Sunday 26 February 2012

South African Farm Murders Continue

Although the year is still young, at least eight South African farmers have so far been murdered in 2012, I say "at least" as these cases are not always widely reported, or reported as what they are.

The latest killing was of 48 year old dairy farmer David Hall on February 19th, in respect of which, I am grateful to HC for the following translation from a report in the Afrikaner language Volksblad.  



Five intruders overpowered a dairy farmer and his wife on the morning of February 19th whilst they were milking their cows, shooting and killing the farmer.

After the robbers had fled, the couple's dog Caesar, managed to loosen the cord which had been used to tie up the farmer's wife's feet.

Mrs. Bernadette Hall (44) then ran to her husband, David (48) lying in the grass meters from the dairy.  '"He just lay there quietly" a very traumatised Mrs. Hall explained Her husband was attacked and shot in the chest.

The Halls were milking cows at approximately 6:00 when Mrs. Hall saw the men walking across the maize field.  She shouted to her husband that they were coming and had a firearm.  David went outside but the dogs prevented her from going out.  Shortly after that she heard two shots.  The attackers then forced her to the farmhouse a distance away from the dairy.  She hit them with a pipe and her fist.  She was hit with a panga, gun and pipe over the head and body.  One finger needed stitches after she tried to field off the panga.  "They wanted money and guns.  I gave them change and our purses and opened the safe."

The robbers, however, took nothing but fled with the couple's Nissan Almera after tieing Mrs. Hall up in the garage.

After Caesar freed her, she first ran to her husband's body and then called for help on the radio.  Other farmers and police were quickly on the scene.  One farmer said Mrs. Hall was "beside herself".
 Family members

Mr. Hall's elderly mother, Joan, and other family members yesterday comforted each other whilst Mr. Hall's body was removed .

"We cannot describe how we feel, it was so unnecessary", Mr. Peter Hall, brother of the murdered farmer, said.  "David used to put food on people's tables and now he has been murdered."

The Halls' two sons and their mother will now continue farming alone.  "The farm was my father's dream and passion", Mr. Bradley Hall (23) said.

The Halls' Almera was found several hours after the murder in the Kokosi township near Fochville, Capt. Mvula Chaka, police spokesperson said.  At time of going to press no-one had been taken into custody.

Mr. Chris Hatting, DA leader in the North West, said yesterday that more than half of the farm murders which have taken place so far this year in South Africa, were in the North West.  "There is a a huge void in rural safety".

In addition to the other farm murders reported here in January, the following farmers were killed earlier this year:
66 year old  farmer Frans van Biljon, was murdered while driving between Bronkhorstspruit and Pretoria, he was forced off road, and stabbed 8 times
Avondale farmer Koos Bisschoff, 71, asbestosis sufferer, dies after brutal head-beating by five armed black men
Victim's daughter
Frans van der Linden, 57 was attacked on a small holding he was staying at. Beaten and twice shot by robbers at around 3am, who fled with a purse, cellphone and two watches. His daughter was about to be married

Michael Stenger, 30 was attacked and killed by four intruders at his small holding on the 22 of January



  2. Anonymous.....that website is just wrong and sad. I'm with you, other Anonymous (from Zimbabwe)...peace among everyone.
