stories in this week's news)
We are not supposed to notice the connection between third world standards of hygiene in our hospitals and the numbers of immigrants from the third world working in them, when we visit a hospital we must pretend not to see that at least three quarters of the queue in front of us are not of British ancestry. Yet at the same time, despite case after case after case of malpractice, criminality or incompetence by immigrant medical staff, we must agree, like obedient Stepford wives, when some brainwashed idiot or state apparatchik claims our health service would collapse without immigrants.
Cults such as Islam are, of course, major beneficiaries of reverse reality, for example who can forget when the last government renamed acts of Islamic terrorism “Anti-Islamic acts”, which is rather akin to calling murder anti-death, or indeed a bunch of fascists “anti-fascists” (more of which later). Meanwhile a vast section of the Muslim community are referred to as a “tiny minority”, whilst their warlike political dogma is called a “Religion of Peace”, it would be laughable, were it not so dangerous to laugh at such things .
Likewise, we are required to believe that militant or extremist Islam does not represent the “real moderate” Islam practised by the “vast majority of peaceful Muslims”. The truth, of course, is that it is the watered down, milksop, form of Islam, followed by some of those who have come to the West in an attempt to escape the reality of Islam, which bears little or no resemblance to the real thing.
In New York, those the opposing the building of what was initially to be called the Cordoba mosque – named after the Spanish City of Cordoba, which was at the centre of the first Islamic Caliphait in Europe for over 500 years from the time it was invaded and overthrown by Muslim armies in 711 AD, until it was taken back by the Spanish in 1236 AD - at the site of the September 2001 attacks are accused of intolerance and bigotry, whereas it is in fact those who wish to impose their triumphalist monstrosity on the place where followers of their religion caused such devastation, regardless of the offence and hurt that it will cause who are really guilty of intolerance, bigotry and, I suspect of hatred too.
Political Correctness demands that the intention to build a monument to Islam, named after a great Islamic victory over Christendom at the spot where followers of Islam achieved their greatest and most bloody attack against America must be accepted as the gesture of good will its smirking proponents claim it to be. They know its a lie, we know its a lie, but that's what political correctness is all about.
It is also de rigueur amongst the ranks of the politically correct to claim that the proposed location of the Cordoba mosque is not part of Ground Zero, indeed the ludicrous Keith Olbermann recently dedicated one of his toe curlingly embarrassing soliloquies to this claim. However, if not an outright lie, to make this dubious assertion requires the application of a significant economy to the truth. In fact the two buildings at 45–47 Park Place and Broadway, which will be demolished in order to build the Cordoba (or Park 51) Mosque were damaged by part of one of the planes during the attack on the World Trade Centre, but did not fall.
It will, therefore, be necessary to destroy buildings which survived the Islamic attack on them in order to build a monument to Islam. Some would argue that the deliberate symbolism of that act is even more malevolent.
Once again, of course, it is necessary to ignore the uncomfortable facts which do not fit the lies of political correctness. For to claim as the apologists for Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind this plan, that this is a peaceful act of bridge building between Islam and the West, requires the turning of a wilfully blind ear to how it's planned construction is being described in Muslim lands.
As I stated earlier, in almost every way that it is applied, political correctness is the reverse of the truth and as such it is a lie, or more accurately a set of lies. However, it now the set of lies upon which our western societies, most of our laws and all our institutions are progressively becoming based. It is what our media report to us instead of news, it is what our politicians preach to us and use to bully us with, worse than that, it is what our schools teach our children in place of the truth.
There is some debate as to whether Churchill ever really said “In the future the true fascists will call themselves anti fascists”, but whether he did or if it was, as some claim, the prediction of the Italian Communist politician Ignazio Silone, we have unquestionably reached that future but have, in fact, gone much further. It is not only fascists which the rules of political correctness now permit to call themselves anti-fascists, as has most emphatically happened, but in so many ways what is officially described as one thing is in fact the diametric opposite of what it calls itself.
The drive to impose a homogenised mono-culture across the Western world is perversely described as multiculturalism. Our leaders claim to be the champions of diversity, but its policies and aims are entirely the opposite and, in fact, the state will crush any dissent or divergence from the imposed orthodoxy.
This is the age of the universally accepted lie. In this age, white males must, as if by diktat, be condemned as the main perpetrators of racial violence, whereas in truth they are its primary victims. The guilt for slavery must be laid exclusively at the feet of white Europe, however, in terms of world history, our involvement was briefer and certainly less cruel (King Leopold of Belgium notwithstanding) than any other race other than possibly Australian aborigines, Inuits and Melanesians. Meanwhile it was we, of European ancestry, and we alone, who ended slavery, yet now to state that truth is to be accused of hate.
Ah yes, “hate” what does that mean? Hate, in the new world, now means things which it never did before.
Love, if it is not the approved form of love is now ruled to be hatred. To be guilty of hate it is no longer necessary to bear ill will towards any other group, it is required only to love the wrong things, to love one's country, to love one's people, one's race or one's heritage has been redefined as hatred and reviled.
Within this bizarre, false dishonest world which has formed around us, lies are revered and wildly applauded, yet it is entirely possible to be prosecuted for no more than telling the truth.
At the heart of this madness, at the root of the perversion of all that is true is political correctness. To live by the rules of political correctness is to live a lie, for it exists only to distort, suppress and destroy the truth. Those who dismiss political correctness as harmless or benign eccentricity are fools and are doomed.
Our overlords impose the creed of political correctness upon us in order to achieve a political goal which they have never, and will never, dare to let us vote for. It is the blade on the wheels of the chariot leading the invading army, and its purpose is to cut down all opposition and neuter all resistance so that its masters' aims can be achieved.
When the people believe a lie then the liars can succeed, when they can be made to confuse good with evil and evil with good, it is then that evil can triumph, which I fear it almost has done.
A lie is at its most dangerous either when it is falsely cloaked as kindness or when it is so entrenched you can make men fear to disbelieve it, and that is the aim of political correctness. It ranks among the most malign of political weapons ever to be devised by evil men and it is being ruthlessly used against us.
If we do not wake up to the truth of political correctness, then the lies of political correctness will destroy us all, for that is what they are designed to do.
Excellent post, Sarah!! Thank you so much!
It was in the late 1970s when I first began to hear of this strange thing called "political correctness." It took me a long time to understand what it was, what was going on.
I thought it was a fad that would pass. Initially it seemed like something that affected primarily the East Coast of the US, all the Ivy League schools, etc., and that really did not concern me too much. I could not imagine how reasonably intelligent, free people would put up with the constant self-censorship, so I was confident it would not last. It was simply too stupid. But I was clearly wrong; it did last and spread, despite my best efforts to tell people this is absurd. I did not reckon on the fact that it was of marxist inspiration.
In fact there is evidence that both Melanesians and Polynesians took slaves from other Islands. There is also evidence Aboriginal tribes enslaved each other in very much the same way African tribes did (and still do in places like Niger).
All the groups I mention, of course, committed acts of cannibalism against those they captured. Modern cannibalism by both Aborigines and Africans is the big secret nobody mentions, although I think Pacific islanders have now given it up.
Excellent piece. Brava.
But unlike the anonymous Newsmaxer, I went beyond simply pointing out that the morgue figures showed that blacks hadn’t disproportionately died following Katrina, but that whites had, and that the only credible explanation, based on what was known about the anarchy at the time, was that racist blacks were hunting them down and slaughtering them, just as they had sought to slaughter white rescue workers.
Given that supposedly only 10 percent or less of the people left in town were white, and over forty percent of the dead were white, whites were dying at over four times their proportion. And that doesnt even take into consideration that whites were reportedly concentrated in “safer” places. Thus, I am convinced that blacks were on search-and-destroy missions, hunting down and murdering whites.”
After the Louisiana death figures were released, the mainstream media suppressed the story of the issue of the proportion of whites who met their end in New Orleans, and suppressed reporting on pre-Katrina criminality, while uncritically reporting scurrilous black charges of anti-black genocide.
I see you mention the "Baby P" case. The dr was from 3rd world but the monsters that hurt him were white!
Thank you for curing me of my obsession with reading this blog. At first I thought it was different and had glimmers of original thought or intelligence. Then I read more and more posts and thought hmmm maybe not. Then I read this thread and went WOW. You are the one who is deluded. Good luck with living in our better multicultural world.
@ Anonymous 03:03
And your point is? the killers of Victoria Climbie were black, so were those who starved Khyra Isaq to death and, almost certainly those who dismembered unidentified baby Adam.
I am not talking about child abusers, although, if I was I would reveal facts you wouldn't like.
I am talking about professional third world doctors paid for by the tax payers and, we are constantly told are saving the health service.
@ Anonymous 03:07
Goodbye, I take it you have difficulty coping with the truth
@ Vanishing American
Thank you, from you I consider that high praise.
@ Robert
Thanks that is very interesting I shall use it is a posting about Hurricane Katrina
It is also di riguer amongst the ranks of the mentally hanidcapped to continually engage in ludicrous and toe curling solloquies that make such dubious claims without any significant economy to the truth.
It is also di riguer for ignorant seminarians to try and inject as much needlessly awkward and highly contextualized terminology learned in seminary as is possible in the hopes that the false semblance of intelligence will somehow validate a completely irrational position. You forgot words like soteriology, pneumatology and heilsgeschichte...
Thanks Anonymous 03:52 I am aware that I am a regular target for ridicule on "Fundies say the Darndest Things" www.fstct.net although how they can consider me a "Religious fundamentalist" I really can't imagine.
I would have more respect for them if they had the courage to address the real threat of fundamentalism rather than picking on safe targets.
This posting seems to have hit a nerve, I have received some very nasty personal attacks over it.
It goes with the teritory
Hi Anonymous 22:11 I bet you felt really clever after writing that! Bless! :-)
I can not really be said that the buildings "survived" 9/11 though. They were damaged, yes, by the attacks but have sat in disrepair and disuse ever since. To be frank, almost anyone who wanted to use the space would need to knock them down, especially if they were doing something ambitious (which is what that area needs).
Likewise, the Muslims behind the Mosque/Community Center are of the Sufi sect. Those who attacked the United States were, to my knowledge, of the Sunni sect. Blaming them for the attacks would be like blaming a Lutheran pastor for the Catholic sex abuse cover up.
Finally, and I know you're from the United Kingdom so I cut you some slack for not knowing this, but political correctness or not there is absolutely no legal way for the government or any one else to prevent this structure's existence. Freedom means the right to be unpopular, and boy howdy are the Park51 sponsors basking in freedom's glory right now.
As a final aside in this already too long comment, FSTDT is focused on fundamentalists of all stripe not just the religious, including political fundies and extreme nationalists.
Hi Norris
I am not sure that Islam makes much of a distinction between Catholics and Lutherans, or that there is much difference between Sunni and Sufi Muslims in terms of their obligations in respect of Jihad.
You are also ignoring the fact going back as far as the 8th Century it is an Islamic tradition to build Mosques at the locations of their victories over other religions. Those proposing this building must be aware of the symbolism of what they are doing.
As to the area of Manhattan damaged by the 09/11 attack most of it remains in a state of "disrepair" albeit some more extreme than others so the same argument cold apply to any part of that area.
It remains a fact that buildings which withstood the attack and could have been repaired will be demolished in order to build a structure celebrating the faith of the attackers.
As to FSTDT, you have obviously missed the fact that I have written in favour of gay rights and Israel and against anti-Semitism otherwise you are applying the term "fundamentalist" somewhat broadly.
I support nothing which would have been considered extreme by our grandparents generation, and a lot which they would have viewed as Liberal.
However, I guess it is more comfortable for you to categorise me.
Yeah, quick heads up: Its not your grandparents generation anymore. Do come and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.
Hi Warren
I am very firmly located in the 21st Century, however, unlike you I don't lie there smugly sucking on the tit of the new orthodoxy and convinced of my own righteousness
You may think that the generation which brought us global warming, the extinction of the world's species at a rate up to 1,000 times greater than that seen by any previous generation and has brought the world economy to the brink of bankruptcy has got everything right. However, I am not entirely convinced you are right.
Aborigines don't eat people now and they never did. Silly Yanks
An Australian
Hi Australian
There are numerous accounts of cannibalism amongst Aborigines, usually involving infanticide, I do not know how true they are, however, it is true that after Africa cannibalism was most prevalent amongst aboriginal people in the South And West Pacific region.
Certainly there are numerous records of cannibalism in New Guinea, and of course it was widely practiced Pacific Islanders, such as the Fijians.
So it was certainly going on in your part of the world, although it is not politically correct to admit it these days.
I agree that Political Correctness tends to blind us from the truth. Political correctness itself is a racist/sexist/homophobic system. It serves to say “Everyone in this box has clear distinctive traits that it’s wrong to make fun of.”
The system of political correctness is designed to create a victim mentality.
I myself am from a race of people which has suffered multiple attempts at genocide. You’d never guess who we are.
Seriously, try. (Hint: You think we’re ‘white.’)
And that brings me to our rather significant disagreements.
Let me quote you here, you’ve said:
“Likewise, we are required to believe that militant or extremist Islam does not represent the “real moderate” Islam practised by the “vast majority of peaceful Muslims”. The truth, of course, is that it is the watered down, milksop, form of Islam, followed by some of those who have come to the West in an attempt to escape the reality of Islam, which bears little or no resemblance to the real thing.”
I’m a Christian. A Methodist. I believe in the teaching of Charles Wesley. There are “Christians” here in the US whose views I find so absolutely repugnant that I would spend a lifetime fighting against them.
I probably will.
To say that they, the christian identity cults, the anti abortion groups that shoot people and blow up buildings, represent me is laughable. I hate these people, and again, fight them at every turn.
To say that I am less extreme or from some watered down sect is also laughable. I have torn down statues, smashed windows on buildings, and taken fire (in the form of rubber bullets) from Miami police officers, all during instances of active, direct resistance to the evils done by the American Government in my name, and to the farcical history that certain parts of America try to celebrate.
But I follow the example of Christ chasing the moneychangers from the temple: Sound and Fury, destruction of property, but never harm to another person.
I support movements like plowshares.
I know for a fact that christianity is varied and diverse and that in the United States there is a war within christianity for the future of my country.
Why is it impossible that there is such a war within Islam? How is it that muslims are all the same? How is it that the muslims who don’t blow things up, and instead are targets of terrorism are practicing watered down islam? Why do you argue that the diversity which exists within christianity cannot exist within islam?
On a rather minor point: While you make quite a noise about the race of the NHS doctors in question, isn’t the problem that they’re NHS doctors, rather than doctors in a better healthcare system? American Healthcare is lagging behind France, Germany, and Japan, and has been for some time now, but the British system is horrific even in comparison to ours.
I have cousins who live in Britain and are British citizens. One of them married a Russian, and chose to have a significant medical operation in Russia because he didn’t want to deal with the NHS!
Thanks for your time, I look forward to your response.
I agree that Political Correctness tends to blind us from the truth. Political correctness itself is a racist/sexist/homophobic system. It serves to say “Everyone in this box has clear distinctive traits that it’s wrong to make fun of.”
The system of political correctness is designed to create a victim mentality.
I myself am from a race of people which has suffered multiple attempts at genocide. You’d never guess who we are.
Seriously, try. (Hint: You think we’re ‘white.’)
And that brings me to our rather significant disagreements.
Let me quote you here, you’ve said:
“Likewise, we are required to believe that militant or extremist Islam does not represent the “real moderate” Islam practised by the “vast majority of peaceful Muslims”. The truth, of course, is that it is the watered down, milksop, form of Islam, followed by some of those who have come to the West in an attempt to escape the reality of Islam, which bears little or no resemblance to the real thing.”
I’m a Christian. A Methodist. I believe in the teaching of Charles Wesley. There are “Christians” here in the US whose views I find so absolutely repugnant that I would spend a lifetime fighting against them.
I probably will.
To say that they, the christian identity cults, the anti abortion groups that shoot people and blow up buildings, represent me is laughable. I hate these people, and again, fight them at every turn.
To say that I am less extreme or from some watered down sect is also laughable. I have torn down statues, smashed windows on buildings, and taken fire (in the form of rubber bullets) from Miami police officers, all during instances of active, direct resistance to the evils done by the American Government in my name, and to the farcical history that certain parts of America try to celebrate.
But I follow the example of Christ chasing the moneychangers from the temple: Sound and Fury, destruction of property, but never harm to another person.
I support movements like plowshares.
I know for a fact that christianity is varied and diverse and that in the United States there is a war within christianity for the future of my country.
Why is it impossible that there is such a war within Islam? How is it that muslims are all the same? How is it that the muslims who don’t blow things up, and instead are targets of terrorism are practicing watered down islam? Why do you argue that the diversity which exists within christianity cannot exist within islam?
On a rather minor point: While you make quite a noise about the race of the NHS doctors in question, isn’t the problem that they’re NHS doctors, rather than doctors in a better healthcare system? American Healthcare is lagging behind France, Germany, and Japan, and has been for some time now, but the British system is horrific even in comparison to ours.
I have cousins who live in Britain and are British citizens. One of them married a Russian, and chose to have a significant medical operation in Russia because he didn’t want to deal with the NHS!
Hi Quiet Reckoning
Thanks for your interesting posting. I agree we are all different but, in other ways members particular ethnic and religious groups can be very similar, there are cultural attitudes and modes of behaviour which are innate and deeply ingrained within the group.
Did you know that in the last 30 days, the period of Ramadan, there have been a total of 226 Islamic terrorist attacks, resulting in 1.028 deaths worldwide. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think we have seen a similar number of dead abortionists in the same period (or indeed in the last 100 years)
I don't think anybody is suggesting that white people or Christians never commit horrid acts, however, there is an issue of proportionality against which I do not believe any honest person can argue.
"I would have more respect for them if they had the courage to address the real threat of fundamentalism rather than picking on safe targets."
Well, you're quite welcome to submits quotes yourself if you think they're deserving.
I would submit this, http://sarahmaidofalbion.blogspot.com/2010/09/eu-speak-orwellian-road-to-hell.html
but I doubt you guys would recognise the real fundi!! :-)
The concern with Vassiliou's letter seems more to be what she didn't say than what she did say. "Fundies spend four paragraphs dodging the question" ain't going to cut it as a website
The eating of human flesh was not practised by the Australian native to the extent that it was by the South Sea Islander. The term ‘cannibalism’ is usually taken to mean gorging on human flesh, and with relish; and that seems a valid description of the cannibalism of the Melanesian indigènes of New Caledonia, who appear to have regarded man-meat much as we regard the Sunday-joint. Not all cannibalism is the same in purpose.
In hard summers, the new-born children were all eaten by the Kaura tribe in the neighbourhood of Adelaide, according to Dr McKinley. In 1933 I was able to talk to old men who had eaten human flesh. The chief of Yam Island described to me how he had eaten finely-chopped man-meat mixed with crocodile-meat, at his initiation. He added that it had made him sick. The purpose, as he put it, was ‘to make heart come strong inside.’
In the Wotjobaluk tribe, a couple who already had a child might kill their new-born and feed its muscle-flesh to the other one to make it strong. The baby was killed ritually, by striking its head against the shoulder of its elder brother or sister.
Human flesh-eating among many tribes was a sign of respect for the dead. At a Dieri burial, relatives received, in strict order of precedence, small portions of the body-fat to eat. ‘We eat him,’ a tribesman said, ‘because we knew him and were fond of him.’ But revenge cannibalism is typified in the custom of the Ngarigo tribe, who ate the flesh of the hands and feet of slain enemies, and accompanied the eating with loud expressions of contempt for the people killed.
Colin Simpson, Adam in Ochre, Angus & Robertson, 1938
Available on google books.
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