Tuesday 24 January 2012

A call for balance, a call for truth

Please click here to visit YouTube and rate this video and then please share it as widely as you can

Hat Tip Mister Fox


  1. A hard-hitting and powerful video. The WHITE, mainstream media is a colossus with feet of clay. These obscene political double-standards are its achilles heel and will bring it crashing down. Likewise, the ideological hypocrisy of the WHITE Left with its contradictory messages to ethnic minorities and the ethnic majority, will ultimately be its downfall also. As time passes the PC multi-culti double-standards will be ratcheted up, not moderated. They will push it as far as they can get away with, then SNAP! As in rubber band. I suppose they are too brainwashed themselves to even see this coming.
    Kelvin McKenzie has gone up in my estimation over this TV appearance. Honest talk from an unlikely quarter. Kudos to him!!


  2. On the 6th February, there are 47 Muslims, all alleged paedophiles, appearing in Liverpool Crown Court for abusing young White girls.
    The hearing on November 3rd was covered up by the media after a request from the corrupt and worthless police.

  3. Was it in February last year it was pointed out the the vast majority of paedophiles are of Muslim origin?

  4. Yes, it is beyond belief that this obscenity was allowed to continue without being taken apart root and branch long ago by the law enforcement agencies. Still, whenever the WHITE establishment/media has to make a choice between supporting the law-abiding majority, or bending the rules for a gang of ethnic criminals, we know which which side they'll take. EVERY SINGLE TIME! Like for example in Leicester at the moment over the Rhea Paige joke justice.
