Tuesday 24 January 2012

Mister Fox to be interviewed over Brevik case

Regular blog contributor Mister Fox is due to be interviewed later this week by police investigating the alleged links between so called "right wing groups" and the left wing Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik.

The confessed killer apparently made reference to Mister Fox's writings, together with that of various other writers, in his long, odd and rambling 'manifesto'. 

More details can be found in the comments section beneath this recent posting. 

On the assumption that he is permitted to do so, Mister Fox will be posting details of the interview later this week.


  1. My, Sarah, what a beautiful animal. I could do with a couple of those as pats and sod the Countryside Alliance!
    Seriously, does anyone remember how the thugs and yobs of The Metropolitan Police battered those innocent protesters?
    Nine hundred convicted criminals in the met! The reason I don't let them in is because I don't want to nick anything!

  2. Brett Stevens:

    "Conservative blogger interrogated by police for the crime of being mentioned in another man's manifesto."


  3. I do hope they bring the very lovely Cressida Dick with them. On the other hand she might tell them to shoot me.


  4. Crikey, if Anders had mentioned Obama would they have questioned him? Just because someone reads an article and mentions the author the fuzz come round.Ridiculous

  5. Goog luck Mr Fox.
    The truth is at least half the white world is behind you , remember that when you speak.

  6. Police harassment of British writer:
    The police are trying to fit me up. They have said I had links with Brevik which is a lie.I have no links with the "Counter Jihad movement" nor the EDL nor the BFP. They have tried to deceive me and they have told bare-faced lied to my solicitor. One DC rang her and told her I had agreed to be interviewed as a witness. DC Tony Gatter is a dirty liar. They are monitoring my computer activities and recording my telephone calls so they all know he lied.
    I agreed to attend a police station voluntarily with my solicitor. If you try and co-operate and help them with their enquiries they lie about you and try to deceive you.
    David Hamilton
