Tuesday 20 March 2012

French Police seek al-Quada linked Jihadist over "racist" shootings

The media will be so pleased!! NEWS STORY


  1. It seems the people running France are as big a bunch of fairies as running this country.


  2. There isn't a word in the English language to describe the disappointment the BBC feel because the suspect was not the "right" race.

  3. Looks like the gutter rags Mirror and Mail have both been caught playing lets make-it-up-as-we-go-along-to-fit-the-agenda with their "neo-nazis did it" fairytale. Never miss a chance to put the boot into the "far-right" eh guys? Anything is grist to your lying propaganda mill - "ends justifies the means" and all that. YOU LYING FILTH!

    BTW. Has anyone noticed how the "Right Wing" Daily Mail and the "Left Wing" Daily Mirror run the same stories?

  4. I love the fact that every news channel was hoping that it was a white guy!

    Shows us where their loyalty lies!

  5. Diversity did it.
