Sunday 21 March 2010

UK Violence Erupts: Fascists (UAF) and Muslims Descend on Patriots (EDL) and Police

The English Defence League

By Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs

They came to protest the encroaching oppressive sharia law and jihad -- peacefully. So of course the thugs and the sharia nazis had to show and turn it into a violent melee.

Thousands of fascist agitators descended upon a city centre protest organized by the patriotic English Defense League (EDL). The UAF -- Unite Against Fascism -- members got violent (as usual), and two officers were injured following ugly clashes: one fractured a finger, the other was bitten by a police dog. A police helicopter was also dispatched to assist the officers on the ground. There was a total of 67 arrests.



  1. Please, if you insist on being called "English" then learn to spell defence the English way

  2. Thanks

    I have corrected it in the caption under the picture, however, I have not change the spelling in the body test as I am quoting directly a US article.

  3. Sarah what indeed you are quoting is a Zionist mouthpiece, part of the Zionist network created to present a pro-Israeli line within the blogosphere, it is a comprehensive network composed of some great writers all intent upon serving other interests ,those interests not that of our people, that is to say Europeans.

    Further the EDL are not a nationalist grouping and indeed laud multiculturalism and condemn nationalists, they cause mayhem and deter the ordinary man and women in the street from investigating nationalism, in essence they exist to undermine nationalism and promote an anti-people agenda, you should never, never support this group nor indeed quote from such a source, although in truth many within the BNP have little understanding now of just how vast and indeed clever the interconnecting network is but I assure you it is there ,it is real and has never been so active ,promote people not Zion.
