Sunday 7 August 2011

More violence in North London tonight

Reports of trouble in Enfield - news report 
Hat Tip: Mister Fox


  1. Notting Hill carnival on 28 August should be fun. What say we all meet up there for a cultural day out? I'm more into trance and garage than steel bands but it should be enlightening just the same.

  2. That is amusing Mister Fox, however, white nationalist should not go anywhere near Notting Hill.

    The media will just blame us if there is any trouble

  3. Absolutely amazing , blacks all over the world behave exactly the same , reading the history of the Boers you will see that the same behaviour took place 300 years ago and never stopped . There is absolutely nothing others can do to stop this kind of behaviour. The cost of having Africans in any society is staggering.

  4. If you guys are going, we should all meet up! The carnival is always fun, and there's a lot more than steel bands there, definitely plenty of garage, and probably some trance. It definitely would be enlightening for all of you.

    Sarah, that would never happen. Seriously, never has, never will, unless there's footage of a skinhead with a swastika beating on an 80 year-old Black woman. This paranoia of yours is really holding you back. Seek help.

  5. I remember the 1981 riots. Politicians and media tried to pretendit was not a Black riot but a "Youth" riot because Whites were involved.
    Enoch explained that when it comes to rac e logic goes out the window. He said the way to assess who were the cause was analysis like in medical science when trying to discover something. Look for the common denominator. The common denominator is that the riots take place in Black areas. As for fantasising it is my belief that we work towards becoming strong and then deport these troublesome and violent people. They do not belong here and they behave like this everywhere they are.

  6. @ James Marthurin You so desperately have to equate black society with white before the whites catch on that equation is not possible ! otherwise you could find yourself back in Africa ............. And we both know what that is like .

  7. In the light of the recent violence in London, I thought I’d share this rather interesting announcement, spoken by a Black South African Judge.

    The court case involved the black-on-white, racially motivated, double rape of a Port Alfred woman in her home in 2008.

    “It indicates that, in this day and age, he harbours a hatred against our fellow white South Africans, particularly vulnerable women. He poses a danger to our communities, particularly to the White Race.” - Judge Mandela Makaula


  8. I forgot to state the obvious - only Black Judges can get away with such remarks in South Africa!

    Okay, now I’m also subscribed to follow-up comments on this thread. I Had to post a comment to do that!

  9. "Look for the common denominator. The common denominator is that the riots take place in Black areas."

    I do understand your desire to focus on that, but a much stronger link is with the poverty / wealth of the areas. You're not seeing well-to-do middle class Black or White kids rioting, you're seeing poor Blacka nd White kids rioting. That seems to me a weakness in the race link, and a reinforcement in the socioeconomic link.

  10. Enoch told the House of Commons on the consequences of immigration on 24 May, 1976:

    "Yet even though that picture is dark and darkening, there is one factor which has not yet been injected. I do not know whether it will be tomorrow, or next year, or in five years; but it will come. That factor is firearms and explosives. With communities which are so divided nothing can prevent the injection of explosives which we know perfectly well from experience in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world. At first there will be horrified astonishment, and inquiry as to what we have done wrong that such things should be happening. Then there will be feverish endeavour to find methods to allay the supposed grievances which lie behind the violence. Then follows exploitation by those who use violence of the ascendancy they have thus gained over the majority and over authority. The thing goes forward, acting and reacting, until a position is reached in which—I shall dare say it—compared with those areas, Belfast today will seem an enviable place."
    Published in A Nation or No Nation? Six Years in British Politics (Elliot Right Way Books, 1977), p. 161

  11. John,

    "Why can't blacks create there own functioning civilisations? Instead of attaching themselves to white civilsations, leeching and harming like a parasite? "

    You really are coming late to that particular discussion. First of all, you are, of course, wrong in your assumption.

    Secondly, all of the points you are waiting to make have already been made and refuted in several recent threads:

    An Update on Censorship

    Colonial inheritance:

    Ongoing Debate

  12. James

    Don't be dishonest, there are huge numbers of of urban whites living in poverty.

    There are small numbers of whites joining in but they are primarily anarchists or far left supporters of multiculturalism, all revelling in delight that their dreams of revolution are coming to pass.

  13. Misterfox, that Powell speech is quite prescient of gun crime, etc., but what does it have to do with immigration?

  14. "There are small numbers of whites joining in but they are primarily anarchists or far left supporters of multiculturalism, all revelling in delight that their dreams of revolution are coming to pass. "

    And you know Wishful thinking does not mean that reality has to match your desires. Seriously, what are you basing that on? I have seen lots of people masked and covered head to toe - I can't discern whether they have extremist politics, or in many cases, what race they are - how are you doing it? Does the BNP hand out X-Ray specs and mind-reading helmets or something?

    "Don't be dishonest, there are huge numbers of of urban whites living in poverty."

    And don't dishonestly try to twist my words. I didn't suggest that this was not the case, I just wanted you to be more specific in the wild claims you make. The fact that you refuse to do so tells me a lot.

  15. Exactly what I said:

    "I just wanted you to be more specific in the wild claims you make."

    The specific question was:

    "Are we talking specifically about urban areas, where rioting is more likely to take place, or are you including the mainly White rural areas which are also sufferring dreadful levels of poverty?"

    ...And you are avoiding answering it. I'm not actually assuming that you are mishandling the stats, although you have history of doing so, or at least misunderstanding them, but I cannot check it unless you explain yourself.

  16. I have not made any outrageous claims, depending upon your definition there are between 11.5 million and 13 million people living beneath the poverty level.

    Based on 2009 estimates the non-white population of Britain is around 9.5 million, of which 2.5 million are black or mixed race. You do the maths!

  17. Sarah, I don't disagree that there are more many times more Whites living in poverty in the UK, although they are half as likely to be so as Blacks or Asians (

    I asked a specific question about the distribution of the poverty-affected communities - even more specifically about the divide in distribution between urban and rural.

    I will be clear - I will expect the rural poverty to be chiefly White. I don't know the numbers, but I thought that, what with you making claims with a huge degree of certainty, that you had checked those numbers.

    Who knows - you may even turn out to be right, I just wanted you to demonstrate the facts behind it.

  18. No you are not demonstrating the facts behind it. Whether blacks and Asians are "more likely" to be poor is a total smoke screen, and totally irrelevant.

    There are numerically more whites living in poverty, so if poverty were the cause there would be more white crime and more white rioters.

    There aren't, so poverty is NOT the explanation.

    Furthermore you know as well as anyone that there are huge areas of urban white poverty. The rural poor is merely another smoke screen

  19. "No you are not demonstrating the facts behind it"

    Quite right, I am asking you to demonstrate the facts behind your claims.

    "There are numerically more whites living in poverty, so if poverty were the cause there would be more white crime and more white rioters."

    Yes, if this was happening in every town in the country. It is not, so I would not expect to see that.

    "There aren't, so poverty is NOT the explanation."

    OK, so what is the explanation for the presence of the White rioters? I think Mr Fox's point about "de-culturing" of British youth is part of it, as well as the materialism of our society, especially in the looting we are seeing, but I think that applies equally to the Black and White rioters.

    "Furthermore you know as well as anyone that there are huge areas of urban white poverty."

    Yes, and I never tried to claim otherwise. Read my posts. All I claimed was that there are not huge areas or rural Black poverty.

  20. Agreed - Poverty CANNOT be the explanation!

    What I understand from the various news reports is that social media, and other technology such as Blackberry helped fuel the violence. People who are experiencing extreme poverty don’t carry fancy mobile phones with them… (unless they’re stolen!) More importantly, they don’t thrash the very same community that feeds and supports them.

    This whole episode is, in my humble opinion, the work of a far more sinister force. Poor people ASK for help, and when they ask politely they will usually get more than enough to continue functioning normally. That is how poor-white societies, all over the world, have always functioned. But the black savage always wants more, and through gangsterism and illegal dealings they realised that crime can be profitable…. until their ringleader was caught and shot dead. Instead of acknowledging that their lifestyles were contrary to the norm, and that their ringleader was no angel, they chose to revolt. Any person who defends their actions is either a criminal himself -- or a confused liberal idiot!

  21. James said "All I claimed was that there are not huge areas or rural Black poverty."

    Maybe that's why we haven't seen any rural riots yet

  22. Sarah, have we ever seen rural riots in recent history?

  23. Tia,

    "People who are experiencing extreme poverty don’t carry fancy mobile phones with them… (unless they’re stolen!)"

    Or rather, people who are experiencing poverty, but have some seriously screwed-up priorities.

    "More importantly, they don’t thrash the very same community that feeds and supports them. "

    Some commenters have argued that the rioters feel no connection to the communities they live in. Not that it can excuse their actions - you don't attack someone else just because they are from a different community.

    ". Poor people ASK for help, and when they ask politely they will usually get more than enough to continue functioning normally."

    Since when? The main view for most of recorded history is that the poor deserve whatever they get, and are not deserving of help. It's only comparitively recently in our history that (apart from individuals and certain charities) we have the welfare state, and other mechanisms set up to support the poor in general, and they have been attacked by the priveleged, and those who share the "undeserving poor" view from the start.

    "until their ringleader was caught and shot dead."

    If you are referring to Duggan, I had only see him linked with fairly middling positions within the crime world - certainly not anything so senior as a ringleader.

  24. "Sarah, have we ever seen rural riots in recent history?"

    In other parts of the world, China for instance, yes, but not so much in Europe where the countryside is predominantly white.

  25. "In other parts of the world, China for instance, yes, but not so much in Europe where the countryside is predominantly white. "

    So, seeing as I've already provided plenty of evidence that urban Whites can riot just as well as Black people, should we simply assume that the lack of rural riotung has nothing to do with race, and much more to do with the setting?

  26. Not at all you haven't proved anything, you never do, you just write things which sound clever in your own head.

    Why would setting change the proclivity for violence?. There is plenty of violence in the African countryside, as the relatives of thousands of dead white farmers can confirm.
