Sunday 21 March 2010

UAF expose their true nature in Bolton

UAF trouble maker Weyman Bennett was arrested later charged with conspiracy to organise violent disorder

As a result of a violent UAF attack on a peaceful English Defense League demonstration in Bolton this weekend:

61 UAF Arrested for violence.

6 EDL arrested for public order offenses.

For once, even the Politically correct police have admitted that it was the UAF who were behind the violence. Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan, from Greater Manchester Police, who led the policing operation, said:

"We have seen groups of people, predominantly associated with the UAF, engaging in violent confrontation. It is clear to me that a large number have attended with the sole intention of committing disorder and their actions have been wholly unacceptable. Turning their anger on to police officers, they acted with, at times, extreme violence and their actions led to injuries to police officers, protesters and members of the public."

Hatred - the true face of the UAF

The Communist inspired pro-Islamic and anti-British hate group the UAF have in recent years been the perpetrators of more political violence in this country than all other political groups combined. Their actions are an assault upon free-speech, democracy and the right of British people to peacefully protest.

Is it not time that the government acted to ban them and not the peaceful protestors and democratically elected politicians which they attempt to physically and violently attack?

more images

BNP report on the UAF activity

Read further details on 21st Century British Nationalism


  1. Is it not time that the government acted to ban them...

    The government's sponsorship and close ties to organisations like UAF do not lend respectability to UAF, they only expose the govt.'s true - criminal - nature. On the whole I think it's good for us...

  2. The fantasy world of the UAF is something to behold. Now the fairies think they beat the football hooligans of EDL!

  3. The fantasy world of the UAF is something to behold. Now the fairies think they beat the football hooligans of EDL!
