Friday 13 August 2010

The Destruction of European Culture

This video keeps disappearing from YouTube so here it is again

Hat Tip: JP


  1. dearest sarah, i tried to access it but it did not work.
    keep up the good work. you are the Paul Revere of the White people!

  2. Thanks, I appreciate that. :)

    I am sorry you can't view the video, is anyone else having that problem? It works fine for me.


  3. The video is fine Sarah. Well, I say 'fine' in the terms of it working - as it certainly isn't 'fine' in regards to it's content.

  4. This is a very disturbing video, one that needs to be shown to all young adults of child bearing age. They are the ones on the cusp, the ones who, if anyone, can tip this thing in our favor again. Those of us past that age can only call out a warning and then watch to see what happens.

    We see so many younger people opting for no children, or only a single child. Children are considered a burden, a big expense and a drain on their parents. It is true that children are a responsibility, but they are also a great blessing and one that is essential to our continuation. It is only in our modern, hedonistic culture that we have seen this "live for myself alone" attitude develop, a very, very negative way of seeing the world and life.

  5. There are three possible solutions as far as I can see.

    1 Every white heterosexual couple who are capable of bearing children must have at least two or three children. Is this going to happen in a free society? I think not.

    2 If the above is not possible and it appears not, then we must expect the white population to disappear over the next century or so.

    3 I'm afraid that it is illegal for me two reduce into writing the third solution. As a clue I'm an ex military man and as such we always have solutions.

  6. dearest sarah,
    got it to work in IE

    was not working in Firefox


  7. Time for gentle coercion. This can obviously be turned around. "Free Society" does not have to equate to a suicide cult.

    We have been encouraged, and enabled, to worship stuff, not people. And preferably expensive stuff.

    Our 'leadership', on this, as everything else, is utterly useless, and has to be replaced by real adults.


  8. My regular taxi driver in the country on the Arabian Peninsula where I live has ten children.His country is opening more universities each year for his majesties subjects.Homosexual marriage is not a burning issue.

  9. Works fine for me.

    This video has went viral and the controlled BBC took the highly unusual action of publicly "disputing" the findings of this video, but as we know the BBC is very much part of the ethnic cleansing of our people.

    The establishment fear this video, pass it on and wake someone up...Donna

  10. Robert

    Need one say more?


  11. yes, I have thought I would go out on streets with a videocam and ask one question, what people think of this country as being Islamic and whites a minority in a few decades..?

    what else can I do!?

    Title: Episode #31 – ZOG will REALLY Fuck U Up
    Time: 08/15/2010 09:00 PM EDT
    Episode Notes: Episode #31 — ZOG will REALLY Fuck U Up. Special Longer, Harder, & Uncut Episode. Hal Turner thought ZOG was his pal, and as a paytridiot ‘thought’ that he would spy on Whigger Nutsionalists. And so Hal Turner denied being a ZOGbot until the day that ZOG thought Hal Went too far and decided to fuck the Turdnerstein up. By the way, the baal-priests Sci-Fi Faber, jewromy Visser, and sundry ZOGbot pisser-possums are still running wild, eating shit & bothering pisspul. Edgar Steele, The Whigger-Whimperer, is supposedly facing trial, represented by a pub[l]ic pretender, like Halster Turdnerstein, to be held Monday. The Whigger-Whimperer better figure out quick, a way to derail the Railroad, or get jewst to living in a ZOG jewlag cage with the Halster & Tyrone & MuhDikkk X. Introducing a new parody song to the Lindstedt EIB Network (Erysipelas In Broadcasting) called “ZOG WILL Fuck U Up”, which is a variant on a somewhat blasphemous little ditty. So if you are gonna get butt-fucked by ZOG, and it is because YOU begged for it, then might as well enjoy the ride, even if only third-’hand’. Hail Victory!!!

  13. Seriously, it is time for some co-ercion now.

    Soon even that won't be sufficient.


  14. The damage was done after the second world war. England as a country officially ceased to exist in 1945. The so called "UN" imposed its diktat on England/UK in 1951 with its 'refugee' convention that nobody in parliament ever opposed except Powell. No referendum on that and no referendum on 'joining' Europe. We were insidiously sucked into it.

    Britain became infested with Marxist/Commie scum after the 1st world war which has developed and evolved into plague like proportions.

    Couple that with their deliberate provoking of militant Islam and simultaneous encouragement of third world immigration and the 'state of the nation' is what we have today.

    The multi-racial shitholes that London indeeed all of England's cities have become, is the future for all of Europe's cities and towns. Rome, Paris, Monte Carlo et al.

    The two world wars were contrived to emasculate and sodomize the white race - little armies of the 'right' fighting little armies of the 'left'. Ask yourself WHO were/are the PRIMARY victims on either side? WHITE EUROPEAN PEOPLE so arrogant, STUPID and collectively vain we are?

    Just read and see the pictures of the 'Daily Mail' or any tabloid newspaper for starters - side tracking the shallow, gullible proletariate with sex and ball games... like chikens in a slaughter house.

    Watch as the cancer gets worse or else destroy its kernel in London, Brussels (and New York) - before the Turkish Army come in I hasten to add!

    Turkey is Israel's friend. Anyone with a half decent brain should be able to work out what the agenda is there. They're already in the "Eurovision Song Contest" lol!

    We're fed with BS that Communism is "dead" Is it? really!!? LOL!

    If ever Britain, indeed Europe needed a "Guy Fawkes" it's now!!!!!

    In order to defeat this hideous enemy I believe REAL Europeans will have to play the dirty murderous game of its communising capitalists!

    Had I been 20 years younger I'd certainly have no qualms about it.


    Vote David Duke for President:

  16. Thank You Sarah,
    You have opened my eyes to what is really going on.
    I worry though, the vast majority never see such well written and clear articles on the subject of immigration. I would still have my head in the sand had I not gone looking for different viwpoints.

    How to change this I am not sure.
    Sorry my comments a bit off topic, just wanted say my thanks.

    A young Scot.

  17. Worked just now in Firefox.

  18. Guy Fawkes is often considered the original terrorist. Does that mean you agree with terrorism? Or is it ok for Christians (or Catholics if Fawkes case?)

  19. "Guy Fawkes is often considered the original terrorist. Does that mean you agree with terrorism? Or is it ok for Christians (or Catholics if Fawkes case?)"

    What are you angling at? Am I to assume you 'trust' the vermin within the establishment that runs this country or are you one of these? :),7340,L-3744516,00.html

  20. Young Scot stated that we need another Guy Fawkes. A man who is known for wanting to commit a terrorist attack on a government. Basic literacy would suggest that he means we need another person who wants to blow up government, which is a terrorist act. On this blog and many others though you claim that terrorism is so evil and bad. So my angle was if young scot wants another Guy Fawkes he must want a Christian or Catholic terrorist to blow up parliament.

  21. oh and you sent me an article about talkbackers and blogging. I enjoy debate and I am not young so wouldnt do a stupid job like that.I love blogs like this for what they represent and how they show more than one side to an arguement. The only issue I have is that when someone doesnt agree with you then you claim they are brainwashed, dumb or a talkbacker. I just asked if Young Scot was interested in terrorism. Back to the article: I also tend to agree more and have more sympathy for Muslim cultures so I do not 100% agree with the creation of Isreal (mostly England's fault) and in particular America's involvment in this area. So I find it quite insulting you would link me to anything along those lines. Do not assume because I have no issues with colour or religion that I agree with all political (which is what Isreal is about) decisions. Just like you dont like to be pigeon holed as bigots I dont like being pigeon holed as liberal in all aspects.

    Thank you

  22. @Anonymous (18 August 2010 04:24 )

    I think the Anonymous you're replying to is pretty clear in their intentions. Guy Fawkes attempted to commit an act of terrorism (the blowing up of the Houses of Parliament, while Parliament was in session). To say 'we need a new Guy Fawkes' seems to be pretty clearly calling for acts of terrorism to silence people whose views you disagree with.

    How else is such a remark to be interpreted. It's like Dr. D's comment on mixed-race relationships where he asked "Where is Jack The Ripper when you need him?" Again, a very clear, violent intent.

  23. I was shocked watching a Sky news report this morning on the scramble for uni places after the A level results. Very few white faces among the students and in one class the only white was the teacher.The face of today's England?

  24. @ Anonymous (18 August 2010 22:28 )

    The face of modern Britain is teachers and students trying to better themselves through education? Regardless of the presence or absence of white faces, that sounds like a good thing to me. Why are you shocked? Are they meant to be out on the street harrassing pensioners and happy-slapping each other?

  25. @ Sarah
    That's a rather far-fetched hypothetical, but OK - If they had been 'driven out', which I assume means forced out either economically or by threat of violence, I would be opposed to it, as I would if it happened anywhere.

    It is reaching new heights of ludicrousness to suggest that this is what is happening in the UK. What 'vast areas' are there that are now devoid of white people? And how have white people been 'driven out' of a single area? Any area where people are 'driven out', at least economically, is more likely to be the reverse process of gentrification, where minorities are priced out of an area they have turned around from being an unpleasant slum, such as in Notting Hill.

    Honestly, to apply 'ethnic cleansing' to immigration is an insult to any people who have been put through such a horrific crime, and you should hold yourself to a higher standard than such hyperbole.

  26. James

    If nothing changes, within less than 4o years from now, the native population of these Islands, including the descendants of those who celebrated VE day in this country in 1945, will be an ethnic minority in Britain.

    The majority population will be of overseas ancestry.

    That is ethnic cleansing, and it is happening deliberately

  27. @ Sarah
    "That is ethnic cleansing, and it is happening deliberately"

    Sarah, no it isn't. From the Encyclopaeia Britannica:
    "the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship."

    This is not at all what you are describing. For one thing, even areas with large minority populations are hardly 'ethnically homogenous'. For another, as I said, there's no forcible displacement going on.

    Also, as for your description of the situation, I have been clear that I am a mixed-race person (although some people have questioned that, for some reason), and as such I am part of the 'native population of these islands'. I was born here and have lived my entire life here; I have family roots going back centuries here, and I am a descendant of those people who celebrated VE day, as well as those who fought, as Britons, in the war. The history and culture of this land wasn't lessened by my birth, or the birth of people like me, it lives on in us, maybe in a different form, as it did when the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings and Normans became part of British culture, but it is still Britain and I am still British.

    The threat you seem so scared of is, quite simply, not a threat. It is, at most, a change, but whatever it changes into will still be Britain, and the people who make that change will still be British.

    British culture has never stood still, it has continually changed as long as there have been records of it. Why would we want to arrest that change arbitrarily at this point?

  28. "Basic literacy would suggest that he means we need another person who wants to blow up government, which is a terrorist act."

    You don't say..?? I quote from the leadership of a body like the IRA, ANC or the Irgun/Stern gang. One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist! What goes around comes around. If England or the UK does not find a Guy Fawkes, Europe or America certainly will.

    "I also tend to agree more and have more sympathy for Muslim cultures so I do not 100% agree with the creation of Isreal (mostly England's fault) and in particular America's involvment in this area. So I find it quite insulting you would link me to anything along those lines."

    I find it amusing... why don't you consider living in a Muslim country outside Europe or Russia? Your ignorance is highlighted by quoting "Englands" fault?? It's the UNITED KINGDOM of GREAT BRITAIN and NORTHERN IRELAND who's establishment consisting of a "packet of allsorts" and led by determined Jewish influences like Leo "Amery" who brought about modern Israel's arrival with American and British taxpayers money of course and the second world war. Google the "Englishman" Leo "Amery" sir.. BTW it's Israel not Isreal..

    Ultimately the way things are going in the UK, Europe and North America only an IRA style campaign can hope to save the white European races... starting with the traitors to our kind.

  29. People choosing to mix with other cultures and governments having migration does not become ethnic cleansing. White people are not being FORCED out of the UK. No one has a gun to their head asking them to leave. I see white people all the time, I have never been forced out of an area nor has any of my family. What an exaggerated statement. Stop looking for excuses for failure. A great British white scientist started the theory of evoloution. Obviously white people are losing the race in survival of the fittest.

  30. @ Anonymous (19 August 2010 15:09)

    So, you are suggesting violent acts of terrorism as a sensible response to the presence of non-Whites in our country? You sound like more of a threat to the culture and values that I recognise as British.

  31. I am sorry what is a "no go" area? Is there areas with barricades up checking race? If you are scared to live in an area it is your problem, not something forced upon you.

    As for where I live. Well I grew up in various countries around the world. I spent most of my time in areas with a large middle eastern population. In recent years I have lived in Lewisham, Acton and New Cross and I currently live West London in a middle class area with a diverse population of Europeans, Asians (Indian, Korean and Chinese) and Afro-Caribbeans. So no not North London.

  32. Oh and an IRA style campaign could kill white people as well. I guess that is ok as it is all just collateral damage.

  33. @ Anonymous (19 August 2010 14:27)
    I happened to read over your message again, and seeing as you saw fit to point out spelling mistakes in the post you were responding to, I assume you 'll appreciate the following:
    "mans" should have read "man's" (you did this twice);
    "Englands" should have read "England's" (this one was actually written correctly in the original post, and then you somehow managed to misspell it in your reply);
    "Who's" should have read "Whose".

    Also, I am well familiar with the "one man's terrorist" line, but surely the distinction comes when someone attacks civilians, rather than armed / military opponents? If you're advocating an IRA-style campaign, as well as shootings of British police and military personal you are advocating bombings of public places, kidnappings and beatings. Frankly, that is a truly disgusting suggestion.

    Just because there is huge brutality in Britain's history, doesn't mean we should embrace it. We also have a histroy of having higher ideals than that, and I'd rather the Britain of the future was built on a foundation of our higher, rather than our lowest instaincts, which you seem to want. As a proud Briton, I'm insulted.

    Finally, there was a passage in your post which was written in such a way that I was unsure of the intent:
    "...Jewish influences like Leo "Amery" who brought about modern Israel's arrival with American and British taxpayers money of course and the second world war. "

    Are you suggesting that the Jewish influences brought about the second world war? It seems a crazy idea, but with the standard of posts recently, there isn't much benefit of the doubt left.

  34. Run that past me again "The Jews bankrolled Hitler"?

  35. "Just because there is huge brutality in Britain's history, doesn't mean we should embrace it. We also have a histroy of having higher ideals than that, and I'd rather the Britain of the future was built on a foundation of our higher, rather than our lowest instaincts, which you seem to want. As a proud Briton, I'm insulted."

    NOT English then?
    "histroy"?? "instainct"?? hmmmmm

    Why did you move out of Lewisham and Acton? They're 'progressive' areas, spewing out with ethnics and diversity (sic) or do you feel safer and more comfortable in the 'middle class' white dominated areas of west London? No doubt when west London is reduced to looking like Peckham or Wembley you'll want move to Oxford or something no? That's becoming a shithole too like Birmingham and Leicester?

    Embracing brutal history? Wtf are you talking about? 'Humanity' the world over was and still is brutal in more ways than just the physical.

    Maybe we can we 'learn' something from the Zimbabweans, Indians, Pakistanis and other ethnics... They don't want white 'settlers' in their countries!!! Why should we English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh people tolerate them here?

    The indigenous people of Britain were never given a referendum in 1951 on the imposition of the UN asylum act. Why?? Question why the Japanese and island of Brunei doesn't take foreigners?

    The only people who want them here are sycophantic do-gooders, money grubbing business people who EXPLOIT them and feel more comfortable using them as some form of 'shield' against the local population and the nothing less than self loathing white trash - misfits..!

  36. To anon
    Why did you move out of Lewisham and Acton? They're 'progressive' areas, spewing out with ethnics and diversity (sic) or do you feel safer and more comfortable in the 'middle class' white dominated areas of west London?

    Well my area is not exactly "white" and it is South West London near Tooting so I guess I was wrong in saying WEST London so I hope that makes you feel better. I also moved out to live with my BLACK partner into a bigger place and was a personal choice to be closer to work. Considering I live in an area with an "ethnic" population and live with a black man I dont think I was "escaping."

    You also assume I am white. I am not white. I am on one side Scottish and the other side French -Lebanese as a result of the Middle East's colonisation.

    So I guess you assumption that I am a middle class, educated white woman who escapes the "bad" areas is wrong.

  37. @ Anonymous (21 August 2010 14:31 )
    As I said to another poster, we do all make typos in our messages, but thanks for catching those two. I try to avoid them, but to err is human.

    Are you offended by my not calling myself English? England is part of Britain, and I think the BNP supporters on this board might have something to say about you seeming to question their patriotism.

    Lewisham and Acton? I think you're mixing me up with Anonymous from earlier. I guess we all look the same to you. ;-)

    I was just referring to the fact that Britain has been brutal in its actions through history at times, especially when trying to expand the empire, or indeed in our treatment of the Irish, which the IRA were responding to. I'm not trying to say Britain's history is uniquely brutal, just acknowledge that those elements are part of it, but that those are not the parts of our history we need to repeat.

    There is a massive problem in your comparison of Zimbabwe, Pakistan, etc and Britain. Their issue has not been so much xenophobic hatred of foreigners, but the fact that their land and resource were historically stolen by those foreigners. And before you say it, I am in no way seeking to justify anti-white brutality in any of those countries, especially as these reasons have been exploited by people seeking short-term political gain rather than any justice, particularly Mugabe, who is a truly disgusting dictator. I am saying that this in no way reflects what has happened in Britain, so your comparison is not at all a strong one.

    Why would the UK need a referendum on providing asylum to people who are unable to return to their country because of fear for their life for " reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"? What kind of monumentally selfish scumbag would opt out of such a scheme? Now I know that asylum is often mishandled, but the Act, and the way it is implemented are two separate things.

    Perhaps you could answer your rhetorical question about Japan and Brunei. Have their governments made any statement of their position on the issue of asylum?

    I did not even realise we were discussing asylum, I thought we were discussing legal immigration, a very separate issue. I do share your concern that businesses exploit so many foreigners in our country, it hurts them and native people alike, and I wish the law would come down much harder on people paying people less than the minimum wage (which are overwhelmingly people who are not allowed to work legally in the country).

  38. @ Anonymous (21 August 2010 23:00)
    So, you're a Hitler worshipper? OK, I of course respect your right to hold those opinions, just as I grant the opinions themselves the respect they deserve, ie. none.

    Capitalists funding people who end up turning on them, even when it's blatantly against their own best interests? Not a new story. Have you ever met or talked to a Jew who had to leave Germany because of the climate of anti-semitism, or a a Jew whose family had to do so? Have you ever talked to a Jew whose family didn't get out in time? I'm not claiming that you need to have that personal experience to hold an opinion, but personally, the fact that I have, does make these lies more annoying, on a personal, as well as an objective level. The idea that this was something the Jews wanted just beggars belief.

    While I agree with your description of Nazis as "knuckle dragging tattooed skinheads on the bones of their arses," the people at the head of the Nazis knew what they were doing, and how to manipulate those knuckle-draggers into a political force that drew in money and support from all over the world (a lot of it from people in countries that would endup being at war with them in the future).

    The story about the Indian and Muslim contingent of the Nazi forces is fascinating, a real case of how far the whole 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' philosophy will take some people. I do find it hilarious that you talk about how the BBC don't talk about it, and then link to a detailed article on the BBC website to back up your arguemnts.

    Oh, and as for, "the do-gooders and commie scum within the BBC who kiss their arses in your face." I do not even know what this means. I don't think it even counts as English.

    Finally, any website called 'Adolf the great' is quite possibly one with a particular agenda and might not be totally reliable as a source of information, so you'll excuse me if I take the information you linked to with a massive pinch of salt.

  39. Mr Mathurin cont..

    The colonisers in Africa or the Indian sub didn't do that. Maybe they were stupid? They gave them virtually everything on a plate bar 'equal status' i.e. education, medicine, clothing, technology EVERYTHING and look at that thanks we and our generation get today for it aided and abetted of course by the commie washed MSM who seemingly HATES the white man?

    "British culture has never stood still, it has continually changed as long as there have been records of it."

    I agree with you but it's certainly not going forward is it? It is descending into third world slum proportions. You see what ethnics, mixed race what have do not understand is that we have enough problems looking after and rehabilitating poor people and criminals of our own stock. Adding an alien mix causes MORE problems with less resources. The only people who benefit from this program are the scum exploiting them such e.g. private landlords who screw the councils for rents to house 100s of thousands of them. This is a billion dollar BUSINESS guaranteed by the taxpayer!

    That's why so many of those "fleeing persecution" drop down here because they know EVERYTHING will be provided. They couldn't care less that a property letting pimp is making a fortune out of it at everyone else's expense.

    Do you seriously believe "the persecuted" would ALL come here if we didn't have such benefits? Does Japan or Brunei, UAE or Malaysia provide such perks? NO!!! That's why hardly any of them go there!

    Yes Mugabe IS "a disgusting dictator" but what is the UN doing about it? If he was white and carrying on like that - indeed doing it anywhere else, the ANaL league and anal front UAF would be on his case DAILY!! screeching with hysteria as they were over Ian Smith in Rhodesia who lost an eye fighting Hitler for the "mother country"

    "I do find it hilarious that you talk about how the BBC don't talk about it, and then link to a detailed article on the BBC website to back up your arguemnts."

    I'll spin that that shall I. What I'm saying is the BBC do not shriek, weep and whine with repetitive renditions of hysteria and sanctimony about it on televised media in the same way they do over white racists, nazis and the Holocaust. The BBC do not go into detail about the 20 million white Russians who died under 'cheka' enforced communist rule headed by Sverdlov (Solomon) do you get me?

    I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about the "Adolf" site. It has some plausible and very interesting information on there. I have not come across a site that discredits it and after all it was compiled and written by a Jew anyway! LOL!
    Would a rabid nazi put up a site like that???

  40. Mr Mathurin cont..

    The colonisers in Africa or the Indian sub didn't do that. Maybe they were stupid? They gave them virtually everything on a plate bar 'equal status' i.e. education, medicine, clothing, technology EVERYTHING and look at that thanks we and our generation get today for it aided and abetted of course by the commie washed MSM who seemingly HATES the white man?

    "British culture has never stood still, it has continually changed as long as there have been records of it."

    I agree with you but it's certainly not going forward is it? It is descending into third world slum proportions. You see what ethnics, mixed race what have do not understand is that we have enough problems looking after and rehabilitating poor people and criminals of our own stock. Adding an alien mix causes MORE problems with less resources. The only people who benefit from this program are the scum exploiting them such e.g. private landlords who screw the councils for rents to house 100s of thousands of them. This is a billion dollar BUSINESS guaranteed by the taxpayer!

    That's why so many of those "fleeing persecution" drop down here because they know EVERYTHING will be provided. They couldn't care less that a property letting pimp is making a fortune out of it at everyone else's expense.

    Do you seriously believe "the persecuted" would ALL come here if we didn't have such benefits? Does Japan or Brunei, UAE or Malaysia provide such perks? NO!!! That's why hardly any of them go there!

    Yes Mugabe IS "a disgusting dictator" but what is the UN doing about it? If he was white and carrying on like that - indeed doing it anywhere else, the ANaL league and anal front UAF would be on his case DAILY!! screeching with hysteria as they were over Ian Smith in Rhodesia who lost an eye fighting Hitler for the "mother country"

    "I do find it hilarious that you talk about how the BBC don't talk about it, and then link to a detailed article on the BBC website to back up your arguemnts."

    I'll spin that that shall I. What I'm saying is the BBC do not shriek, weep and whine with repetitive renditions of hysteria and sanctimony about it on televised media in the same way they do over white racists, nazis and the Holocaust. The BBC do not go into detail about the 20 million white Russians who died under 'cheka' enforced communist rule headed by Sverdlov (Solomon) do you get me?

    I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about the "Adolf" site. It has some plausible and very interesting information on there. I have not come across a site that discredits it and after all it was compiled and written by a Jew anyway! LOL!
    Would a rabid nazi put up a site like that???

  41. @ Anonymous
    Sorry if I mischaracterised you as a 'Hitler Worshipper,' but that site you linked unquestionably IS, and with the anti-semitism of your posts, it was a fair assumption. One needn't 'worship' Jews to not blame them for everything bad that ever happened to anyone, anywhere. Your characterisation of anti-nazi groups certainly doesn't lend much credence to your protestations.

    "Thousands of white people were born and bred in Zimbabwe and South Africa!"
    Very true, and one of the things that struck me during the world cup was how much those white South Africans identified as Africans rather than Europeans (should have seen them cheer for Ghana!). It emphasised to me the common thread of humanity between them and non-whites born in Europe who identify themselves as European.

    "You're very fortunate that you have an army of self loathing white trash on your side."

    Just because someone quite rightly loathes nazism does not mean they loathe themselves, and more likely, they recognise that having the same skin colour doesn't mean they have to side with you.

    "I don't see an army of self loathing black 'uncle toms' looking after the interests of white people in Southern Africa."
    Are you claiming that all South African blacks are anti-White? There are plenty of Blacks there who are more interested in unity than 'paying the white man back'.

    "On the contrary.. you should be aware.. not all whites out there are or were "RICH" as as depicted by the ventriloquist dummies in the MSM."
    I have never believed that, nor indeed seen it suggested anywhere in the MSM.

    "As for stealing the land that's another sanctimonius line! In Zimbabwe as it is now, white farmers who purchased land AFTER independance have been chased off it."
    Well, here I would point out that I said 'historically', and also that that history had been selfishly exploited by Mugabe, in thoroughly unjustifiable ways, so I don't see what we're disagreeing with there.

    "When the country was formed in the 19th century by white colonists black people had not even heard of the wheel!"
    Hmm, I'm pretty sure that's just an outright lie.

    "Maybe we should have done what our ancestors of the present day "multi-culti" Americas and Antipodes did and wiped them out reducing them to living in reserves."
    You suggest even more brutal subjugation than what actually occurred? I am not surprised. I don't get your point about Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals. Minority civil rights groups tend to be formed of members of that group, and it takes a lot of effort and exposure (which the MSM are often very unwilling to give unless they have a sensationalist angle to take) before you start seeing the kind of widespread international support you are talking about.

    "They gave them virtually everything on a plate bar 'equal status' i.e. education, medicine, clothing, technology EVERYTHING"
    Wow. There is so much innaccuracy and plain wrongness there, which we can get into if you want to start a debate on colonialism, but I get the feeling you'd rather just rant at this point.

  42. @ Anonymous (2)
    "I agree with you but it's [British Culture] certainly not going forward is it?"
    Well, we have higher life expectancy and lower crime than at any time in our history, so yes, I think we are doing pretty well. I am well aware that the media has done a lot to increase the perception of crime, but on the whole, the facts show that Britain is a healthier, safer place than it has ever been (please, PLEASE, do show me where Im wrong if you think that is the case).

    "That's why so many of those "fleeing persecution" drop down here because they know EVERYTHING will be provided."
    Actually, I'm pretty sure we provide much less for Asylum seekers than most countries in Europe.

    "Do you seriously believe "the persecuted" would ALL come here if we didn't have such benefits?"
    If they thought this was a place where they'd stand a fair chance of starting a new life, yes. It's a huge amount of effort to get to Britain for a lot of these people, and anyone lazy enough to want to live off benefits does not seem the kind of person who'd go to that effort.

    "Yes Mugabe IS "a disgusting dictator" but what is the UN doing about it?"
    About as much as they're doing in any country being ruled by a dictator who isn't black.

    "If he was white and carrying on like that - indeed doing it anywhere else, the ANaL league and anal front UAF would be on his case DAILY!!"
    Really? There are plenty of groups I would expect to protest against him (amnesty International for example, just as they have protested against Mugabe), but not necessarily those ones, as they are primarily focussed on domestic facism, and Mugabe, while deplorable, is not actually a fascist. Just because every nazi is a bastard doesn't mean that every bastard is a nazi.

    "I'll spin that that shall I."
    Well, there certainly has been a hell of a lot of spin in everything else you've written.

    "What I'm saying is the BBC do not shriek, weep and whine with repetitive renditions of hysteria and sanctimony about it on televised media in the same way they do over white racists, nazis and the Holocaust."
    Well, the article points out that, while a fascinating story, they were a very minor part of the Nazi war machine (and were there for propaganda purposes more than anything). It is a great story, but against an attempted genocide and conquering of Europe, why would you expect it to be talked about as much? I do agree that they don't talk as much about Soviet Russia, but that goes both ways: If they were an organisation of hardcore commies, I'm sure we'd be constantly reminded that the Russians lost the most men in WWII, and were pivotal in defeating Germany. It seems they simply don't address the good or bad of the Soviet era as much as they do WWII.

    You actually describe the Adolf site as "plausible"? A site that claims that Hitler "actively assisted the Jews" (Kristallnacht, anyone?), and that "there was a great deal of support for Hitler from Jewish people until the day he died." A site called "Adolf The Great." Sure, that's a plausible source of information, keep telling yourself that.

    "Would a rabid nazi put up a site like that??? "

    Well yes, that's exactly what I'd expect them to do. Them, or a cretin of the highest order (granted, the two terms are virtually synonymous, but I'm sure you get me).

  43. @ Anonymous (21 August 2010 15:52)
    It has been quite interesting reading all the assumptions people have made about your character and background based on your posts.

    Clearly some people really do believe every stereotype they come across, and genuinely can't imagine that there is anyone intelligent, well-adjusted and happy to live in a multicultural environment.

    Also, Scottish / French Lebanese is a very interesting mix. If I may ask, how did your parents meet?

  44. “Just because someone quite rightly loathes nazism does not mean they loathe themselves, and more likely, they recognise that having the same skin colour doesn't mean they have to side with you.”
    Are you prepared to apply that logic to the Israeli treatment of Palestinians or black ‘Falashas’ in Israel itself? Isn’t that a form of “NAAAZISM”?

    “one of the things that struck me during the world cup was how much those white South Africans identified as Africans rather than Europeans (should have seen them cheer for Ghana!). It emphasised to me the common thread of humanity between them and non-whites born in Europe who identify themselves as European.” . Yeah I’ll bet there were as many whites in the UK who cheered for Ghana...
    Real Africans – the majority of whom adore ‘hero’ Mugabe will NEVER recognise them as such! Kenya is another prime example. Same rule applies to patriotic indigenous Europeans. Jews or Roma for example have never been truly woven into white Caucasian fabric despite appearances. They’re Asian... regardless of sound bites in the “Eurovision song contest” (sic). Jewry has a distinct Matriarchal code of racial ethics and is loyal only to kith and kin NOT the host country they reside in.
    The majority of indigenous British people like the Jews want to live amongst their own kind in their own islands and not integrate their children in hell holes like Lewisham where they’re already a minority. This is no different to what the Zimbabweans, Japanese, Chinese and Palestinians/Israelis alike want to do and are doing?
    The Empire for all its ills and achievements is long gone and successive generations over a period of 40 years have pumped TRILLIONS of taxpayer’s pounds into third world development. It’s about time the populations of these countries took stock and went their “independent” ways. We’re still giving 2 billion a year to India which has nuclear power, a space program and a mushrooming economy? Educated 3rd worlders should be in the 3rd world making a stand and going forward like the Indians and Chinese are doing or those in the Emirates. By the same token however, I cannot blame a 3rd worlder for wanting to come here and improve his/her lot especially if they’ve been encouraged and virtually guaranteed by what’s on offer for them. We have had a Westminster establishment who since the 50’s, has gone out of its way to encourage mass immigration without regard for the local indigenous population or the immigrants themselves when hostilities arise. White resentment is not about the aliens themselves it’s about the establishment’s leaders who encouraged them all in and still are despite the majority of them crossing other “safe havens” to get here.

  45. "Maybe we should have done what our ancestors of the present day "multi-culti" Americas and Antipodes did and wiped them out reducing them to living in reserves."
    “You suggest even more brutal subjugation than what actually occurred? I am not surprised.”

    Really? Like I said I’ve yet to see a black or brown do-gooder the equivalent say of Richard Attenborough make a stand for people of another race or culture be it abbos, apaches, or white peasants in Russia for that matter. There are thousands of black and brown millionaires in America and scores more in Europe. Somebody like Oprah Winfrey could easily become a beacon of black altruism... but I don’t see it coming. Are ALL whites to blame then regardless if some of them prefer to be with their own kind and not mix with other races?

    “Anyone lazy enough to want to live off benefits does not seem the kind of person who'd go to that effort.” No of course not but then if a paid income after taxes amounts to receiving less than what’s offered in benefits - which it is in the majority of cases, only an idiot will accept it.

    “Mugabe, while deplorable, is not actually a fascist. Just because every nazi is a bastard doesn't mean that every bastard is a nazi.” No he’s a Marxist! Does that line apply to them as well?

    “You actually describe the Adolf site as "plausible"?” Yes... in terms of Yitsak Shamir who I believe is still a “wanted man” in the UK for his terrorist deeds. It does not surprise me that he wanted to join the “naaazis”.

  46. @Anonymous (23 August 2010 07:06)
    You do seem to bring up a lotof opints that bear only a tangental connection to what I was saying, but ok:
    "Are you prepared to apply that logic to the Israeli treatment of Palestinians or black ‘Falashas’ in Israel itself? Isn’t that a form of “NAAAZISM”?"
    I'm surprised that you misspell the name of the philosophy you espouse so many times. Are you perhaps trying to make some point with that? I am very critical of the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians, and I am not familiar with the Falasha issue (though very brief research does make it look like an interesting story) but I think you would need to demonstrate how exactly it qualifies as fascism (Nazism being a particular party’s viewpoint, rather than an ideology). As I said, "Every Nazi is a bastard, but not every bastard is a Nazi."

    "Yeah I’ll bet there were as many whites in the UK who cheered for Ghana..."
    Not the way these guys were. Once South Africa were knocked out, Ghana was not just a team they liked, it became their team, and they showed a truly heart-felt passion.

    "Real Africans – the majority of whom adore ‘hero’ Mugabe will NEVER recognise them as such!"
    I'm not sure what you're basing that on. Any research to back that up, or are you just assuming that their attitudes are the same as yours? As for the attitude towards Mugabe, a lot of people have allowed their admiration of him for his role in gaining Zimbabwe's independence to blind them to the injustices he's committed since then.

    I don't know why you use this excuse to go off on another rant about Jews and Romanies (well, probably because you hate them and take any chance you get to do so, clearly), but it simply doesn't square with the Jews I know, or any that I've seen.

    "The majority of indigenous British people like the Jews want to live amongst their own kind in their own islands and not integrate their children in hell holes like Lewisham where they’re already a minority."
    What do you base that on? Most of the indigenous British people I have met (and which I am, as well) have no problem with who lives in their community, as long as they are constructive members of the community (which, to be honest, is the same standard they apply to other indigenous people in their community). Also, I've seen Lewisham, and it's not what I would describe as a hellhole, but that's just a difference of opinion, I guess.

    "The Empire for all its ills and achievements is long gone..."
    True, but the effects are still being felt, not least in the form of national borders drawn up specifically to cause internal conflict in their countries (look at Rwanda, for example).

    "We’re still giving 2 billion a year to India which has nuclear power, a space program and a mushrooming economy?"
    Hang on, are you debating immigration, asylum, colonialism, economics and market forces or foreign policy here. To be honest, I can see why politicians want to keep India sweet, because they'll be overtaking us economically before too long.

    "Educated 3rd worlders should be in the 3rd world..."
    Does that mean that British people should not be allowed to emigrate too? Are you suggesting a universal principle of people not being allowed to work outside of their own countries, or just certain people?

    "We have had a Westminster establishment who since the 50’s, has gone out of its way to encourage mass immigration without regard for the local indigenous population or the immigrants themselves when hostilities arise."
    Well yes, in the 1950's they needed more workers, and did actively pursue immigration, which was seen as being in the interests of the indigenous people.

  47. @Anonymous (23 August 2010 07:06)
    "We have had a Westminster establishment who since the 50’s, has gone out of its way to encourage mass immigration without regard for the local indigenous population or the immigrants themselves when hostilities arise."
    Well yes, in the 1950's they needed more workers, and did actively pursue immigration, which was seen as being in the interests of the indigenous people.

    "White resentment is not about the aliens themselves..."
    Well, considering it seems to mainly be aimed more at immigrants who look different or have a different language than it is at English-speaking White immigrants, I do question that.

    "it’s about the establishment’s leaders who encouraged them all in and still are despite the majority of them crossing other “safe havens” to get here"
    Once again, you are clearly confusing immigration and asylum.

    In your second post, I don’t even see how your first paragraph relates to the point you are trying to reply to. I don’t know why you use Richard Attenborough as some universal measure of philanthropy. I know Oprah Winfrey is rich and famous, but she is ultimately just a chat-show host, and I don’t expect the likes of Michael Parkinson to make statements on the treatments of Australian Aborigines (not ‘abbos’). Most of the charity work she does is restricted to America, but it’s not limited to Black people, so I don’t see your point.

    “Are ALL whites to blame then regardless if some of them prefer to be with their own kind and not mix with other races?”

    Where have I suggested that all Whites would be to blame? Seriously, that would be the opposite of most of the points I have made.

    “but then if a paid income after taxes amounts to receiving less than what’s offered in benefits - which it is in the majority of cases, only an idiot will accept it.”
    That’s a fair point, but absolutely nothing to do with immigration or asylum, as it equally affects anyone in Britain who is currently unemployed. I do think it’s something that does need to be overhauled in the benefits system, possibly through a higher minimum wage.

    Considering Mugabe has clearly set up a system ruled by a small elite who exploit the general population for their own interests, I don’t see how he can be described as a Marxist. If anything, he is much closer to fascist (he even has the Hitler moustache! Come on conspiracy theorists, clearly they transplanted Hitler’s brain into a Black man’s body!)

    The Hitler site is magically made plausible because of Yitsak Shamir? From what I see, he is someone who tried to negotiate with the Nazis to displace the Jews of Europe rather than exterminate them. What does this have to do with the validity of the site?

  48. I love Lewisham. I loved living there. I loved the mix of people. I was so sad when I had to leave cause it was taking me almost 2 hours a day AND 3 train changes to get to work. I still go back to visit my ex roommate and have lunch there. I think people are hard on it.

    Where do you live? You are so down on everyone else and their choice of suburb.

  49. Or I can stereotype you like you did me.

    I guess you are in your 30's or 40's,obviously white, East London? Prob only managed to get GCSE's as you were not allowed to do A levels and you blame those pesky progressive teachers.

    You are not the only one who can stereotype. I was not any of the stereotypes you set for me. Prove me wrong and my point right.

  50. “"Educated 3rd worlders should be in the 3rd world..."
    Does that mean that British people should not be allowed to emigrate too? “
    Of course anybody should be allowed to emigrate! However I believe it is the responsibility of the host country they’re aiming for to properly control the numbers and ensure that those coming in are actually needed and will be of USE to the country without being exploited and displacing local people out of work. Most countries (including South Africa) from the US, to China, Japan and Australia adopt that policy. Brunei won’t let anybody in. They have a fantastic lifestyle and are seemingly VERY happy! Good on ‘em!
    “Are you suggesting a universal principle of people not being allowed to work outside of their own countries, or just certain people?”
    I’m not ‘suggesting’ anything.... What I’m saying is that for 60 years the UK has been subjected to MASS immigration which has all but destroyed my/our national identity. Japan, an economic powerhouse has never had that problem nor has Australia and neither has COMMUNIST China! Look at what Japan had to deal with after the war!
    I question why you and the multi-cultis don’t go over there and “liven up” their racial mix? The Middle Eastern countries including Turkey don’t take immigrants en masse, they only allow ‘guest workers’ who are USEFUL to them and get rid of them afterwards. That seems perfectly reasonable to me.
    “Well yes, in the 1950's they needed more workers, and did actively pursue immigration, which was seen as being in the interests of the indigenous people.” Really? Who were “They”? Were “they” ostensibly indigenous? “workers” maybe but not permanent residents. Again Japan comes to mind.
    “White immigrants, I do question that”. Of course you would... not all racists are white! East Europeans are not universally popular. Again we had no say in allowing them in here. They’re only popular with the so called “liberal elite” – the money grubbing scum who exploit them for gain, be it prostitution, plumbing, building or electrics. Our consolation is that most of them clear off when they’ve made a tidy sum of pounds and resettle back in Poland, Ukraine or Albania from whence they came. They don’t come here to ‘integrate’ with us.

  51. “Once again, you are clearly confusing immigration and asylum.” No... Anybody can arrive in this country, pitch up at “Lunar” House in Croydon and at worst receive “indefinite leave to remain”.
    Even the MSM comments on how thousands of them cross Spanish, Italian and French borders to get here. They know it’s an easy life. Sweden’s got the same problem and they had NO empire! Interestingly only white South Africans, Zimbabweans, Canadians and Antipodeans are now having a lot of difficulty in getting in or even returning and for the most part are turned away? Pretty disgusting don’t you think when the majority of them are descended from the UK and whose ancestors fought Hitler to assist this stinking ‘liberal’ establishment. Loon house even had an HIV carrying black official from Zimbabwe dishing out British passports not so long ago. This clown only LOST his job because he was dishing out passports for sexual favours – bribes from would be immigrants! That’s the rot this reeking establishment has reduced this country to.

    “I don’t know why you use Richard Attenborough as some universal measure of philanthropy.”
    He’s a white liberal emotive do-gooder pretty much like Peter Hain, Emma Nicholson, Tatchell “Red” Ken almost all white liberals/communists within the establishment. They openly embrace terrorists like Nelson Mandela who has been videoed with his Jewish mate Ronnie Kassrils singing songs about killing the white people. They only denounced Mugabe in 2000 NOT in 1983 after he’d sent his Korean trained contingent of thugs to murder 33,000 BLACK people who he thought might oppose him. Prior to that he was a black god with these maggots!

    “Where have I suggested that all Whites would be to blame?” You haven’t suggested otherwise.. and you have yet to provide evidence of a black or brown do-gooder aka ‘uncle Tom’.. could you be the first possibly?

    “That’s a fair point, but absolutely nothing to do with immigration or asylum, as it equally affects anyone in Britain who is currently unemployed. I do think it’s something that does need to be overhauled in the benefits system, possibly through a higher minimum wage.” That’s absolute crap and you know it!

    “I don’t see how he can be described as a Marxist. If anything, he is much closer to fascist”

    LOL!!!!! ! Now you’re really exposing your ignorance or naivety or both? I suggest you delve into the annals of Time magazine and read ‘Robert Mugabe “Portrait of a Marxist”’ Mugabe is quite a remarkable character and VERY well protected despite being used as he is by International communists and capitalists alike.
    “From what I see, he (Shamir) is someone who tried to negotiate with the Nazis to displace the Jews of Europe rather than exterminate them.”
    Is that right..? So from that statement what he and his cowardly gangs did in blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing unarmed British men women and children is excusable is it? This was only a couple years after the end of the 2nd world war?
    “To be honest, I can see why politicians want to keep India sweet, because they'll be overtaking us economically before too long.” What??? They probably have already.. LOL!

  52. @ Anonymous (24 August 2010 03:16)
    "Of course anybody should be allowed to emigrate!"
    Isn't that a bit of a contradiction with your previous statement, "Educated 3rd worlders should be in the 3rd world..." So, anybody should be free to emigrate, except for some people who should stay where they were born? I do agree that immigration does need to have limits (as it does), but that does not necessarily mean that you'd get a reduced number of non-white immigrants.

    "MASS immigration which has all but destroyed my/our national identity."
    How so? I'll admit the Morris Dancing's never been at a lower ebb, but other than that, exactly what aspects of British identity and culture have been destroyed?

    "Japan, an economic powerhouse has never had that problem..."
    So, are you saying that their economic status and their immigration policy are demonstrably linked?

    Also, are you suggesting that Britain would be better off as a communist dictatorship, like China? I have to admit, that did take me by surprise.

    "I question why you and the multi-cultis don’t go over there and “liven up” their racial mix?"
    That doesn't even make sense. I'm British, and happy here. If and when I choose to emmigrate in the future, why would I do it purely because of that country's immigration policy?

    "Really? Who were “They”?"
    The British government. Sorry, I should have been more precise.

    "Of course you would... not all racists are white! East Europeans are not universally popular."
    I never suggested that all racists are white, why even bring that up? Also, I did say non-whites and non-English speakers, so clearly you agree with me.

    "They’re only popular with the so called “liberal elite”"
    Hey Sarah, you're part of the "liberal elite" now! How does it feel?

  53. (cont)
    "No... Anybody can arrive in this country, pitch up at “Lunar” House in Croydon and at worst receive “indefinite leave to remain”."
    So, as I say again, you are talking about immigrants and asylum seekers as if they are the same thing. There is a huge difference.

    "Even the MSM comments on how thousands of them cross Spanish, Italian and French borders to get here."
    So you disbelieve everything the MSM says, apart from when it matches what you already believe? Got it.
    Do the reports explain their motivations? I say again, people who go to the lengths you are describing do not sound like the kid who are simply looking for "an easy life".

    "Interestingly only white South Africans, Zimbabweans, Canadians and Antipodeans are now having a lot of difficulty in getting in or even returning and for the most part are turned away?"
    So, there is actually documented evidence that non-white people from those same countries are being allowed in more easily on immigration grounds, purely because of their colour? Utterly wrong if it's true, but please show some evidence.

    I still have no idea why you are comparing a documentary-maker to a group of politicians and campaigners.

    Also, you need to find a better 'evil' figure than Mandela. He's pretty much a textbook example of someone who renounced violence when a non-violent solution was possible, and made sure that his own actions were as much part of the 'Truth and Reconciliation' process as those of the Apartheid regime.

    "“Where have I suggested that all Whites would be to blame?” You haven’t suggested otherwise."
    So why make that assumption?

    "and you have yet to provide evidence of a black or brown do-gooder..."
    What does that even mean? There are plenty of black or brown people who are involved with charitable works, charitable works which are not limited to black or brown people.

    "That’s absolute crap and you know it!"
    No, I made the point sincerely. It might help if you explained why you think it was absolute crap.

    On Mugabe, I looked at the Time article, and I see that he is a self-proclaimed Marxist, which is pretty much the same as the Nazis being self-proclaimed socialists. Enough said.

    Where did I state that Shamir's actions were acceptable? I made a very specific point about the nature of his relationship with the Nazis, nothing more.

    On India, you may well be right. I know that there are already plenty of countries ahead of us, and India most likely is one of them - haven't checked the details.

  54. Firstly why do you use LOL all the time? Seems rude.
    Secondly you said Australia doesnt have a problem with immigration. Hmmmm I believe they have had more than one race riot over the years. Plus the first wave of white immigration with the British destroyed the Koori population of Australia (Not the Abbos like you called them. They are separate tribes with different names and they are generally called Koori's.) I think that is an immigration problem as the Koori's didnt want that to happen.
    Australia also had a mass immigration program in the 1950s from people from Europe, in particular Jewish misplaced. This was for workers and helped build most of Australia. It seems like less numbers but per capita is the same as the UK mass immigration. In the 70's and 80's they continued mass immigration with population from Asia and the Middle East. This has had positive and negative results. Including Australia was one of the only Western countries to do well in the economic crisis. Australia is also trying to identify itself more with Asia and their Koori past.
    This is from the Australia Department of immigration website.
    "Since 1945, around 6.9 million people have come to Australia as new settlers"
    Considering the popualtion is just on 21 million that is actually a big chunk.
    That does include pre war migration of the Chinese for the gold rush, Afghani's and Pakistani people for the dessert settling and Indians for the Banana plantations in the late 1800's.
    In recent years there has been some debate but Australia still takes approx 171 000 people a year and brings in approx 670 000 on temp visas PLUS approx 13 507 as "humanitarian entrants" who are from war torn countries. So you used Australia as an examples but considering their population and that they are taking in and have taken in so many migrants I have a feeling you were wrong. Use correct examples please

  55. I am aware they had the White Australia policy but that started in 1901 and ended in the early 70s. Before and after they took non white and during took in Jewish, eastern and western Europeans as well as some Middle Eastern cultures.

    Population composition

    Migration has had a very significant effect on Australia's population. At the end of World War II, Australia's population was just over 7 million, with around 90 per cent born in Australia.

    At the time of the 2006 Census, Australia's population was 19.9 million, with nearly one in four people living in Australia born overseas. Some 45 per cent of all Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was born overseas. Of those born overseas, the United Kingdom is the largest overseas-born group (23.5 percent), followed by New Zealand (8.8 percent), China (excluding SARs and Taiwan Province) (4.7 percent) and Italy (4.5 percent).

    Today the migration program is global, using one set of criteria for applicants anywhere in the world, with migrants originating from more than 185 countries.

    How is this a country with strict migration rules?

  56. Mathurin:
    You might be 'British' on paper despite being born here but as far as I and pretty much the silent majority of indigenous Brits are concerned, including the Sottish who are more 'racist' and nationlist than I am in some areas) you're an alien "settler" - pretty much like the whites were/are in Kenya, Zimbabwe and "Azania".

    You don't belong here, never have and never will.

    The commie minded Jews and their white liberal flunkies who facilitated non white entry into this country at the end of the second world war are USING products of miscegnation and immigration like YOU as a buffer zone to deflect attention from their iniquitous global agenda, can't you see that? Do you think they actually 'care' about you? LOL!

    Winston Churchill our great hero, like Hitler has been depicted as being RACIST through and through. However he was recently voted the GREATEST Briton of all time? Doesn't that say something to you dick head? Despite what he did to Mosley and the fascists, if HE was alive and in power today do you think you'd be living in this country? LOL!!!

    Like I said you and all these other non white so-called "Britons" east Europeans, mixed race mongrels and what have you would NOT not be here were it not for the communist scum in the establishment and their disposable army of self loathing white trash aka UAF inviting you in. That's obviously why you love them so much? You probably are one for all I know?

    Lebannon needs you! possibly Scotland does too? Why not consider the 'Rainbow' nation of South Africa you now admire so much or South America where you'll 'blend' in well I'm sure, just don't pitch anywhere near me?

    End of Story

  57. When did James Mathurin says he loved South Africa? He said he admired their spirit in the world cup but that is it?

  58. @Anonymous (25 August 2010 01:39)
    I am British. I wasn't just born here, I am also descended from British people, as I have mentioned before, people who fought in WWII, and who have been here for Centuries. Just because my skin is a different colour, you don't get to deny me my right to my country.

    As for the Jewish global conspiracy, I've already pointed out in another thread how that is such a load of rubbish (it all stems froms the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a work that has been disproved multiple times, and shown to be a work of fiction - even your beloved Nazis could not find any evidence to prove it true). Considering how many simple factual errors you have made (the other Anonymous just did a fantastic job of highlighting how ignorant you were about Australia, doing exactly what you haven't done - using facts to back up their opinions, and actually teaching me a lot I didn't know), I am surprised you are not questioning your beliefs more.

    And I'm not a "product of miscegnation and immigration," I am the product of a happy marriage, and I am a product of Britain.

    "Winston Churchill our great hero, like Hitler has been depicted as being RACIST through and through."
    Actually , he hasn't. Don't get me wrong, he wa a horrible racist, but that is something that is hardly ever reflected in his portrayals in the media (they even had a very cuddly version of him in Dr Who a couple of months back, with the Doctor extolling the virtues), which I think has more to do with his being voted greatest Briton (I voted for Darwin, by the way). Also, Churchill was a fantastic wartime leader, and is rightly celebrated for that, I don't question that, but it doesn't magically validate his views on race.

    "Doesn't that say something to you dick head?"
    Your use of such profanity actually says a lot more to me than any of the half-baked talking points, myths and lies you've wasted my time with.

    You talk as if immigration only happens due to the malign influence of communists, as part of some sinister scheme. You are, quite simply wrong, if not deluded (although, as always, I'm willing to look at serious evidence for such assertions, but at this point, I'd be pretty surprised). My personal politics do lie to the Left, because that is the part of the political spectrum that I find emphasises social justice and equality, nothing to do with my race.

    I don't know why you talk about me 'admiring South Africa' so much. I've related stories about some really nice White South Africans I know, and pointed out where you were wrong on some points about Mandela. Are you truly incapable of reading what I have said and responding appropriately? In every post you have accused me of things which bear no relation to what I have actually said.

    I am British, this is my home, and I have no intention of moving right now. That said, do let me know where you are currently 'pitched', because based on how appallingly you have behaved on here, I wouldn't want you bringing down the tone of the neighbourhood I am living in.

  59. @ Sarah
    I am a little surprised that the last message made it through your moderation. I haven't seen any posts yet, and certainly have not written any with such personal attacks as "dickhead" in them, and I thought that this was something you were keen to avoid, so as to further open discussion of facts, rather than ad hominem attacks?

  60. @Anonymous (24 August 2010 16:00)
    I found your posts on Australia really eye-opening. I think the media here has really misrepresented Australia's attitudes to foreigners. Clearly, there are lots of politicians pandering to the lowest common denominator with racist rhetoric in their campaigns, and the media make sure we hear about that, but the fact that this has clearly never actually been put into action says more about the character of your nation.

    It does look like the media over here is more interested in sensationalistic reporting that portrays Australia as a more racist place than it is. I do know that there is a brutal and horrible history with the native Aborigines, but do you think that is something that may become more positive in the future?

  61. @Joe
    Why is that the next step? Fascists are normally racists, but they are still two different things. If you feel that's an appropriate description, do feel free to explain why, but for myself, if I meant it, I'd say it.

    As for him being a Nazi, I can say pretty conclusively that Winston Churchill was never a member of the National Socialist Party of Germany.

  62. @Joe
    I would describe a racist as anyone who holds beliefs about people that are based purely on their race or ethnicity.

    As for fascists, it would be anyone who espouses fascist policies. Going by the Encyclopaedia Britannica definition, it is a "Philosophy of government that stresses the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader, subordination of the individual will to the state’s authority, and harsh suppression of dissent." My personal view of it is also one where certain groups in society are viewed as being inherently superior or inferior to others, regardless of their actions, and the groups viewed as superior are seen as being the rightful elite to lead the country.

    I did not avoid anything about Churchill. I said I view him as a racist but not as a fascist, and I think we can both agree that he is not a Nazi. I view him as a racist because of things like:
    "Someone once asked Churchill if he had seen the film Carmen Jones, which starred Dorothy Dandridge. Winston replied that he didn't like blackamoors and had walked out early in the proceedings."

    "When he was told that there was a very high mortality among Negroes from measels he growled 'Well there are plenty left. They've a high rate of production'".

    I actually found an interesting article on the subject here:
    It opens:
    "In 1943, Winston Churchill, then prime minister, was speaking
    to the British Cabinet about the famine that was raging
    through Bengal, India. Churchill told the secretary of state
    for India, Leo Amery, that the Indians were "the beastliest
    people in the world, next to the Germans." and would continue
    to breed "like rabbits." After another such outburst somewhat
    later, Amery was prompted to remark of Churchill that
    he, Amery, "didn't see much difference between [Churchill's]
    outlook and Hitler's."
    This story has been recounted by British historian Andrew
    Roberts, both in the April 8 London Times and in an
    article in the April 9 issue of the weekly The Spectator,
    the latter on the theme of "Churchill's life-long antipathy to
    colored people.""

    Again, I regard him as a great war-time leader, as you describe him, but ultimately, he resisted Hitler because he was a threat to Britain, not because he disagreed with him on a moral level.

  63. @ Anonymous
    I'm slightly stunned. After a fantastically detailed rebuttal of your claims about Australia, the only point you take from it is to twist one aspect of it into another step in your anti-semitic agenda?

  64. I think this thread has now strayed well beyond the original topic, therefore I will be closing it in 24 hours from on Friday August 27.

  65. James

    In describing fascism you've just described the ruling elite of this country. Churchill may or may not have disliked some non whites but did not regard them as inferior. Wishing to retain the cultural identity of your own country is not racism.

    You're right Sarah, the debate has strayed. Thanks for your patience


  66. @ Sarah
    That is your perogative, but it's a bit of a shame. The thread was started by a video about British culture supposedly being destroyed by the effect of immigration, and that is still the basis of the discussions that are going on.

    You do seem to be looking for more of the tangents Sarah seems so worried about. I looked into your points about Ghandi (and my word, that was an awfully-written article you linked to), and it does indeed look like he harboured racist views early in his life, particularly during his time in South Africa. That said, it also looks like those views changed as he grew older, and I don't think the same description would apply to him in the period he is better known for.

    As for the feminist comments you made, you were clearly looking for an excuse to rant about them, like you have the other groups you have an irrational hatred for, as there was no real reason for that particular tirade.

  67. Winston Churchill quote:
    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

  68. Churchill on Mixed race East Africans:
    " The qualities of mongrels are rarely admirable, and the mixture of the Arab and negro types has produced a debased and cruel breed, more shocking because they are more intelligent than the primitive savages. The stronger race soon began to prey upon the simple aboriginals; some of the Arab tribes were camel-breeders; some were goat-herds; some were Baggaras or cow-herds. But all, without exception, were hunters of men. To the great slave-market at Jedda a continual stream of negro captives has flowed for hundreds of years. The invention of gunpowder and the adoption by the Arabs of firearms facilitated the traffic by placing the ignorant negroes at a further disadvantage. Thus the situation in the Soudan for several centuries may be summed up as follows: The dominant race of Arab invaders was unceasingly spreading its blood, religion, customs, and language among the black aboriginal population, and at the same time it harried and enslaved them."

    Has Somalia or Sudan changed? look at it!!!!

  69. @ Joe
    Well, let's continue the discussion while we can. For one thing, Anonymous has done an absolutely fantastic job of demonstrating Churchill's racism, so thanks for that. If you think that the quotes I found, and the ones that Anonymous has posted do not clearly show someone who views other races as being inferior to his own, I think you need to offer up your definition of inferior.

    I do think you're not totally wrong in comparing the ruling elite to fascism, as any system that maintains and is run by elites will have a number of fascist characteristics. I don't quite think we can accuse them of being as harsh in their suppression of dissent as previous genuinely fascist regimes, but yes, there are a number of parallels.

    Wishing to retain your country's national characteristics is fine, but it does have to be balanced with the inevitability and desirability of social change. If I may also quote another British patriot, Edith Cavell, who died for protecting Allied soldiers in WWI, and whose statue stands just off Trafalgur Square, "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone."

  70. James

    Churchill's views on other races is well known. Disliking a race doesn't mean you automatically regard them as inferior. Different races display different characteristics. The Jews are a very intelligent race though many people hate them. I dislike many individual people of many races but don't link that in any way to regarding them as inferior. I dislike Obama but don't regard him as inferior.

    I don't think the ruling elites need to crush dissidents in the way of traditional fascist and communist regimes. Yet. The resistance to them has hardly begun. When it does, we'll see.

    Social change is desirable, though not inevitable, if it improves a nation. Socially this country has taken a massive step backwards. The elites have created racial division, from scratch, in just sixty years.

  71. Apologies James and Sarah

    That last post was from...


  72. Churchill on Jews.

    He didn't like or trust them much and only realised when it was all too late he'd been duped by them at Yalta. His ego got the better of him.

    He even shows 'admiration' for Hitler in one paragraph here.

  73. @ Joe
    Don't worry, I could tell it was you. ;-)

    "Disliking a race doesn't mean you automatically regard them as inferior."
    So 'disliking a race' isn't being racist? That's like saying, "I dislike all women, but I don't think I'm a sexist."

    Also, to use Churchill's words, how can describing races as being "cruel," "simple-minded", "debased", "dreadful" and "beastly" show you to see them as being equal to or superior to yourself? Clearly, he saw them as inferior.

    I don't know why you need to defend him from this charge. Many great men are flawed. Churchill was a hero, a great leader, and a fantastic orator, he was also, clearly, a racist. The two don't have to cancel each other out.

    I think you may no tunderstand it, but even describing the Jews as "an intelligent race" is a racist statement, as it lumps all Jews together in one group, denying their individuality. Trust me, the spread of intelligence and stupidity in Jewish communities will not be different to the spread of intelligence and stupidity in other communities (you may be able to identify cultural trends and differences in attitudes to education, but that is a separate issue).

    On the elites, I do think that democracy will always provide a good barrier against fascism. Until a country can be persuaded to abandon democracy and embrace the rule of an elite, fascism can only be where it belongs, out on the fringes, home to misfits and bigots.

    "Social change is desirable, though not inevitable"
    I have to disagree. There has never been a society that has not changed and developed, and it is impossible to imagine such a society. One of the defining characteristics of human society is that it is ever-changing. Ultimately, that's why conservatism is so futile, for better or for worse, you cannot conserve society.

    "Socially this country has taken a massive step backwards."
    I don't know. As I said in another thread, despite the media's best constant attempts boost circulation and ratings by convincing us otherwise, crime is falling, life expectancy is up, and I'm not sure what superior period we are supposed to have taken this step back from.

    "The elites have created racial division, from scratch, in just sixty years."
    That's one way of viewing it. Another is that the racial division is the legacy of the centuries that led up to this point. That said, considering the predictions of open race war (Rivers of Blood, etc.), it's actually going quite well, and I think the trend is towards integration and mixing, rather than division, which has to be for the best.

  74. Sarah

    Please ask James to visit Nottinghill in London this weekend to witness miscegnation in action. It's an eye opener to say the least

    I mentioned it earlier along with the man from A.N.aL. Mr Gable but you didn't post it? I also noticed a response to one of my posts from James before it was visible?

  75. @Anonymous
    What makes you think I haven't been to carnival before? As a very young child I lived around there, and I go to carnival every year if I can, it's absolutely fantastic, always have a good time.

    And in case you're wondering, I have been there with people of just about every ethnic background, and they've never had anything less than a great time.

    You should come this year, you might enjoy yourself, and as you say, maybe it will open your eyes a bit too!

  76. James

    I guessed you might have done!

    The Jews are possibly the most successful race in history and have reached the point today where many people think they have more power and influence than any other race. But the world they have played a big part in shaping is facing an uncertain future due to pressure on the environment brought about by western, and Jewish, progress.

    The Australian aborigines throughout history lived an isolated, simple and largely unchanged existence until the arrival of western culture. Their impact on the environment was minimal and therefore sustainable. The planet would be in much safer hands with them.

    Which is the superior or inferior culture? You choose.

    Either way the two cultures could not co-exist. Always the case with cultures which differ to any extent. Which is my point. And maybe Churchill’s?

    I think races and nationalities, though not individuals, have very different characteristics and as such make the world a better place. Would you prefer an Indian meal or a German meal? An Indian car or a German car? To deny a races positives, or negatives, as racist leads towards a totalitarian mindset. World diversity is good. National diversity, I think not.

    I don’t think we have democracy in this country or the west any more. But who’s to say democracy is the best way to run society? Islam doesn’t. Again a vastly different culture. Right for them, wrong for us.

    Our society has always evolved. The benefits you describe would have happened without a multicultural society. As for racial division, the next sixty years may prove less tolerant than the last.


  77. @ Joe
    I think your characterisation of the Jews shows some of the confusion in these areas. You refer to the Jews as 'a culture', but Judaism is a religion, which contains a lot of sub-cultures and views, from ultra-orthodox, to pro-Israel, to people who you wouldn't even recognise as Jewish unless they told you.

    Also, considering the history of jewish cultures, it is pretty difficult to see how any rational person can make a blanket statement of them having power and influence (I know you are describing other people's views, not necessarily expressing your own).

    I do agree with your point about how much more environmentally sustainable Aborigine cultures and other ones normally dismissed as 'primitive' are, but to say one type of culture is 'superior' to another is just stupid. You could look at whether one os more sustainable, whether one is more technologically advanced, whether they have a structure that allows for social justice, etc, but characterising an entire race as merely being 'debased' or 'beastly' is simply ignorant bigotry.

    I disagree that such different cultures could not co-exist. That seems to be excusing past brutalities as somehow inevitable. In America and Australia, white immigrants were welcomed, and peaceful coexistence was perfectly possible until they decided to expand and simply take what they wanted. This was a choice, not a necessity, so it could have been very different.

    "I think races and nationalities, though not individuals, have very different characteristics and as such make the world a better place."

    Well, there's a problem. 'Race' is a social construct, mixing up culture and ethnicity (if you talk about 'race', there is no such thing as an 'English race' or a 'Jamaican race', just Black and White). As you are touching on, there are ethnicities and cultures, but having that debate means accepting the wide difference and history between some groups who may look similar on the surface. This is part of the problem.

    This is also a more fluid notion, which make it easier to understand and accept how new cultures and ethnicities will develop and spring up from the interaction of existing ones. To take your example, how much better to have a mixed culture that combines the culinary and techological skills of Germany and India (bratwurst curry, and cars made with German-style engineering and Indian-style proficiency in IT)?

    "National diversity, I think not [good]."
    But that strikes meas ridiculous. It pretends we don't already have national diversity. The North/South divide, the diversity within different parts of one city ('East Enders' and 'Sarf London'). National diversity is a reality. Are you just suggesting that we have exactly the right level of national diversity, and it must be maintained at exactly how it is at the moment? Because it hasn't always been that way, either. It has changed, and will continue to. You seem to be arguing for a position that is pure fiction.

  78. @ Joe (cont)
    "I don’t think we have democracy in this country or the west any more."
    Really? Whether or not you like the coalition government, you have to admit it reflects the fact that people's votes made a difference. I know that politicians and vested interests try to persuade and manipulate democracy, but as long as we have a vote, and as long as it counts we have democracy. That said, I do favour voting reform, as our system does disenfranchise a lot of the electorate.

    "But who’s to say democracy is the best way to run society? Islam doesn’t."
    If I'm remembering it correctly, I do agree with one thing Churchill said about democracy, that it was the 'least worst option.' Also, again, you are oversimplifying. I know many Muslims who are passionate believers in democracy and people having a voice. Look at the people rebelling in Iran, all Muslims, and protesting the fact that they don't get to vote.

    "Our society has always evolved. The benefits you describe would have happened without a multicultural society."
    I don't know if I highlighted specific benefits, my point was just that change is inevitable; and considering the alternative is stagnation, multiculturalism surely insulates us further from that.

    "As for racial division, the next sixty years may prove less tolerant than the last."
    Or they may not. We can all play a role in making sure that things change for the better.

  79. Anonymous 15:13 (26 August)

    Sorry for the delay in responding. There was one message I didn't let through, as there was an expression in it which I felt was inappropriate.

    That said, I have allowed through more than I probably should have done on this thread.

    I have no idea how there was a response to one of your messages before it became visible, did you get the response by e-mail, but maybe not refresh your browser?

  80. If anyone wishes to get their last responses in, please note this thread will close later this evening

  81. James

    Despite their history of persecution the Jews as a broad race/religion/culture are hugely successful in relation to their relative small numbers in the world. Many people of global influence are Jewish.

    I find it hard to imagine native Americans living their traditional, nomadic lives in modern America. The stronger culture won.

    I am a white, Anglo-Saxon Englishman whether that is race or a social construct. It's my identity and has been for fifteen hundred years.

    Bratwurst curry sums up the problem of trying to artificially blend cultures. Bratwurst is delicious as is curry. Together they sound like a inedible mess.

    London's identity evolved over hundreds of years. The London accent is due to disappear from London's streets in a few decades. That's not evolution it's a complete culture replacement.

    Our democracy means making the Irish keep voting until they vote how the EU want them to.

    I was referring to Islam not individual members of the religion. Islam is not democratic and doesn't claim to be. It's their way and they have every right to live how they want. It's not our way.

    Falling crime, increased life expectancy were two specifics you mentioned. Nothing to do with a multicultural society.

    We CAN all play a part in making society better, but we won't.

    Whatever Churchill's views on other cultures he is largely the reason you and I are here today, debating. The real racist was thankfully stopped.

    Been a pleasure debating with you.


  82. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Destruction of European Culture":


    Despite their history of persecution the Jews as a broad race/religion/culture are hugely successful in relation to their relative small numbers in the world. Many people of global influence are Jewish.

    I find it hard to imagine native Americans living their traditional, nomadic lives in modern America. The stronger culture won.

    I am a white, Anglo-Saxon Englishman whether that is race or a social construct. It's my identity and has been for fifteen hundred years.

    Bratwurst curry sums up the problem of trying to artificially blend cultures. Bratwurst is delicious as is curry. Together they sound like a inedible mess.

    London's identity evolved over hundreds of years. The London accent is due to disappear from London's streets in a few decades. That's not evolution it's a complete culture replacement.

    Our democracy means making the Irish keep voting until they vote how the EU want them to.

    I was referring to Islam not individual members of the religion. Islam is not democratic and doesn't claim to be. It's their way and they have every right to live how they want. It's not our way.

    Falling crime, increased life expectancy were two specifics you mentioned. Nothing to do with a multicultural society.

    We CAN all play a part in making society better, but we won't.

    Whatever Churchill's views on other cultures he is largely the reason you and I are here today, debating.

    Been a pleasure debating with you.

