Team GB - Medal winners
Apart from the opening and, almost as ghastly, closing ceremonies, which, unlike the contests themselves, were under the complete control of the media and a tiny left wing elite and were therefore more of the same mind numbing propaganda which now passes for entertainment in this country, it would be difficult to argue that the 2012 Olympic games was not a tremendous success for Britain. At least it was a success in terms of the performance of our athletes and the behaviour of the British public.
One can not compare the 1908 games when we last won as many medals, but only 28 nations participated, with the games which have just taken place, hence it is fair to state that Britain has just had it’s most successful Olympics of all times.
However, the success has not been in the form which the establishment would have us believe. According to the opening and closing raves, the media narrative and most politically correct politicians, the Olympics was a triumph for multiculturalism. However, a true analysis of what actually happened, and, of course, of the medals table itself, tells a very different story, and one which must have been quite infuriating for those attempting to promote the official line.
Of our tally of 29 gold medals four were shared between three black athletes and one further gold went to Jessica Ennis, girl of mixed race origins. By far the vast majority of “Team GB” medal winners, at gold and all other levels, were, as a BBC executive would no doubt describe them “hideously white”
As was to be expected, despite making up less than 14% of the winners, black athletes received at least 40% of the TV coverage and were represented in a significantly higher percentage in the opening and closing graphics accompanying any sports show during the games. However, irrespective of how the media tried to play it, the split between the elitist fairy tale and reality has seldom been so marked.
Indeed, the multicultural fantasy did not only fail in terms the medal count, the myth that “we are all the same” was exposed as the lie it is in the events which took place.
Black athletes featured strongly, albeit not exclusively in the boxing ring and on the track where they held preeminent positions in most activities involving running, but were completely non existent from virtually all other sports. Where were the black swimmers, divers, cyclists, rowers, sailors, tennis players, riders and shooters? In the British team there were none.
It one were to remove the runners, boxers and the little Tiquando chap who was selected instead of the world champion on account of his colour, out of the equation then the medal winners would resemble slightly younger versions of the overwhelmingly white space scientists who recently landed the explorer Curiosity on Mars, except that there were a few Orientals among the scientists.
We are different, we excel in different things, we fail in different things, we are not the same, and the Olympic games showed it. It also became clear that we think differently and we want different things
It was not just amongst the athletes where the difference was on display, as was clear in the make up of the crowds at particular events and confirmed when spectators were interviewed white within the crowd were there to cheer on everyone, or so they said, whereas blacks made no bones of the fact they were there to cheer on black athletes. (few ‘British Asians’ seemed to have turned up, at least not to watch the British team) Behind the microphones, white commentators spoke of diversity and inclusion, while black commentators stressed the achievements of black athletes. Channel Four sports reporter Keme Nzerum, even went so far as to suggest that Britain had done so well largely because other sportsmen and women had “been inspired by the success of Mohammed (Mo) Farah and Jessica Ennis”, despite the fact that a significant number of medals had been won before either of then entered the fray.
It would be churlish not to acknowledge the likable “Mo” Farah’s achievement in winning two gold medals, he did himself and his native Somalia, where I understand his progress was being avidly followed, proud. However, it cannot be denied, that people of his ethnic back ground and place of origin are genetically advantaged in terms of running abilities. For that very reason alone, to include him in the British team and view his success as a “British triumph” is in itself a form of cheating. You might as well put a greyhound in a Labrador race, and call it a fast Labrador. He’s not British, he’s Somali and both his victory and medal should have been awarded to Somalia.
Not everyone fell for the attempts to sell “Mo” as national hero, it must have really galled the assembled ranks of opinion formers to discover that considerably more people tuned in to watch the wonderful Tim Daley’s life reaffirming delight at winning a diving bronze than watched Mo Farah win either of his gold medals.
It was Tom, the incredible triathlon winning Brownlee brothers, and, of course Bradley (Wiggo) Wiggins, despite his Australian, father who really made most of the nations heart swell with the patriotic pride, so disdained by the Chairman of the BBC.
Contrary to the spin which the establishment are, and will continue to put on the 2012 London Olympics, the truth is that it was not a triumph for the multicultural dream, but an event which exposed racial differences in very stark relief.