Saturday 7 January 2012

Massive Muslim Paedophile Gang Hidden by the Media

From 21st Century British Nationalism

On the 3rd January 2012 in Liverpool Crown Court 21 Muslims allegedly involved in a massive paedophile gang who are alleged to have been targeting primarily white children in the Manchester area were sent for a pre-trial hearing.

We have been informed from sources inside the court that the media have been asked by the Liverpool police to keep this case out of the papers.

Click here to continue reading

Hat Tip: Mister Fox


  1. How much longer are you going to put up with this? It's only going to get worse.


    Robert in Arabia

  3. RE the NY case. How odd, its the adopted (ie non-jew) who gets to be the scapegoat. Yes, of course, he nust be the bad boy.

  4. Robert in Arabia - The dramatic headlines you promote do not fit the text report.

  5. The obscuring of reality by the mainstream media. Omission propaganda at its worst.

  6. The media are not even hiding their bias any longer, the lack of public response to their lies and omissions is making them bolder. this morning on Sky "News", there was a review of 100 years of ANC activity in south Africa.The drooling reporters gently interviewed various leading figures in the country and concluded that endemic fraud, corruption and violence was a vast improvement on life under the previous, white dominated, regime and that the above mentioned aberrations were minor blips on the road to progress! The loony left manipulators seem to be holding the reins everywhere we look.
