Monday 13 July 2009

(Spot the missing word) - Criminal gangs costing Britain £40 billion a year

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A report on the BBC Website today reveals that "criminal gangs" are costing Britain £40 billion a year. The report does not say who these "criminal gangs" are, but goes on to state that many have connections with "failed states, such as Somalia". (I took a screen shot in case that line disappears)

Is it just me, or does it seem unlikely to you that indigenous gangs of white villains would have connections to Somalia, Afghanistan or any other of the world's failed states?

What the article is deliberately not saying is that "Gangs of criminal immigrants are costing the UK £40 billion a year".

Given that, before this report was released, estimates of the cost of immigration ranged from £12 to £17 billion, this would appear to be taking the figure closer to £60 billion.

I defy anyone to demonstrate a benefit to that.

Update: The third to last paragraph has been corrected to read £40 billion, rather than "£40 million" - which is probably what they cost Portsmouth or Exeter in a year alone !!


  1. And in another semi related incident:

    The story details a non indigenous person who "crossed the line" with a work colleague. I can't help thinking that if the accused was white the story would be all over the place and "crossing the line" would be substituted with "sexual harassment".

    I happen to think that because the media does not portray the truth about criminals ethnicity that they are breaking a moral law. They in fact should also be held responsible for these crimes perpetrated by people of colour. They are helping to hide the truth and as a result are denying white, English people the required knowledge of what exactly is happening to their beloved Blighty.

  2. Well said, shall be stealing this. Will give ya a hat tip an linkback.


    Another non-Englishman gets his sentenced reduced...

  4. Off topic and an old article, quite scary actually. Lord Carrington, he the traitor of Rhodesia, has said he and the U.K. government are not responsible for the state Rhodesia is in today. Typical hand washing... He has the blood of millions on his hands...

  5. You are more than welcome to steal it fidothedog

  6. Thank you for these articles, Sarah

    I once estimated the multi-culti experiment as costing Britain £55,000,000,000 a year. That figure was somewhat skewed by the loss of GDP through the BME population (on 2003 figures, they were 8% of the population and contributed 4% of GDP, or £37,000,000,000 p.a., instead of £74,000,000,000).

    The balance of £18,000,000,000 p.a. was made up of disproportionate crime, extra housing, medical care etc. that immigrants didn't contribute to. I suspect my figures were low.

    Nevertheless, while my figures and those in the article aren't directly comparable, it's interesting to see they are in the same ball park.

    Re: murder of Amy Leigh Barnes, the ratio of BME + foreign white to white Briton killings vs. the reverse since January 2005, on an 86/14 % white Britons/others breakdown of the population is 37:1.

    I suspect that such killings are increasingly under-reported. Amy Leigh Barnes no doubt featured because she was also a media personality.

  7. Some African gifts to UK
    and USA
