Monday 27 February 2012

Our lost nation and the end of an era

By Mike Wilson

I grieve from a distance for the death of my native country, England. The country that was at the heart of Western Europe during two thousand years of slow secure growth, resulting in a free and democratic society that was the envy of most of Europe.

The country that gave rise to democratic government that has been copied by every other civilized nation. The country that championed free speech and the freedom of the individual. The country that instilled the love of family and family values. The country that tried to educate and foster knowledge in third world bastions of indifference where speed breeding and poverty were and still are the norm. The country where the love of one’s fellow man has led to its own inescapable ruin.

The German philosopher Nietzsche had said in so many words that the Christian ethic of allowing the meek to inherit the earth would in the end undermine the very fabric of society and ultimately bring about its downfall.

We see now that he was so right yet at the time people were unable to comprehend his argument. Another person who was vilified for professing a similar argument albeit on slightly different lines was Enoch Powell and how right was he?

How have we come to this point in time where every freedom we used to take for granted is now questioned and overturned by an authority that is set to deny us that very freedom for which our fathers and forefathers fought and laid down their lives.

There are several reasons, most of them are interlinked in some way and all have been exposed over time yet none of them have been rallied against, fought against, argued against but all have simply been meekly accepted by the population with absolutely stunning apathy and everyone has been led meekly to the slaughter by the men in white coats.
What are these reasons? Well let’s list some of them:-

1. New World Order.
2. Political Correctness.
3. European Union.

These are the three major areas although there are some sub groups that promote too much hostility to comment on at this point.
So let’s look at the New World Order.

This name seems to have started as a post- Cold War scenario in a speech given by George H W Bush to congress in 1990.

He was pushing for an international government to be run by the United Nations. The UN originated out of work done by the Council on Foreign Relations of which Bush was a member. The vision of the UN founders is clearly globalist. It advocates a shift in sovereignty from the state to the international level thereby doing away with nation states. It seeks to have increased authority, security, and judicial powers of an international body with enhanced social and economic interdependence and some significant level of military disarmament of the nation states.

You will all be aware of just how far this has come since this UN plan was put together by the Council on Foreign Relations.

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." - James Warburg (Rothschild Banking Agent 1950)

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." - Carroll Quigley, Professor of History Georgetown University, in his book "Tragedy and Hope".
"The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberg Group have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years." - Dr. Johannes Koeppl (Former official of the German Ministry for Defence and advisor to NATO)

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax exempt foundation (i.e. Rockefeller), and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labour, military, education, and mass communication media, that it should be familiar to every person concerned with good government and with preserving and defending our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation's right-to-know machinery, the news media; usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people,  remain silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the US from a sovereign Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship." - Congressman John R. Rarick
The above quotes show that a New World Order is a reality and that the world has changed forever.

More quotes:

It appears that a vampire-like clique directs the world. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form of social control and the mass media/ education are systems for indoctrination.

Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God's image and has an obligation to lift himself to a higher level of truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists have no use for this and want to define reality to suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is just a fancy animal without a divine soul. Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals of any kind. Instead, we are fed an endless diet of trivia and degradation.

So now you know why things are as they are on the world scene and why our situation in England has changed so irrevocably over the last 20 years.

But what about closer to home, what about so called racial intolerance, freedom of speech, overzealous policing, black gangs, raping of white women, mass immigration, free housing for ethnics at the expense of the indigenous population and so on? 

So now we need to look at political correctness.
The was originally viewed as something of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.
If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. It is an effort that goes back not to the 1960s and the hippies and the peace movement, but back to World War I. If we compare the basic tenets of Political Correctness with classical Marxism the parallels are very obvious.

First of all, both are totalitarian ideologies. The totalitarian nature of Political Correctness is revealed nowhere more clearly than on college campuses, many of which at this point are small ivy covered North Koreas, where the student or faculty member who dares to cross any of the lines set up by the gender feminist or the homosexual-rights activists, or the local black or Hispanic group, or any of the other sainted “victims” groups that PC revolves around, face formal charges – some star-chamber proceeding – and punishment. That is a little look into the future that Political Correctness intends for the nation as a whole. The fact of the matter is that Political Correctness has a history, a history that is much longer than many people are aware of outside a small group of academics who have studied this. And the history goes back, as I said, to World War I, as do so many of the pathologies that are today bringing our society, and indeed our culture, down.

In 1923 in Germany, a think-tank is established that takes on the role of translating Marxism from economic into cultural terms , that creates Political Correctness as we know it today, and essentially it has created the basis for it by the end of the 1930s.

Britain today is in the throes of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state. In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts. And the Parliament is now moving to expand that category ever further. Affirmative action is part of it. The terror against anyone who dissents from Political Correctness on campus is part of it. It’s exactly what we have seen happen in Russia, in Germany, in Italy, in China, and now it’s coming here. And we don’t recognize it because we call it Political Correctness and laugh it off. My message today is that it’s not funny, it’s here, it’s growing and it will eventually destroy, as it seeks to destroy, everything that we have ever defined as our freedom and our culture.

The Frankfurt school recommended (amongst other things):

1. the creation of racism offences
2. continual change to create confusion
3. the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. the undermining of schools and teachers' authority
5. huge immigration to destroy national identity
6. the promotion of excessive drinking
7. emptying the churches
8. an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of crime
9. dependency on the state or state benefits
10. control and dumbing down of media
11. encouraging the breakdown of the family

Sound all too familiar? Yes - Great Britain 1997 onwards......

(The above excerpts taken from a speech by Bill Lind in February 2000.)

Finally what has the European Union got to do with any of this?

Well, if you think about it the union is simply an extension of the New World order taking its lead from the controllers who manage world affairs. They set up Europe for total control by the commission in Brussels and the commission themselves are controlled in the process.

The European Union is not about cooperation for protecting the best interests of Europeans; it is about turning the entire continent into a Multicultural theme park while the natives get culturally  deconstructed and demographically crushed. The EU is a large-scale social experiment conducted on hundreds of millions of people. It is not about economics of scale, it is about stupidity of scale. The EU system corrupts virtually everybody who comes close to it. It cannot be reformed, it can only be dismantled.

Unfortunately, for our late Great Britain the time has gone when such a dismantling could have occurred.

Now we of the older generation can only look on in dismay as the indoctrination of the younger generation spreads its insidious web throughout the whole of society. The government will only be able to rest easily once we have all gone and the people who take our place will have no knowledge of our glorious past only their own history formed of pre-digested facts fed to them by their masters.

So I can still grieve for what was and what has been lost, but the grief is only mine – and once I am gone and those of my generation who will remember the great nation that we used to be?


  1. I think that the dream and the reality of the 'one world order' is miles apart. By this I mean that the destruction of the order we have through political correctness multi culturism and mass immigration isnt making a world where one government can survive.

    We are seeing the development of small tribal areas which are destroying the majority racial groups identity and culture, however this destruction will cause those of that community to eventually band together.

    Division and diversity by its very nature cannot be governed by a single group.

    What i believe will happen is that todays west will become tomorrows India, or Africa etc where a small ruling elite makes all the money whilst using the people as slave labour.
    Mass immigration and division is a means to destroy the capitalist process we have in the west, of pay good wages and the money circulates through supply and demand.

    I think those in power wish to change our economic system to one that we see in failed nation countries, with two groups those with all the money and those with none.

    Do we see revolution in India or Africa no, and the ruling class think that we will be so busy fighting each other they can bring in their economic change without major protest.

  2. Mike,
    of course anyone of the right age, and with enough understanding of what is happening will agree.
    As to who will remember?
    Well; I tell my children, and show them what our real heritage is. They don't laugh or snigger, they learn, and they are as appalled as we are. They see through the attempts to indoctrinate them with Marxist fairy tales. They are not alone. Not all of the younger generation are as stupid as they are portrayed.
    There IS hope.


  3. Pre-multicultural England:

    "England swings like a pendulum do,
    Bobbies on bicycles two by two,
    Westminster Abbey, the tower Big Ben,
    The rosy red cheeks of the little children".

    From the song England Swings by Roger Miller - 1965

  4. Andy that is just where so many people make the mistake.

    When people are in such chaos its exactly then when they will take any help they can get, problem is those responsible for the chaos will be the ones to introduce the solution, and everybody will be so glad for a solution that they will grab it with open arms, no matter if it means a one world order.

  5. There is something like this going on

  6. Thank you for this thoughtful article Mike.


    What are these reasons? Well let’s list some of them:-

    1. New World Order.
    2. Political Correctness.
    3. European Union.


    Let's go one further because it all actually comes down to just ONE thing -

    1.The Mainstream Media.

    Our underlying democracy is a good thing and still intact, the problem is it has been SUBVERTED through the globalist MSMs near-total hegemony of the information sources upon which people rely in order to form their opinions. (and hence vote)

    None of these changes could have happened without with public acquiescence. That acquiescence was ensured through the agency of mainstream media. The ACTUAL political struggle takes place within the collective psyche of a nation. Once an political paradigm can be dominant within a person's mind, how they vote will be merely a fomality. So long as the British public continue voting for the lib/lab/con globalist "moderate", "mainstream" parties, then the mainstream media's task is achieved. To a large extent lib/lab/con is perpetuated not by so much people believing there is much positive about them, as through fear of the nationalist alternatives. Fear carefully generated by the liars and reality manipulators of the MSN. This leaves Joe and Jane public feeling "Well I'd like to see change but ooer, I can't vote for fascists/extremists/far-right/racists/neo-nazis, better play safe and vote for the moderate lib-dem/conservative/labour party. Thus the status-quo is maintained.

    Now we can speculate as to the abstract forces at work behind behind the scenes, and no doubt come up with many different theories as to their nature. However, none of these tranformations could ever have remotely taken place without the mass mind-manipulating potency of the mainstream media. This is the single agency which has made possible the transference of an entire nation into foreign hands as if taking candy from a baby. It is TANGIBLE and I am refering to the MAINSTREAM MEDIA".

    So now, whenever I have a sense of injustice about ANY issue, I add the suffix ".....because of the mainstream media".

    For example:

    I cannot talk freely in public about nationalism without being misunderstood.....because of the Mainstream Media

    Enoch Powell was pilloried and vilified for speaking the plain truth.....because of the mainstream media

    The British people have been made to accept mass-immigration.....because of the mainstream media

    The willpower and moral-fibre of the British people has been systematically sapped.....because of the mainstream media

    Illegal foreign wars are tolerated.....because of the mainstream media

    Lib/lab/con are perpetually in power.....because of the mainstream media

    Patriotic, nation-centred politics have been transformed from respectable political orthodoxy to "far-right" marginalism.....because of the mainstream media

    Lies are now accepted as truth.....because of the mainstream media

    And so on, you get the idea.

    Joe and Jane Brit never stood a chance when up against this kind of psychological weaponry. We are only human. However, the MSM is like Goliath or Achilles. It must have a weak point which will bring the whole eddifice crashing down. Once this happens, the liberal elite, having lost its means to maintain power will crash with it. Then the playing field will be much more even.


  7. Lantern Said:
    "It must have a weak point which will bring the whole eddifice crashing down. Once this happens, the liberal elite, having lost its means to maintain power will crash with it. "

    The Mantra found here is a step in that direction: or

    Learn the Mantra and use it. It is effective in shutting down the anti-whites and their propaganda. Hammer them hard and often! We all need to be on a consistent message to beat back their propaganda.

  8. Your right when you say 1997 onwards.

    Blair & his cronies have done more damage to this country than any other leader in history.

  9. Globalization means
    - disenfranchisement (most laws are nowadays made in Brussels, a maze of international treaties render the national parliaments even more powerless),
    expropriation (today the Greek, tomorrow you),
    and slavery.

    The prime victims of this development are working class people. Many ideas used for manipulation and control have been developed by Marxists, but they are only tools. So is everyone working for the globalists' agenda. There is not the slightest possibility that this will end in something any passionate socialist has ever dreamt of. Labour politicians are amongst the biggest class traitors there ever were - or as they would call it: "right-wing scum".

    Everyone who is blaming "Marxists" as the source of evil puts theories over money and power (that's a good old socialist's dream) and gives in to the role playing designed by the globalists. The idea that this is a "left vs. right"-thing is fundamentally wrong. You can't win by fighting against potential allies. And this is all about winning, no matter how.

  10. You underestimate us and we need encouragement and solutions however , 'illegal', blood drenched, daring , desperate or otherwise they might be. If we have nothing to lose attempt to drive us on to greatness instead of more 'resistance is futile' whispering in our ears like the figurative jew, worm-tongue .

    H.A Covington has the right idea,give people a vision of what could be , something to live and fight for.

    You might have given up but we haven't NS KTF !4w.

  11. More 'enrichment.'

    This kind of devilment has long been practised in the UK, see the books by Doreen Irvine (who tuurned from witchcraft to Christian belief). Our 'friends from overseas' appear to be giving it a 21st century boost, though.

    "Back to the Bible (KJ) or back to the jungle" - attributed to Dr Billy Graham in 1963.

    In some parts of the UK, i.e. the 'enriched' parts, the jungle seems to have the edge, for now.

  12. The only comment I can make is that the British government, like the rest of the world, prefers to dance with the devil. It is in the throes of producing generations of little devils and after that... no England.
