Tuesday 17 August 2010

Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin a man amongst midgets

Lieutenant Colonel Lakin faces a military tribunal because he refuses to Afghanistan until Barrack Obama proves his eligibility to be the US president. Lt. Col Lakin explains his reasons in the tape above Only Obama and a few of his closest allies know the truth of this matter but one thing is for certain Lt. Col Lakin appears to be an honourable and brave man.

He is certainly a bigger man than the pygmies who have been attacking him in the US media.


  1. The MSM are protecting their puppet for all they are worth, this is their moment to come out and fight for their clown. If they don't do it now, he might just be fully exposed for the traitorous pygmy that he is.

    They are willing to freely smear vast segments of the American public without taking a breath, never thinking for a moment that these people have a point, that there is a question to be asked. They are the very first to rant and rave about "transparency" when it suits their purposes, but here they are totally, 100% in support of obfuscation. They have no shame!

    LTC Lakin is a courageous man, willing to put his neck on the line of all Americans. As such, he deserves the support of us all. He is staring the devil in the face, and he is doing it for us. We should back him up in every way possible.

  2. "They are willing to freely smear vast segments of the American public without taking a breath"

    Who are "they"?

    "which is supporting Lakin, the officer's civilian attorney, Paul Rolf Jensen, contacted CNN President Jonathan >KLEIN< as well as Toobin. "

    ....and people still refuse to believe that the anti-White Media is owned by Jews.

  3. Hmm, comments have been disabled for the video, so I might as well ask my questions here:

    Is this not a pretty questionable way of getting out of serving in teh army? I can't imagine a lot of sympathy for a soldier who refused to ship out to Afghanistan in 2001 until the Supreme Court reviewed their (erroneous) descision to award the election to Bush.

    LTC Larkin is clearly either a coward or a fool.

    If he's making this argument because he sincerely believes in the 'Birther' claims, I have to wonder if his research has extended beyong fox news. A few minutes searching on the background of the accusations answers at least a few of his charges:
    It also proveides some supporting evidence I hadn't been aware of:
    - Moreover, both of Honolulu's major newspapers (the Advertiser and the Star-Bulletin) published announcements in August 1961 documenting the birth, in Honolulu, of a son to "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama" on 4 August 1961.
    - In October 2008, and again in July 2009, Hawaiian officials reported that they had personally verified that Barack Obama's original birth certificate was in the Hawaii State Department's files.
    - Fukino says that no state official, including Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama's certificate be handled differently from any other.

    She says state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest in it.

    It also asks a question I have wondered: Why "a major party presidential nominee would risk his entire candidacy on a fraud that could be uncovered simply by a check of state health records"?

    If it was true, how could he have gotten elected to any level of office in Chicago? How could he have gotten elected to the state and national Senate? How would he have gone up against the political machine that if the Clinton campaign in the Primaries if his eligibility was so transparently fraudulent?

    To be honest, is a person who gives credence to such fantastic ideas someone that we actually want serving on the front line?

    Just wondering what your opinions on these questions are?

  4. The Colonel is a hero to the American Republic and Western Civilization.

    I served in the U.S. Army for twenty years and fought in two wars - I would consider it an honor to stand in line of battle with this patriot.

    "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..."

  5. I have actually heard people claim that all those are faked. How can you fake something from the 1960's that is in libraries? More over why would you? Do people actually believe that it was planned from his birth? Oh I forgot I am a brainwashed moron

  6. Is this not a pretty questionable way of getting out of serving in teh army? I can't imagine a lot of sympathy for a soldier who refused to ship out to Afghanistan in 2001 until the Supreme Court reviewed their (erroneous) descision to award the election to Bush.

    No. The Bush election, fraudulent or not, is not a constitutional matter in the same way. The place of Obama's birth is and his blatent refusal to prove where he was born only adds fuel to the fire.

    I'm amused that you naturally assume that the worthless, medicority Bush was propelled into the Whitehouse by cheating the system. But that the current worthless, mediocrity, Obama was elected fair and square.

    It also asks a question I have wondered: Why "a major party presidential nominee would risk his entire candidacy on a fraud that could be uncovered simply by a check of state health records"?

    You would think so.

    So why has that simple check not been done?

  7. "Anonymous said 17:09... I have actually heard people claim that all those are faked. How can you fake something from the 1960's that is in libraries? More over why would you?"

    All what have been faked? the only documents ever produced so far are a Certification of Live Birth produced in 2008 allegedly on the basis of an original 1961 document, which has never been released and a newspaper announcement from 1961.

    Neither of which are sufficient proof of identity to cover a car hire agreement.

    Absolutely nothing else has ever been produced. Hence there are no "all those things" to have been faked.

    Why is it that you would have to produce far more than that to get a bank loan, but it is okay for someone to become the most powerful person on earth to get the job on the basis of a couple of scraps of dubious circumstantial evidence?

  8. @Birdman
    The jewish media and power structure have every thing to do with this mans situation. Lacking the two said entities he would never have been ordered to fight and kill people who have done nothing to him or his nation.
    -concearned American-

  9. So the newspaper announcing his birth is a fake? Serious a live birth certificate is more then enough. I have lost my birth certificate and I have not bothered to get a new one. As if they would actually be bothered. It would come out eventually. Oh I forgot there is an organisation controlling the world *cue Twilight zone music*

  10. Of course you will claim the liberal media faked this

    Analysis: Contrary to the arguments set forth above, Barack Obama is, in fact, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood). The age and citizenship status of his parents at the time of his birth have no bearing on Obama's own citizenship.

    Any confusion on this point is the result of misunderstanding the legal concepts of jus sanguinis (right of blood) and jus soli (right of birthplace) as they apply to citizenship in the United States. Here's how the website of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service explained the matter in 2008:

    The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship at birth to almost all individuals born in the United States or in U.S. jurisdictions, according to the principle of jus soli. Certain individuals born in the United States, such as children of foreign heads of state or children of foreign diplomats, do not obtain U.S. citizenship under jus soli.

    Certain individuals born outside of the United States are born citizens because of their parents, according to the principle of jus sanguinis (which holds that the country of citizenship of a child is the same as that of his / her parents).

    It is a fact that under the provisions of Article Two of the U.S. Constitution, naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of president, but this disqualification does not apply to Barack Obama, who has been a citizen since birth.

    UPDATE: Is Barack Obama's birth certificate invalid?
    Self-styled "experts" have questioned the validity of Obama's Hawaii birth certificate as posted online, but after examining the actual physical document, investigators at Factcheck.org (Annenberg Public Policy Center) concluded it is authentic. The state of Hawaii has also affirmed its validity. Read the details...

    UPDATE: Berg v. Obama lawsuit rejected by Supreme Court
    A federal lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania by attorney Philip J. Berg charged that Obama was either born or naturalized in a foreign country and is therefore ineligible for the office of President. The case was thrown out of court on Oct. 24, 2008 by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick, who concluded in his decision that Berg's arguments were, among other things, "frivolous and not worthy of discussion." Read the court decision...

  11. Of course you will say this is fake but there is no proof in your information either so here you go. Analysis: Contrary to the arguments set forth above, Barack Obama is, in fact, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood). The age and citizenship status of his parents at the time of his birth have no bearing on Obama's own citizenship.

    Any confusion on this point is the result of misunderstanding the legal concepts of jus sanguinis (right of blood) and jus soli (right of birthplace) as they apply to citizenship in the United States. Here's how the website of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service explained the matter in 2008:

    The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship at birth to almost all individuals born in the United States or in U.S. jurisdictions, according to the principle of jus soli. Certain individuals born in the United States, such as children of foreign heads of state or children of foreign diplomats, do not obtain U.S. citizenship under jus soli.

    Berg v. Obama lawsuit rejected by Supreme Court
    A federal lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania by attorney Philip J. Berg charged that Obama was either born or naturalized in a foreign country and is therefore ineligible for the office of President. The case was thrown out of court on Oct. 24, 2008 by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick, who concluded in his decision that Berg's arguments were, among other things, "frivolous and not worthy of discussion.

  12. @Anonymous - I don't quite see the distinction you're making between the 'constitutionality' of the Obama and Bush cases. There may be nuances I'm missing, seeing as I'm not American.

    I am amused that you assume that I am making assumptions myself about the relative merits of the arguments against the 2 presidents. With Bush, there is a clear motive, method and opportunity for the different levels at which the fraud occurred (mainly Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and Diebold), and actual supporting evidence. With Obama, there's very little motive, especially for all the people that would have to help cover up the fraud, no clear method (the document is not faked, and how would he have reached a point to be considered a presidential candidate if the accusations were true?), or opportunity, and the evidence seems to boil down to, "He looks suspicious and his name sounds a bit foreign."

    As for why his documents haven't been checked, they have been (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html), and as I said, do you really think that the Clinton and Republican campaigns were not searching day and night for something to prove he was inelligible? If it's out there, they would have found it.

  13. @Sarah
    You call into question the worth of the evidence supporting Obama's citizenship. However, considering the burden of proof lies on the accuser, is there a single shred of evidence to suggest that he even has a case to answer?

    I mean, another thing that confuses me is that, I believe everyone accepts that his mother lived in Hawaii before and after his birth, so are we to believe that a heavily-pregnant single mother booked a flight to Kenya, just to give birth in a Kenyan, as opposed to an American hispital, and then immediately travelled back with her newborn? I may be a brainwashed liberal, but that sounds like a pretty ridiculous scenario to me.

  14. @James

    I don't agree, if I apply for a loan, or indeed a job, the onus is on me to prove that I am who I say I am and that I am qualified

    Obama had not done either, in fact he has spent over $1 million in lawyers fees resisting attempts to make him release proof of where he was born.

    However, I am not accusing him of anything, as I said, only he knows the truth, as nobody else has seen the evidence.

  15. "Anonymous said... Of course you will claim the liberal media faked this"

    "Faked" what? how can anything have been faked if nothing was released?

    As for a newspaper announcement a grandmother can place that, especially if she wants to give her Kenyan born grandchild a US citizenship.

    On its own it is proof of nothing other than that someone placed an announcement.

  16. '' I may be a brainwashed liberal, but that sounds like a pretty ridiculous scenario to me.''

    yes you are

  17. but why would you put in a news report just to get citizenship? It just doesnt make sense. No one does that so why would it be that ONE person who then becomes President does that. He is just trying to make a point that he wouldnt be in that place if he wasnt American born so why should he prove it. Plus he may have shown documents to the right people, we dont know. It was a chain email that started all this. There is more proof against than for and considering you always go on and on about "proof" and truth it is obvious that he is more American has more proof. Just deal with having a black president. He hasnt been any worse than Bush (the economic crisis started with him and goign to 2 wars which he didnt need to) or any better than Bush either. He is not a knight saving the world. He is just a politician. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!

  18. Oh and CSI and news mentioned in one story? They dont even match. I have been to many countries and watched many news reports and I see only negative stories about ALL cultures. You are just hyper sensitive to the ones about white people.

    In relation to CSI it is badly made American tv that is put together for advertising and has no intellectual aspects to it. If you are watching it then I can see where you intelligence levels are and you can always switch off and then it wont offend you. Watch a real drama and you will see a broader spectrum of criminals.

  19. I just want to point out that my response was aimed to the anonymous who began their post quoting me, not the other one, who has obviously read some of the research on the birth certificate.

    @Sarah - But Obama has released documentation. A legal, official document, showing that he was born in Hawaii. A document which has been confirmed as genuine. A document which he could use to get a loan, or hire a car, especially as the state of Hawaii do not release original birth certificates to people unconnected with the subject.

    Clearly you either think that document is fake, even though it has been examined several times, or you think that for some reason they printed one certificate that says he was born in Kenya, and one that says he was born in Hawaii. The other possibility is that he is American, as shown on his birth certificate, which the world has seen. Which do you honestly think is more likely?

  20. in CSI WHEN do you ever see a Black or Hispanic committing the crime..??

    A good time to mention antiwhitemedia.blogspot.com

  21. With Obama, there's very little motive, especially for all the people that would have to help cover up the fraud

    Really? You think there could be no motive for having a complaint non-entity in power?

    You havent explained what the motive for having the last complaint non-entity in power was either.

    All this BS about the birth certificate having been proven is a nonsense btw.

    Its very simple. Obama is in the oval office, he picks up the phone.

    "Oh, hello there, is that the governor of Hawaii? Yes? Oh jolly good. Look here, I'm sorry to be a frightful bore but could you get one of your chaps to pop down to the basement and dig around in the filing cabinets. Its the damndest thing, I cant seem to find my bally birth certifiate. These oiks in DC have got in terrible bate about something called the constitution. I can't make head nor tail of it myself but...whats that you say? I don't have a 'tangible interest' in the document?. Oh well not to worry, I'll just let various 3rd parties argue about the veracity of questionable copies instead. I'm sure the constituional lawyer chappies will find that equally acceptable. Toodle pip Linda old girl"

  22. @ James "But Obama has released documentation. A legal, official document, showing that he was born in Hawaii"

    No he hasn't, you are falling for the lies the media are telling you "The Certification of live birth" would not be adequate to obtain a loan, and certainly not a passport.

    I have no idea what the truth is I just wonder why the President of America is paying lawyers to save him from having to release his real birth certificate and other documents.

    Go figure!

  23. @anonymous 14:10
    Im an American. Born and raised here. Here in my country we had rules. One being that a president must be born in America or an American territory/military base ect.

    Why has he not proven his citizenship? I mean gone out of his way to prove it without a doubt.
    I think your abit nieve of the troubles we have here in the states my friend.
    First off he was totally unqualified for the position. He was foisted in by the liar media. They used every subversive racist angle in the book to manipulate the masses to vote fo him. They toted him as the next Lincoln, Rosevelt, yet the young negro had never run a business or done anything of consequense. He was a member of a black church which was totally anti White for twenty years.
    The jew media used the race card and guilt factor to slander anyone who wanted to know more about his roots and self avowed communist parents.
    He was PUT in power by JEW BANKERS. The same bankers that RULE AMERICA.
    He is awash in questionable actvities. Read between the lines, if he had nothing to hide, he wouldnt hide his past as much as he does.
    This makes him highly suspect to me. At this point none of us really know of his "citizenship" at this point.
    But we all can see that he is not a nationalist man and his loyalties are questionable to say the least.
    One more point I need to make. Our ecomomy was crashed by jew bankers. There is no doubt about it. No arguemnt on who runs our banks and no arguement that sub prime loans ruined the economy. Dont tell me these fifth and sixth generation jew bankers didnt see this crash coming.
    So ask yourself if this was not an agenda by the money changers/jews.
    Then ask yourself why none have recieved pink slips or been prosecuted.
    The exact opposite has happened, they are now running the federal reserve. And they placed a puppet with a questionable backgroung in to ensure their power base.
    His enablers/controllers are jews. Jews are very dangerous people, look into the Bolshevic revolution and current day Palestine to see their ruthless ways.
    Im not a conspiracy nut, I prefer to deal in fact. And fact is jews like to completely comprimise anything they dig thier calws into. Nothing better than to have a completely comprimised puppet illegal president whom controlls the deadliest military in world history.
    This is the big leagues, and big power must be completely controlled.
    This is why I suspect he is not an American citizen. The force of propoganda behind this guy means he is their guy and they own him thru blackmail.
    -concearned American-

  24. @anonymous 14:10
    Im an American. Born and raised here. Here in my country we had rules. One being that a president must be born in America or an American territory/military base ect.

    Why has he not proven his citizenship? I mean gone out of his way to prove it without a doubt.
    I think your abit nieve of the troubles we have here in the states my friend.
    First off he was totally unqualified for the position. He was foisted in by the liar media. They used every subversive racist angle in the book to manipulate the masses to vote fo him. They toted him as the next Lincoln, Rosevelt, yet the young negro had never run a business or done anything of consequense. He was a member of a black church which was totally anti White for twenty years.
    The jew media used the race card and guilt factor to slander anyone who wanted to know more about his roots and self avowed communist parents.
    He was PUT in power by JEW BANKERS. The same bankers that RULE AMERICA.
    He is awash in questionable actvities. Read between the lines, if he had nothing to hide, he wouldnt hide his past as much as he does.
    This makes him highly suspect to me. At this point none of us really know of his "citizenship" at this point.
    But we all can see that he is not a nationalist man and his loyalties are questionable to say the least.
    One more point I need to make. Our ecomomy was crashed by jew bankers. There is no doubt about it. No arguemnt on who runs our banks and no arguement that sub prime loans ruined the economy. Dont tell me these fifth and sixth generation jew bankers didnt see this crash coming.
    So ask yourself if this was not an agenda by the money changers/jews.
    Then ask yourself why none have recieved pink slips or been prosecuted.
    The exact opposite has happened, they are now running the federal reserve. And they placed a puppet with a questionable backgroung in to ensure their power base.
    His enablers/controllers are jews. Jews are very dangerous people, look into the Bolshevic revolution and current day Palestine to see their ruthless ways.
    Im not a conspiracy nut, I prefer to deal in fact. And fact is jews like to completely comprimise anything they dig thier calws into. Nothing better than to have a completely comprimised puppet illegal president whom controlls the deadliest military in world history.
    This is the big leagues, and big power must be completely controlled.
    This is why I suspect he is not an American citizen. The force of propoganda behind this guy means he is their guy and they own him thru blackmail.
    -concearned American-

  25. @anonymous 14:10
    Im an American. Born and raised here. Here in my country we had rules. One being that a president must be born in America or an American territory/military base ect.

    Why has he not proven his citizenship? I mean gone out of his way to prove it without a doubt.
    I think your abit nieve of the troubles we have here in the states my friend.
    First off he was totally unqualified for the position. He was foisted in by the liar media. They used every subversive racist angle in the book to manipulate the masses to vote fo him. They toted him as the next Lincoln, Rosevelt, yet the young negro had never run a business or done anything of consequense. He was a member of a black church which was totally anti White for twenty years.
    The jew media used the race card and guilt factor to slander anyone who wanted to know more about his roots and self avowed communist parents.
    He was PUT in power by JEW BANKERS. The same bankers that RULE AMERICA.
    He is awash in questionable actvities. Read between the lines, if he had nothing to hide, he wouldnt hide his past as much as he does.
    This makes him highly suspect to me. At this point none of us really know of his "citizenship" at this point.
    But we all can see that he is not a nationalist man and his loyalties are questionable to say the least.
    One more point I need to make. Our ecomomy was crashed by jew bankers. There is no doubt about it. No arguemnt on who runs our banks and no arguement that sub prime loans ruined the economy. Dont tell me these fifth and sixth generation jew bankers didnt see this crash coming.
    So ask yourself if this was not an agenda by the money changers/jews.
    Then ask yourself why none have recieved pink slips or been prosecuted.
    The exact opposite has happened, they are now running the federal reserve. And they placed a puppet with a questionable backgroung in to ensure their power base.
    His enablers/controllers are jews. Jews are very dangerous people, look into the Bolshevic revolution and current day Palestine to see their ruthless ways.
    Im not a conspiracy nut, I prefer to deal in fact. And fact is jews like to completely comprimise anything they dig thier calws into. Nothing better than to have a completely comprimised puppet illegal president whom controlls the deadliest military in world history.
    This is the big leagues, and big power must be completely controlled.
    This is why I suspect he is not an American citizen. The force of propoganda behind this guy means he is their guy and they own him thru blackmail.
    -concearned American-

  26. @ Anonymous (18 August 2010 20:41 )
    I was saying that I don't see the motivation of all the people that would have to be part of the conspiracy. The people who delivered him in Kenya would have to be silenced, the people that lied about delivering him in Hawaii would have to be silenced, the people that assisted in perpetrating a fraud 40 years ago (and must have thought it was strange that they were being asked to cover up some random Kenyan kid's birth), the scholarships that helped Obama get to Harvard would have had to be fooled, as would Harvard's admissions people, and all the people running against Obama at every level of political office he'd ever held from Chicago to the Presidency would have to have been compliant.

    Do you honestly think this is a plausible scenario?

    Also, while the motivation for having a "compliant non-entity" in power is clear for people in a position to exploit that, why on Earth would they pick a non-entity who would not be eligible for the office they were trying to maniulate him into? Unless you're suggesting that Obama fooled them into thinking he was eligible until it was too late, in which case, he'd definitely not qualify as a "compliant non-entity".

    THere is simply no way in which your hypothesis makes sense.

    Again, you characterise the released certificate a 'questionable'. The only questions being asked about it are ones of no validity, and questionable motivation.

    That said, it was nice to see a mockery of Obama that doesn't resort to ridiculous "Yo dawg" dialogue and pathetic fried chicken jokes and racial stereotypes. Credit to you for that, young man.

  27. @Sarah
    So are you saying that a legal document stating for a fact that he was born in Hawaii is not valid?

    Are you honestly claiming that the document is either fake or lying? If the document is not fake, and is not lying, the President of the United States was born in America, it's as simple as that.

    So, is the document fake or misleading?

    As for why he's using lawyers to deal with this, I would imagine it's a better solution than answering every frivolous, poorly-written, poorly-thought-out legal action that the Teabaggers and associated loonies are trying to take against him. Even if you don't think he's doing a good job of running his country, you must agree that actually running it is a better use of his time than responding to trivia and paranoia.

  28. What is the REAL MOTIVE of having Obama in the Oval Office???

    I know this is a wide ranging question, but I would love to hear some comments on this.

  29. @ Sarah
    Strangely, and completely by coincidence, I noticed some discussion of Obama's birth cerificate on another website, which led to a link to a right-wing news site (hotair - I don't know if you're familiar with it), and one of their writers (Ed Morrissey) commented on the birth certificate:
    "When someone requests a validated copy of their birth certificate, they don’t get a photocopy of the original. They get a fresh certificate with a seal showing that it came from the official registrar, in most states. They keep the info in a computer and produced validated copies on request.

    This is a validated copy of the birth certificate, with which Obama could get a passport, register to vote, etc etc. It’s perfectly acceptable."


    I'm curious what you think of that, seeing as this is a site with plenty of adverts against the "9/11 mosque" and in favour of Arizona's immigration law, they clearly are not part of the supposedly liberal mainstream media, and I also wonder what your source is when you state that the document would not be valid for any of those things (I do wish Morrissey had given a little background to his claim, seeing as he seems to be speaking from personal experience).

  30. lucky they are trying to change the law and anyone can be president of America. That will upset you all.

  31. Those who suggest that Dr. Lakin is just trying to evade going to Afghanistan are simply foolish. This is a soldier with 18 years of honorable service, a man who has been previously deployed elsewhere, a man with no reason at all to avoid a deployment for its own sake.

    No, you really have to accept that he is doing what is has done as a matter of principle. This will seem very strange to many in a world where acting on principle is so rarely done, and here this man is laying his career, possibly his life, on the line for principle. But that is the case here. Believe it.

    Do not think that he is ignorant of the laws of the United States. He, along with millions of other Americans, knows that BHO has not proved that he is eligible to President of the United States of America. This is not a foolish man, this is not a man without good advice, but this is a man who takes his responsibility more seriously than most men do. He has decided to force the issue. One other American military man tried to do this and the military simply discharged him. In this case, with LTC Lakin, the case is going forward to court martial. I am much afraid we may see a grave miscarriage of justice if the court is unwilling to do its duty, but that will not be the fault of LTC Lakin. He will have provided it the opportunity to do its duty; how it responds will be up to the officers in charge of the court.

    The law regarding US citizenship is different from that as regards eligibility for the position of President. Not all citizens are eligible to become President. Those who would be President must meet more narrowly drawn conditions, and it appears certain that BHO does not meet these conditions, no matter where he was born because his father was a British subject.

    LTC Terry Lakin is doing a great service to all Americans, and he deserves our support and our prayers. Let us not fail him. -- Dr.D

  32. James

    Did you listen to the tape? Larkin explains why he thinks that the document which Obama's people have have released is not proof of his eligibility.

    You will also find lots of articles here http://www.wnd.com/eligibility which will address many of the questions you have, including those who have claimed that the "certification of Live Birth" is adequate proof.

    I am not making any claims about Obama's eligibility, I merely point out that he has spent huge sums of money resisting attempts to make him reveal his original birth certificate. Why would he do that?

    It does not take huge numbers of people to be involved in a conspiracy, it only requires a tiny number of people to know the truth and large numbers desperate to believe what they are told.

  33. @ Dr. D
    I can accept that Larkin is not a coward. Therefore, I am only left with the option of him being a fool.

    He is acting according to his principles, but is letting himself down by allowing himself to be blinded to the facts by right-wing media who give this ridiculous story credulity it doesn't deserve.

    Obama's citizenship has been proved to the satisfaction of anyone who had not made their mind up the minute they heard his middle name was 'Hussein'. What's quite sad is that this man has actually taken financial contributions in good faith from people who genuinely support him, to fight a legal battle based on delusions and lies. I imagine that, if he ever accepts the truth, he'll actually feel pretty ashamed of what he's unwittingly done, and I hope that this farce of a case is not dragged out much longer than this.

    I am afraid that you, if not Lt. Larkin, are ignorant of the laws of your own country. The nationality of Obama's father is only a factor if he was born outside of the USA. He was not, he has provided legal documentation to prove htat, and Hawaii officals have confirmed that they have his birth certificate in their State Department records (which are not situated in Kenya, in case you are wondering).

    Frankly, I can't help but think that Larkin could have saved a lot of time and trouble if he'd just checked snopes, who do a wonderful job of finding the truth in urban myths like these:
    I mean, come on! It's free! What was stopping him? Or maybe he thought Fox News was a suitable source to risk his career over?

  34. @ Sarah
    Yes, I listened to the tape, and Larkin does not present one good reason for his case. He is obsessed with the difference between an original birth certificate and this other official document, even though he never questions that the published document is either a fake or contains untrue information.

    If it's a genuine document, and doesn't contain innaccurate information, Obama was born in America, and the case can end. Why does he need to drag it out like this?

    He says its alterations make it inadmissable in court, but that only applies to the scan of the document, not the original, which has been examined and declared genuine.

    He says that Hawaiian officials have refused to confirm the document, but again stops short of suggesting that the document is fake. Hawaiian officials have twice confirmed that they have the original document on file at their State Department, which I can't imagine them having if he was born in Kenya. Again, no case to answer.

    I think a lot of Larkin's issues come from the fact that the released document looks different to the ones he filled out himself as a doctor. It should - it's not the same document. It is however, valid, legal, and shows that his reasons for refusing to deploy are nonsense.

    "I am not making any claims about Obama's eligibility, I merely point out that he has spent huge sums of money resisting attempts to make him reveal his original birth certificate. Why would he do that?"

    Perhaps because he has provided all the proof he needs to have. Frankly, why does it matter, if he already has proved that he is a natural-born American citizen, which is exactly what he has done? I wonder if this is a trend on this site, to attack people who refuse to dignify stupid questions with responses (like that ridiculous Dianne Abbott video I saw linked to in another post)? The accusations are stupid, they have already been disproved, and as such, I can't help but respect him a bit more for not pretending that they are worth addressing.

    As for that site you linked to, is it a joke? 'Obama was adopted by an Indonesian because a step-sister of his died,' 'He's not Kenyan, he's an Indonesian,''He's got 5 different names,''We know he's unamerican because Rush Limbaugh and a bunch of billboards say so!'

    Page after page of ridiculous stories, mostly based on nothing more than hearsay, and contradicting each other (I didn't even know he was supposed to be Indonesian, I thought he was meant to be an evil Muslim Kenyan - you'd think they'd make up their minds). I hate to keep repeating myself but, doesn't the poor quality of your sources make you question the validity of some of your beliefs?

  35. Well James

    It is very clear that you want to believe in Obama, so you will only see what you want to see :-))

  36. @ Sarah
    That's it? I have to admit that I find myself echoing the disappointment of that other recent poster who has said that they feel that it's a waste trying to post well thought-out responses, as they don't get a meaningful response. I feel I've backed up the views I've expressed, and was actually wondering what your response was.

    I do feel that there have been mistakes made by the Obama administration, and things that he can be questioned on, and I don't see people like this are focussing on such an item of trivia. It seems such a waste of energy, and of the democratic freedoms we enjoy in the West.

  37. All the websites you ask James and others to look at are not öfficial government websites or newsites they are just composed by people who have an opinion and thus are not valid.

  38. James

    It is late, as I have said before, I do not have time to enter into lengthy debates with commentators.

    Maybe someone else will respond to you, meanwhile, you have made your comments, and people will evaluate them for what they are.

  39. Anonymous 15:03

    No of course they are not official government websites, who would trust an official government website?.

    There were various reports there explaining why some people question the "evidence" Obama has produced to prove his eligibility, and all the things he has hidden

  40. @ Sarah
    I do understand that you may be short of time, and maybe my response sounded like a demand for a response. I apologise if it came across that way, as it was not my intent. It was just that your dismissal of what I'd taken the time to post came across as rather disrespectful, after I took the time to respond to your points, and to look at the websites you linked to.

    To say that you simply don't agree with me is a perfectly valid response. To say that my opinions are obviously not as valid as yours demands an explanation.

    As for the reports, I have to agree that they do show people's reasons for questioning the evidence that has been presented. I simply failed to find a single one that presented any reasons that were valid, worthwhile, or that had not been addressed several years ago.

    Birthers seem to simply be rejecting any evidence that goes against the conclusion they've already arrived at, and as I said, that's quite sad, as so much energy is being wasted on these quixotic campaigns.

  41. I dont think anyone wants a speedy response. Again very rude and condescening. It is just that thoughtful responses are overlooked and people attack the responses that maybe more absuive. They do this cause it is easier not because of time and busy lives. Otherwise you would post NOTHING up.

  42. @ James Mathurin

    James, the most obvious reason to think Obama is hiding something, actually hiding much, is the great lengths that he has gone to to hide it. If he had nothing to hid, why would he have spent over a $1 million working feverishly to hid it? Why not simply produce the simple documentation, the same documentation that all of us have to show to get a driver's license, to file for social security, etc., and be done with it? Obama could have made this all a non-issue in a matter of minutes if he were open and transparent. The fact that he is not makes it very apparent that he is hiding something.

    Don't worry too much about me not knowing the laws of the USA. I think I am safe on that score. I keep a copy of the Constitution right beside my chair for ready reference.

    I say again that LTC Terry Lakin is doing this as a service for all Americans to force this issue, something that is vitally necessary for the continuation of our Constitutional republic. If Obama is properly elected, let him stand, but if he is not properly elected, he must be removed, and every action he has taken must be undone. We are on dangerous ground here, but it was a dangerous mistake to nominate a man without checking his background properly. Now we have to do what should have been done by the Democratic Party before the election. LTC Lakin is forcing that to happen for the good of the nation. We all owe him a great deal. Thank you Col. Lakin. May God bless and protect LTC Lakin through the dark days ahead.

  43. @ Dr. D
    "Why not simply produce the simple documentation, the same documentation that all of us have to show to get a driver's license, to file for social security, etc., and be done with it?"

    But he did. This is where the complaints seem so strange to me. "Well, yes, he's released a legal document that proves that he was born in America, but we want to see the other legal document that proves that he was born in America! Because, you know, maybe he just asked nicely and they decided to supply one that was a complete lie, because that is exactly the kind of thing State Departments and hospitals do."

    Like I said, such a waste of time and energy. I know he has made decisions that people like you dislike, why not debate those? Why devote so much time to this non-issue? I've still not seen a good explanation of why Birthers are doing this. Even Tea Baggers make more sense than this (and that's saying something).

    The evidence was released 2 years ago, and verified as genuine. He has been transparent, and I don't see why people can't let this go. Frankly, I can't picture people accepting any level of proof, just like people still won't accept he's not a muslim.

    OK, if you have the constitution so close, have a look. Obama, being born in America, is perfectly eligible to be President of your country. The nationality of his father doesn't matter.

    "We are on dangerous ground here, but it was a dangerous mistake to nominate a man without checking his background properly. Now we have to do what should have been done by the Democratic Party before the election."

    Again, I find your response bizarre. What on Earth makes you think it wasn't checked, just like McCain, Edwards, Clinton, Romney, Palin, Biden and all the other people involved in the race would have been checked? No party is going to put up a candidate that is inelligible. They have hordes of lawyers who would have spotted something so blindingly obvious withing minutes. Never mind the fact that all the people running against him would have leaped on something like this.

    What on Earth makes you think that it is even credible that he got as far as the White House before anyone thought to check it? In what parallell universe would that happen?

    I do feel sorry for Lt. Larkin. He is clearly sincere in his beliefs, but it's a shame that a brave, honest man has been so fooled by rumour, lies and media manipulation that he is putting his career and freedom in jeopardy. The people who are propogating this idiocy should hang their heads in shame.

  44. @James

    What do you keep saying he has produced a document which "proves he was born in America"

    The whole point is that it is alleged that the "Certification of Live Birth" which he has produced was routinely issued to people who were not born in America, it is not, for instance accepted as being adequate proof when Americans apply for passports.

    This is why he has been asked to produce his original birth certificate, but he has refused to do so.

    All he has to do is produce his birth certificate and that would silence all the questions, so why doesn't he do so?.

  45. @Sarah
    OK, why has it taken so long for this point to be made?

    I'm looking at the scan of the document:
    I see "City, town or location of birth - Honolulu; Island of birth - Oahu; County of borth - Honolulu"

    So, it's a legally binding document, which states that he was born in Hawaii.

    I notice you've stopped claiming he couldn't hire a car with this document. Also, considering the reliability of some of the claims made on here, can I see proof that this is not adequate for getting a passport? I could see that, as this is a document obtained by his campaign, rather than himself, and this is the only document they would release to such a person. However, as I said, Hawaii have twice confirmed his birth certificate is on file at their State Department.

    Why is this not adequate proof?

  46. James

    Because a document says something doesn't make it legally binding.

    There have been literally dozens of attempts to challenge that document in court, but the courts will not hear the case, because they claim that the people bringing the cases do not have standing.

    Look up Philip J Berg who is on of those challenging Obama's eligibility

  47. @ Sarah
    I did see references to the various cases brought against Obama, I also saw that cases have been brought against Barry Goldwater, John McCain and Dick Cheney on citizenship grounds, and all have been thrown out, so this seems merely the latest in a line of frivolous cases.

    I did see reference to the Berg case, and the reason given that his case had no standing was because it was, "too vague and too attenuated," that his "claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen [was] "frivolous and not worthy of discussion," and that "the harm Berg alleged did "not constitute an injury in fact" and Berg's arguments to the contrary "ventured into the unreasonable.""
    (this is all from the same snopes article I've already given the link to, which in turn has links to the original court records)

    Frankly, the judge's conclusions match the view I've arrived after trying to take an objective look at the accusations against him. They'd be a joke if they weren't so sad.

    I do take on board your point that the document is not "rasing on my part, so permit me to try again: phrasing on my part, so permit me to try again: The document's purpose is to reflect the information on his original birth certificate, and it would be illegal for the Hawaiian State Department to issue it with statements of Obama having been born in America if that was not what was reflected on his original birth certificate.

    That being the case (and it is), what is your issue with the Certificate of Live Birth?

  48. I just took a look at the profile of the pro Obama commenter here that goes by the man of James.
    It makes sence to me now.
    His off the cuff comments are due to his youth and feel good ways.
    Perhaps James has not yet been directly effected by the policies of the choosen one/obama or the original "chosenites"
    His judgements of this military man and his motives are clearly out of his realm.

    Stay in your nieve world and trust in obama. Ignore any dissent.
    -concearned American-

  49. The main question stands, do we live by the rule of law? In Britain a serving doctor was found guilt in Courts Martial for refusing to do another tour in the illegal war zone of Iraq. It all reads so much like the Nuremberg defence and the likes of Lt Col Lakin and http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/apr/13/military.iraq Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith should be heralded as brave men in Commonwealth of cowardice.

  50. Oh, I noticed a sentence I wrote in my last post came out a bit wrong, it should have read:
    "I do take on board your point that the document is not "legally binding." That was lazy phrasing on my part, so permit me to try again..."

    @Anonymous (20 August 2010 23:30 )
    Are you the same person that is posting all the anonymous anti-semitic posts? For the record, i do not think the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq should have been started, and that one of the worst things about them is the cost of life paid by innocent members of the Coalition's armed forces. I certainly don't support a war against Iran, unless there were some evidence that it presented an immediate threat to us (something I don't see as being very likely).

    What is your problem with Jews being in postions of influence in the media? If it was instead a Christian, Hindu or Atheist - dominated industry, would you still view it as something automatically sinister? (Don't worry, I think it's a safe assumption that you would view a Muslim dominance as a bad thing).

    I am in favour of net neutrality, and against any government control of the internet (if that is even possible - only China has managed it, and it's a pretty unique case), so no, I would not support moves by any government to restrict the internet.

    I am not as familiar with the situation with the Mexico border, but a lot of what i do see seems to be dominated by hysteria and hyperbole (like the ridiculous Arizona situation and the fuss over "anchor / terror babies").

    I find it sad that you can't view objective questioning of your views as anything other than 'messiah worship' of Obama. Why not try presenting evidence to back up your outlandish claims - you come across as someone who has an issue with Jews and are happy to just rant on irrationally about that, even after Sarah has asked you to give it a rest.

  51. @ Concearned American
    First of all, spellcheck is your friend - I know we all make typos in our posts, but you should at least get your name spelt correctly.

    Considering I was being accused of lying about who I was in another comment thread, it's kind of nice that someone took the time to look at my profile. If I may ask, did you like any of the art or pages in my two blogs? Constructive criticism is always useful.

    I'm not sure why you refer to my comments as "off the cuff." If someone posts a video, I look at it, if someone suggests I follow a link or look at a particular issue, I do. I lay my points out clearly, explaining which bits I agree with, and which I disagree with. I really can't see how this counts as 'off the cuff'.

    As for the "youth and feel good ways," it's nice to still be counted as a 'youth' at 31. By feel good ways, I can only assume you mean that I have a sense of humour, which has been a great help to me working with children, and caring for relatives with a variety of physical, mental health and mental disability issues.

    Being brought up in an environment like I have, I and the people close to me have been affected a great deal more personally by a number of issues relating to politics, both here in the UK and in the US (we are heavily impacted by some decisions made across the Atlantic). I have had a strong interest in politics since I was a teenager, and that is part of the reason I enjoy entering into debate with people who hold opposing views.

    Which comments do you think I have made which show my judgement of Lt Col Larkin to be 'out of my realm'? I have respect for someone who is willing to put their life on the line for something that they believe in, whether a country or a cause, but that respect does not mean that everything they say should be unquestioningly accepted.

    "Stay in your nieve world and trust in obama. Ignore any dissent. "

    Right now, you seem to be the one who is having issues with dissent, at least when it is dissenting from your own, arguably just as naive, world view. If you think I'm wrong in this suggestion, please do explain why.

  52. @ notareargunner
    I certainly sympathise with Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith, and agree with him that the war was an illegal "act of aggression." I respect him for taking such an ethical stand, for all the right reasons, and knowing that, as a soldier, he would be found guilty. Unfortunately, the armed forces have to follow orders, and if anything, the onus falls more on the general public to try to get the government to find a way to get out of those situations (such as setting deadlines for withdrawal), and to push for justice to be served on those who supported these wars against all the evidence.

    With lives in the balance, it's a shame that Larkin is hung up on an already-disproved right-wing talking point, when he could be refusing to serve on much more sensible and rational grounds.

  53. @Anonymous (19 August 2010 04:59)
    "lucky they are trying to change the law and anyone can be president of America. That will upset you all."

    Well, I can't talk for all the people convinced they already have a Muslim Kenyan Commie in the White House, but I'm presonally scared if it opens up the possibility of a Scwarzenegger presidency.
