Sunday 7 August 2011

Passport to Tottenham

Thanks to the Metropolitan Police's ridiculous policy of appeasement, a large part of North London resembles a bombed out scene from the 1940 Blitz following a night of rioting by the city's Afro-Caribbean "community." The riots started after about 300 people gathered outside a police station in the gang-infested area and demanded "justice" following a shooting incident in which a policeman and a suspected gang member were both shot in what appears to have been an exchange of fire.

Faced by what initially started as a peaceful demonstration, the police responded with their usual "culturally sensitive," "softly softly" approach of showing sympathy, maintaining a low police presence, avoiding assertive gestures, allowing the mob to vent its emotions, and retreating behind barriers, effectively giving a green light to the rioters and anyone else who was interested to run amok.

With other emergency services unable to intervene, scores of shops were looted and burnt, while the inadequate numbers of police officers sent to contain the violence were not properly equipped with riot gear resulting in several officers being hospitalized.

Despite the unfortunate results of this policy and the obvious criminality of a large section of the West Indian "community," much of the emphasis in the mainstream media has been on rationalizing the actions of the mob as an understandable if regrettable reaction to the police shortcomings and attributing all negative actions to a "tiny unrepresentative minority" – the typical hallmarks of the leftist multiracial state in damage limitation mode.

Continue reading at Alternative Right


  1. Unfortunately there is only one way of dealing with this kind of savagery, and the limp wrist, liberal PC way just does not work.

    If you were dealing with educated, civilised people it is easy, savages on the other hand call for a really big stick.

  2. Some years ago, a police officer commentator on the 21st Century Police Officer's blog railed at me for citing Isaiah 26:10 in response to an article on that site.

    "Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD."

    The blog owner, not being a fair-minded individual, allowed the abusive response through. Needless to say, I don't visit that blog any more, being one of the despised MOPs (members of the public).

    Well, the Met got a shedload of Isaiah 26:10 last night.

    Regrettably, I think that more of the same will be necessary before the lesson finally sinks in.

    I see that Tottenham is just to the west of Waltham Forest. I have heard it said that black London is mainly to the west and Moslem/Pakistani London is mainly to the east. I wonder if the railway line is therefore the border (though of course it won't be a sharp dividing line).

    One thing for sure, if the projected Sharia-controlled Waltham Forest enclave becomes a reality and then spreads westwards, there won't be any Tottenham-style riots against the then 'authorities.'

    The rioters would be 'terminated with extreme prejudice,' i.e. shot on sight.

    Maybe that's what our leaders want.

  3. Tottenham is a land of extremes.

    On the one hand you have the savages with guns and knives fighting each other and everyone else for turf supremacy.

    On the other hand you have the respectable Church attending middle aged matrons who dress up in their finery on a Sunday and try to impose standards on their children and grandchildren.

    The teenage males have no adult males around as role models and have zero idea of what is expected of them as a responsible adult black male.

    However they do know what the BBC news reporting team expect of them and perform accordingly.

    This will keep the BBC news team employed for a week


    White people rioting from grief and socio economic depression over police involvement in a death.

  5. Could someone please define the term "West Indian" for me. I am asking out of genuine ignorance since the term is not used here in the US. Are these Pakistanis you are referring to in the article? I noticed also that the British tend to use the term "asian" for these people as well, where we reserve that term for people with epicanthic fold of the eyes (Chinese, Japanese, etc.).
    So from the article we may assume that the bliss of forced coexistance with colored people is continuing as planned by your goverment and you will all soon be living in a multicutural paradise just as we here in the US are? Ahh...but you haven't experienced "flash mobs" yet have you? Trust me, it just keeps getting "better".

  6. Curt is right. The US is under siege
    with flash mob "youths" who go around and randomly attack white people. Isn't diversity wonderful!

  7. Sarah, I won't try to speak for Anon, but I think their response was aimed at Australia because: a) Alanorei is Australian, an b) the claims on here that rioting is somehow 'a Black thing' are ridiculous.

    Let's bring it closer to home:





    And of course, White rioters in the UK (I have to ask, have you ever heard of Millwall?)

    For me, none of this shows that White people are worse than Black, or any other group. These riots were started by idiots, who are not helping their city, community, or even the family of the shot man. I'm not even expecting it to turn out that there was any miscarriage of justice in the shooting, but even if there was, this is a stupid reaction.

    If we are looking for an explanation, perhaps we need only look as far as our own Mr Fox:

    "Most Young people do not misbehave out of endemic wickedness, but because they have been decultured. "

    Wise words indeed.

  8. I didnt say the riots here were excused. I was just pointing out it is not JUST a race thing and could be more than that. It is not the end of the earth for me as I live in Australia so it was important to me. We have had non-white based riots as well. Was just thinking it tends to be MORE than just I am black lets riot.

  9. Talk about being 'culturally sensitive' I question who is this country's greater enemy?

    We have our soldiers fighting Taliban terrorists in the middle east with ONE maybe TWO nutters who cut the fingers off their attackers as 'souvenirs'

    Sure that's a bit sick but to invite/sanction the so-called human rights parasitic judiciary, who from comfortable, opulent safety and surroundings that OUR troops are providing for decide to dole out thousands of pounds in compensation to the these Taliban murderers of ALL our troops for 'human rights infringements' - at OUR expense.

    Worse the stinking MSM in true to form Piers Morgan style see fit to publicise this bull shit showing an obviously negative bias against the those (of their own country) who are fighting for the so called "justice" and the peace they seek in Afghanistan, Libya elsewhere???

    Are these disgusting 'people' around the bend with their power and avariciousness? The mind boggles

  10. @ Curt

    My understanding of the term West Indies comes from the era of the voyages of discovery by European explorers.

    Trade with "the East" from Europe had been conducted overland with camel caravans transporting the goods.
    Once seafaring became a more sophisticated, safer, faster mode of travel capable of carrying bigger cargoes the challenge was to find a sea route to the east. This was duly accomplished with the route around Africa. The Indonesian/spice islands became known as "The East Indies"

    Other explorers sailed west from Europe and mistakenly thought they had discovered other islands around India which they named "The West Indies."

    Today this is what Americans and many Europeans refer to as The Caribbean. The term West Indies is still commonly used by the British - particularly if you are a follower the English colonial game of cricket.

    During the slave trade some of "the stock" from Africa which was considered below par (sick/infirm) and would not fetch a good price at the slave markets was dumped on some of these islands and left to their own devices to survive. Later, when these islands were occupied by the European powers of England, France and Spain more slaves were brought in. Miscegenation took place between masters and servants and later still cross racial marriages.

    Collectively all these inhabitants from the European (British) perspective are referred to as West Indians - although of course there are the independent islands of Trinidad, Tobago, Jamaica etc. and most of them have African roots.

    Also from the British perspective people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are referred to as Asians. The Chinese, Japanese, Viet-Namese and Koreans are referred to as Orientals.

    I hope this helps.

  11. On a point of clarification, my comment had nothing to do with Australia or being Australian. It had to do with reaping what you sow, as I think Sarah's article explains.

    The main BNP site has an informative article putting the recent riots in context.

  12. In South Africa you will find a black riot every other day , have you ever heard of a white riot in SA ? I have never heard of white riots just for the sake of assaulting people or robbing a store. In SA riots constantly go hand in hand with murder and the famous necklacing , killing teachers , principals etc. The mere fact that black people want to deny the difference is very telling.

  13. Another point of information, Simon Darby is also keeping up with events as they occur.

    Many voices, including a multitude of nationalist ones, are telling us that the BNP is a busted flush and dead in the water. Recent electoral results don't exactly refute those voices.

    Anti-BNP nationalists must, however, be deriving cold comfort from what seems to be foreshadowing the eventual alternative to a BNP Government.

    It is to be hoped that the authorities can soon put aside their multi-culti preoccupation w.r.t. to the present conflagration and take a leaf out of St Paul's Letter to the Romans, Chapter 9 Verse 28, "and cut it short in righteousness" for the sake of the whole nation.

  14. @Laager and Beverley:

    "Today this is what Americans and many Europeans refer to as The Caribbean. The term West Indies is still commonly used by the British - particularly if you are a follower the English colonial game of cricket."
    Thank you very much, that does indeed clear things up for me. It has been many years for me since High School and I had forgotten that the Carribean was once referred to as the West Indies (hence the term, "West Indian"). I should have done more research before asking, I'm afraid.
    As to Mr. Mathurin's comments:
    "These riots were started by idiots, who are not helping their city, community, or even the family of the shot man. I'm not even expecting it to turn out that there was any miscarriage of justice in the shooting, but even if there was, this is a stupid reaction."
    I fully expect that blacks will always try to excuse such actions on the part of other blacks, but if their actions are a consequence of their "being idiots", and one takes into consideration the frequency with which such "idiots" exhibit this behavior, coupled with the high incidence of these occurences not only in Great Britain but in any civilized land in which Whites TRY and continue to try to live peaceably with your people, it should at least seem very obvious to you that the number of those "idiots" seem to constitute an overwhelming proportion of your number. This is exactly why some of us here in the US would like our own homeland, living exclusively with our own people. That way, you and yours could continue to live your lives as you see fit, injuring only yourselves in the process until such time as you have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary scale and are ready for modern civilization.
    Sarah, I already realize that you may very well not wish to publish the last couple of paragraphs of this commentary on your blog due to the sentiment expressed, as well as today's "PC requirements" and I understand. If you choose to do so, then please simply publish my thanks to "laager" and "Beverely". And I thank you also, Sarah. Interesting blog.

  15. Christopher Columbus was trying to find a new way to India and landed at the Caribbean. He thought that he had found a new route and this was India. It later turned out that India was east of Europe and the Caribbean was west of Europe, the islands of the Caribbean became known as the West Indies, meaning India in the west, in honor of Columbus' mistake.

    Read more:

  16. Curt,
    "I fully expect that blacks will always try to excuse such actions on the part of other blacks"

    I can't quite tell from the way you have phrased this, but are you suggesting that I have done that?

    You go on into an amazingly long run-on sentence, but let's break it down a bit:

    "but if their actions are a consequence of their "being idiots", "

    Hearing how the rioting, and especially the looting, is being co-ordinated, I think this is less idiotic, and more opportunistically selfish and cynical.

    "and one takes into consideration the frequency with which such "idiots" exhibit this behavior,"

    You would be stretching reality to characterise any of this as 'frequent'.

    " coupled with the high incidence of these occurences not only in Great Britain but in any civilized land in which Whites TRY and continue to try to live peaceably with your people, "

    It is not a high incidence, particularly not in Great Britain.

    "it should at least seem very obvious to you that the number of those "idiots" seem to constitute an overwhelming proportion of your number."

    There are around 1.3 to 1.5 million Black people in the UK (going by the 2001 census). An overwhelming proportion would be, what, 2/3, 3/4? That would mean that around 800,000 to 1.2 million Black people made up the entirity of the rioters and looters. There are not that many people rioting, and they are not all Black.

    "This is exactly why some of us here in the US would like our own homeland, living exclusively with our own people."

    In that case, your reasons are based on fantasies, and childish and offensive ones at that.

    "That way, you and yours could continue to live your lives as you see fit, injuring only yourselves in the process until such time as you have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary scale and are ready for modern civilization."

    Us Londoners are doing perfectly fine in our evolution, thanks. Or maybe you are referring to poor people?

    "Sarah, I already realize that you may very well not wish to publish the last couple of paragraphs of this commentary on your blog due to the sentiment expressed, as well as today's "PC requirements" and I understand."

    Oh, you don't know Sarah. She cares as much for PC as she does for vigorous research and logic.

  17. @ Mathurin;

    Let me simplify it for you. I was referring to the fact that nearly all the rioters are black, and idiots (your statement, and I agree). I was not talking about "an overwhelming proportion of blacks in the UK", which you know very well and which is simply the typical diversionary tactic used by people of your ilk. By the way, ALL of the rioters (flash mob members) here in the US are black. The flash mobs seek white victims. How do I know? Because for one thing, all the victims are white. For another, we communicate with each other.
    As to my reasons "being based on fantasies and childish and offensive ones at that", I would remind you that were it not for the fact that our ancestors went out of their way to bring your people to our lands, we would still be lily-White countries and you would be....where you once were. What once was, can be again. As to those reasons being offensive to you, I could not care less.
    What is most curious about you blacks is that you cannot seem to stomach the thought of us living apart from you. Perhaps it is a result of knowing that all your attempts at self-governance will end up in ruin like the present day Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), which today cannot feed itself where under White rule it fed all of Africa.

  18. James - There are good, logical people in all groups, with a considerable overlap between racial groups. I admire you for sticking it out, given the flack you have taken, and admire equally your search for rationality and a reasoned solution.
    Societal behaviour is, however a percentage game. Members of any group will be labeled with behaviors reflecting activities of that group. This is the tragedy for the non-complicit individual. But members of any group have a responsibility, if they do not wish to be labeled adversely, to bring the entire group back in line.
    Unfair? Yes, by some standards. But that is the way societal machinery works. Please tell me where the Black vigilantes are, amongst the Black groups in London. Where are the Black non-excusers? Where are the outspoken Black commentators on unacceptable Black behaviour? How is the Black (and other minority) community proposing to take a responsibility and keep its house in order, in the future?
    Please don’t abrade Sarah – she has supported your right-of- opinion constantly.

  19. @ JM

    "Oh, you don't know Sarah. She cares as much for PC as she does for vigorous research and logic."

    And that is why you no doubt frequent this site JM - to provide all the missing input and to deny, deny, deny, deny, deny ad infinitum .....................

    Dream on brother

  20. Mathurin says, "Oh, you don't know Sarah. She cares as much for PC as she does for vigorous research and logic".

    By your assertion, you appear to be a defender of political-correctness, hence an enemy of free speech?!

    "Research and logic" is not often a requirement when assessing a given situation. My resourceful eyes, assisted with a little common sense helps me to successfully arrive at satisfactory conclusions.

    However you view yourself, you're not of the same calibre as Thomas Sowell, Prof. Walter E. Williams or Elizabeth Wright who are all perceptive American Black writers who rise above the black victimology "disease".

  21. "I was referring to the fact that nearly all the rioters are black, and idiots (your statement, and I agree)."

    That much you communicated clearly.

    "I was not talking about "an overwhelming proportion of blacks in the UK""

    so, having identified me as a Black (mixed-race, to be precise) Briton, you then go on to say:
    "I fully expect that blacks will always try to excuse such actions on the part of other blacks, but if their actions are a consequence of their "being idiots", and one takes into consideration the frequency with which such "idiots" exhibit this behavior, ..., it should at least seem very obvious to you that the number of those "idiots" seem to constitute an overwhelming proportion of your number."

    Unless you are a really bad writer, you could only have been referring to UK Blacks, Blacks in Western countries, or Blacks in general being 'overwhelmingly idiotic'. If it wasn't any of those, I am not 'diverting' anything, you just need to re-write what you put.

    "By the way, ALL of the rioters (flash mob members) here in the US are black."

    Well, we're not in the US. We're in the UK, and things are different here.

    "I would remind you that were it not for the fact that our ancestors went out of their way to bring your people to our lands, we would still be lily-White countries and you would be....where you once were."

    And you're American? Your country was built by Black slave labour, and the imperial powers would be nowhere near as powerful as they became without it. But you know what? This has already been covered in a lot more detail in other threads. I can give you links if you want.

    "What is most curious about you blacks is that you cannot seem to stomach the thought of us living apart from you."

    Well, we just don't think so little of you that you would deserve it. besides, American and European Blacks helped build your countries, we have a stake in them.

  22. "Societal behaviour is, however a percentage game. Members of any group will be labeled with behaviors reflecting activities of that group. This is the tragedy for the non-complicit individual. But members of any group have a responsibility, if they do not wish to be labeled adversely, to bring the entire group back in line. "

    I appreciate the reasoned response, but I have to disagree with you here. I don't think, for example, that all White people have a responsibility to bring the Brixton Nailbombers of the world under control, as their behaviour only reflects one aspect of White people - they are responsible for themselves, and any wider social factors which could influence them for better or for worse are the collective responsibility of all of us. This is only my opinion, of course, but it's the approach I try to apply to all groups equally.

    "Please tell me where the Black vigilantes are, amongst the Black groups in London."

    I've not seen any footage of vigilantes, but I have seen footage of older Black and White people expressing criticism of the rioters to their faces.

    "Where are the Black non-excusers?"

    Pretty much every Black face I have seen on the BBC in their studios was doing that.

    "Where are the outspoken Black commentators on unacceptable Black behaviour?"

    This isn't "black behaviour", but do see my above reply.

    "How is the Black (and other minority) community proposing to take a responsibility and keep its house in order, in the future?"

    Where would one even look for that answer? There is no "Black Community Press Office", any more than there are spokesmen for the "White Community".

    "Please don’t abrade Sarah – she has supported your right-of- opinion constantly. "

    She has banned me, blocked comments, and allowed anyone who wants to personally attack or insult me to do so. That is fine, it is her blog, and her rules, but I don't have to pretend that she respects freedom of speech.

  23. Laager:
    "And that is why you no doubt frequent this site JM - to provide all the missing input and to deny, deny, deny, deny, deny ad infinitum ....................."

    No, just to prevent it from being the Far-Right Nationalist echo-chamber of opinions it is supposed to be. And entertainment!

  24. "By your assertion, you appear to be a defender of political-correctness, hence an enemy of free speech?! "

    Well, I am certainly not a fan of the "Don't say anything that could possibly offend anyone, anwhere" approach to PC. I like, and adopt the approach of, "Don't say something if you don't mean it, and accept the consequences of what you do say, even if it is people getting angry at you."

    ""Research and logic" is not often a requirement when assessing a given situation.

    Maybe not research, but how on Earth can you form rational opinions without applying logic? That is not wishy-washy Left Wing thinking, that is the basis of Western society since the at least The Enlightenment.

  25. I see so you want to make it just another blog where people spout politically correct lies like they do at

    Well at least you provide us with entertainment, or, at least something to laugh at.

  26. @ James , you are just scared when you see the whites getting to the point when they don't believe the noble savage hocus pocus anymore , you see it coming all over the world and your multicultural dreamland is vanishing , if you know white history you surely understand what is coming .

  27. So, using rationality and logic equates to "politically correct lies" in your opinion? I suppose the truth is simply "whatever feels true"?

    I am proud of being rational; if you are proud of being irrational, fair enough.

  28. You may think you are rational, but so do most lunatics

  29. ...As do most rational people. I can demonstrate my rationality, but you have happilly claimed that being rational is no different from lying.

    Maybe we're both just lunatics, but you're more aware of it than me. We should start a mutual support group.

  30. @ james , go grab yourself a flatscreen on your way out !

  31. "@ james , go grab yourself a flatscreen on your way out !"

    I'm off to work with special needs and primary age kids today. Some of us are trying to do something worthwhile to improve the future of our country. Frankly, I don't know you, but i can definitely say that you are more likely to join the looting mobs on the street than I am.

  32. James said: “She has banned me, blocked comments, and allowed anyone who wants to personally attack or insult me to do so. That is fine, it is her blog, and her rules, but I don't have to pretend that she respects freedom of speech.”

    I was rather occupied with more important issues when that message came in last night, so I didn't really take it in. However, when I read it again this evening I find it quite shocking.

    As everyone knows James is one of the most prolific commentators at this blog, his comments have not been blocked. Some, as happens to everyone, got stuck in the blogger system, however, they were released when he drew their non-appearance to my attention.

    I did consider banning James when I discovered that under the name of "Wise Son" he was re-posting edited snippets of my articles to so that he and his trendy leftie buddies could mock me. However, he has obviously not been banned.

    James has been given more free speech on this blog than I would ever, ever, ever, have been given on a left wing multiculti fan site.

    Yet he expect me to deny free speech to those who disagree with him.

    There is a limit to good will, and I think most reasonable people will agree that I would be justified in ceasing to accept James's contributions.

  33. I would agree with that decision, Sarah.

    As you state, there is a limit to good will.

  34. "@ james , go grab yourself a flatscreen on your way out !"

    "I'm off to work with special needs and primary age kids today. Some of us are trying to do something worthwhile to improve the future of our country. Frankly, I don't know you, but i can definitely say that you are more likely to join the looting mobs on the street than I am."

    Well James let me tell you this much, I work with blacks all day and every day, from the most educated to the guy on the street. From Ministers to the insane and I work with every race group on this planet.
    I do plenty of work for blacks for free, most people on here would refer to me as a liberal idiot.
    But after seeing thousands of people murdered, raped, robbed and mutilated by what most whites consider everyday blacks, I can tell you one thing, whites have no idea how different blacks really are and for the most part whites and blacks are oil and water.
    I have seen enough hate to last me several lifetimes.
    I think the best thing for blacks and whites would be to part ways.
