Friday 6 January 2012

Racist Attacks and Crime: The True Story

Click here for a report on the true nature of race crime in Britain at The British Resistance site


  1. Dan Dare has recently touched upon the same topic with some analysis of the figures over at Majority Rights:

    "(Are) non-whites are still disproportionately victimised by serious racial violence even now, almost twenty years after Stephen’s Lawrence’s death..."

  2. Welcome to Africa, Britain.

    Does Apartheid really seem so insane now?

  3. Massive conspiracy!

  4. I'm sure that BF's analysis of the figures is correct but it would be good to see the original reply to their FOI request and the figures themselves rather than the outline and their conclusions.

    Is there an intention to release this?

  5. I would certainly hope they will release the source documentation at some point. There are a number of Britain First members who post at the British Resistance site, you might get a better answer there here is a link:

  6. Thank you Sarah. I just noticed that someone else over there has asked the same question.

    I also see that Mr Dowson says in the same thread on this subject there that "this only the start of a major campaign so watch this space." I assume this is perhaps a sneak preview and why it is not currently outlined on their website.

  7. Doesn't surprise me a bit. The "hate speech" laws there in GB seem to be rather extraordinary. I would be shocked if the results could even be published.
