Wednesday 14 April 2010

Frank Ellis's Article

This morning I took the opportunity to re-read Frank Ellis's superb article Conservative Party Cowardice, and found it even more impressive upon second reading. Dr. Ellis's analysis gives one of the most accurate and powerful accounts of of what has been done to our country over the last half century and and a quite shattering indictment of our nations leaders.

Frank's article needs to get to as wide a readership as possible. I urge anyone who has not read it to take the time to do so, and that those who have done so read it again. I guarantee you will be even more impressed on second reading.

Then please pass it on as widely as you can, link to it, post it to your own blogs or e-mail it to your friends.

It is a testament of our time and foretells what could be the obituary of our nations. It needs to be read.

Frank's article is published in full on Sarah Maid of Albion II

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