Monday 19 March 2012

Mike Smith's New Home

The new Mike Smith's Political Commentary can be found by clicking here

Note to Mike:  You are an important and talented writer who's voice needs to be heard.  However, I recommend that you reconsider the wisdom of some of your most recent articles, which, I suspect, may have given your enemies the ammunition they needed in order to get your other site closed down.

Given the importance of our message it is important that we do not compromise our writing with lurid sensationalism, which does not advance what we are trying to achieve but merely provides those who hate us with the weapons they can, and do, use to defeat us.   


  1. Mike is a very important commentator on what is happening in South Africa.In fact he is almost the last one still standing after the demise of so many others who were involved in South Africa Sucks.It is vitally important he keeps his Blog alive and brings the truth to the outside World.

  2. Yes Mike is a valiant soldier.-Boerseun.Z.A.R

  3. keep it up mike

  4. It's up to all of us South Africans who want a peaceful and productive country to support and stand by Mike Smith. He exposes the lie that 'all is well' in the current, fast-deteriorating South Africa.
    The destructive African National Congress, with its endemic corruption, incompetent political appointees, greed and mismanagement, has no interest in the efficient running of the country. Their sole aim is to enrich themselves.
    We want the world to be fully aware of the appalling and barbaric crime levels under which South Africans are forced to endure surviving. The White farming community, which feeds the nation, is deliberately being targeted- they are regularly attacked, tortured, raped and/or murdered. Surely civilized global nations should by now be questioning this ongoing, years-long persecution?
    Jacob Zuma, the ANC President, sang 'Kill the Boers' (white farmers) at the ANC's Centenary celebrations in Bloemfontein in Jan 2012.
    I would like to see a white President in this world sing about killing blacks and getting away with it.
    Decent South Africans WILL NOT STOP exposing what the ANC is doing in South Africa. We're aware that the mostly leftwing-controlled media will keep silent but the global eye-opening is certainly on the increase.

  5. Thank you, Sarah. Mike can indeed be outrageous - but not nearly as outrageous as the issues he covers.

  6. 1000, 100000, 100000000 Mike Smith!

    Slowly but surely the truth about the new south Africa is coming out but there are still too many people who don't want to or just struggle to believe what is happening in the south African hellhole even if they are provided with the evidence. The overseas MSM's propaganda has done a great job in demonizing apartheid and White South Africans in general. There is still a lot of ignorance and misconceptions about the apartheid years but more astounding is the hypocrisy and the shameless deception of the liberal brigade.

    Long live Mike

  7. Thanks Sarah for telling us where to find MSpolitical Commentary.

    My despair was not long !


    - Arturo

  8. @VW

    To your criticism of the liberals we can also add cowardice and denial.

    By now there is ample evidence to prove that their campaign went to far.

    Yes, end the discriminatory legislation by all means but hand the country over on a western one man one vote system to people who have never created such a society anywhere in the world, and then expect them to manage it efficiently can only be described as stupidity of the highest order. And this in the face of overwhelming evidence from the rest of Africa's track record.

    It is very easy to criticise from a distance and then keep your head down when the disaster you have created manifests itself.

    After living in the UK for some time now I still encounter people who do not grasp the differences, nuances and detail of Africa and simply think it is another Europe where people just have black skins.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if converted liberals started appearing on this site and confessed:
    "we got it wrong"

    Sadly, I don't think we will ever see that happen.
    Just visit American Rennaisance and read the comments the conservatives have there in dealing with bigoted and denialist liberals.

  9. Mike, jy is my Hero - ek koop vir jou n bier Boet.

  10. Hi Mike, yr comments are appreciated, unless we stand together against the overwhelming tide enveloping Africa our time is over. The latest idiocy is the fiasco at the SACAA who appoint unqualified so called inspectors to harras the white crew members at SAL. These idiots cannot and will never pass the stringest ICAO regulations as pilots or inspectors or instructors unless the standards are compromised. Aircraft does not accept ot forgive idiotic actions. The result of this will be the banning of SAL aircraft from International airspace.

  11. Hi Sarah. I had access to Mike's blog, but now all of a sudden you need to be invited. How do I get invited? Regards Louis

  12. Mike's blog is no longer open to the public. I read it every day and find it very informative. Any idea what's going on? Why is it now by invitation only?

  13. I have the same question as Anon @ 08:03: we don't want to loose contact with Mike Smith - he is of paramount importance to us.
    Please keep us informed. Thank you in anticipation!

  14. Hi Sarah, I too get a message saying I need an invitation to access the blog. Any help contacting him for an invitation would be greatly appreciated. I love Mike's blog. He's a straightfoward, in-your-face guy and has the guts to say what the majority is too scared to say. Please help.

    Regards, Renata

  15. hey whats happened to mikes blog, cant see it, need to be invited, dont want the social cops to have email, what has happened mike should just set up his own blog

  16. how do i get invited??

  17. Hey,does anyone know what has happened to Mike Smith ?

  18. Mikes Bolg is once again removed??


  19. Looks like it. Trying to find where he is going to make a new home. Hope he is back soon.

  20. I cannot get on to the Mike Smith blog, the message is "This blog is open to invited readers only

    It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.". Anyone has any ideas?

  21. What happened to Mike Smith's blog? I'm assuming it was deleted once again?

  22. so how the hell does one get an invitation to mike smith's political commentary blog?

  23. 25 September 2012: Mike Smith's blog has once again been removed.

    Blogger asks you for a Google Account password but then indicates that you have to be invited to read his blog.

    It appears that freedom of expression and right of access to information are not rights we enjoy in SA.

    If someone knows the URL of Mike's blog - please let us know.

  24. Are you still on the go I also want to know where to vist Mike Smith

  25. I am afraid I have no current information on Mike Smith, and I have not been in contact with him for over a year. Unfortunately his site has been off line for quite some time.
