Tuesday 14 July 2009

One day in Britain

The following are just a few of the news stories which appeared in the British papers over the last twenty four hours.

Joseph Lappin 16, stabbed through the heart

Ten people have today been arrested as part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of 16 year old army cadet Joseph Lapin, who was stabbed to death in Liverpool last October, after he and a friend were chased through the street by a mob of up to 15 "youths". (The ethnicity of the suspects has not been disclosed, however, British readers will be accustomed to the use of the code word "youths")

Convicted gang killers Femi Forde and and Richard Osborne

Yet another "Gang Killing" . Despite the fact that these killings are almost invariably involve blacks killing other blacks, or sometimes blacks killing white who were in the wrong place, at the wrong time, the media still tries to pretend that "gang violence" exists in all communities (yeah, just like female genital mutilation and Muti killing). The two charming individuals above decided to do away with Wayne Freckleton a rival, also black, gang member, and will now be costing the tax payer thousands of pounds a year for the next thirty years.

David Cauchi-Lechmere died of stab wounds

"Teenagers" Lewis Wilson, 18, Losimba Yfeko, 18, and a 17-year-old have been charged with the murder of Mr Cauchi-Lechmere at an east London party. (in this instance the use of the other common code word "teenagers" was rather undermined by the publication of two of the suspects' names)

Harold Stafford attacked his victim with a golf club

Stafford, a 54 year old psychiatric nurse from Bedford was today convicted of attacking a fellow golf player with a golf club, in an act of so called "golf rage". In his defence Stafford claimed that his battered victim Barry Barnes had "shouted a racist remark at him" but they always make THAT claim don't they?

The usual, you know the story

The trial continues of Ricardo Morrison, who is accused of murdering aspiring model Amy Leigh Barnes. This is another example of the same old story, white girl meets black boy, black boy (allegedly) kills white girl, society continues to pretend inter-racial sex is cool. I have to confess that I can feel more empathy with the defendant's mother, an ex-police woman, who stands next to her son in the dock, accused of seeking to protect him, than I do for the victim. Given that this was not Amy's first forage into diversity, tragic and regrettable as her death certainly was, it is hard to argue that she did not know what she was doing, and was not, to some degree ,the mistress of her own destiny.

Kenneth Erskine, the Stockwell Strangler

Twenty one years after his conviction, serial killer Erskine was today re-designated a serial manslaughterer, on account of the fact that he was allegedly suffering from a mental abnormality when he strangled seven pensioners between the ages of 67 and 94 over a period of a few months in Stockwell, South London. I am sure that makes the victim's families feel considerably better.

Bradfordistan West Yorkshire

Four people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after the suspected poisoning of a Bradford woman. Sana Abbasi, 22, of Pollard Park, died on Friday at Bradford Royal Infirmary where she had been treated for several weeks for an unexplained illness. An Honour poisoning perhaps?

Drug dealer Balasubrahaniam

Drug dealer Kandeepan Balasubrahaniam, 22, from Acton, west London was jailed for at least years following the stabbing death of mixed race teenager Craig Marshall, with whom he was arguing over payment for a drug transaction.

And thus passed another day in multicultural Britain.


  1. Liberal and multiculturalist critics would argue that this is just cherry picking stories to match your adgenda. Too bad for them they never seem to have the role reversed stories to back their claims up.

  2. That is true, Anon 20:22, oddly enough there was a complete absence of stories about white boys stabbing their black girlfriends, innocent black cadets being chased through cities by mobs of knife wielding whites, or white men breaking golf clubs over black men's heads.

  3. Sarah, once again you have more eloquently put your thoughts into writing than I ever could.

    I'm sad to say that you English need to start getting used to these sorts of crimes. In fact start preparing yourselves for far worse and more savage crimes.

    The South African experiment should be proof enough of that. You know as well as I do that the MSM have buried the truth about crime in S.A. and from that we can deduce that they will do the same in England.

    I can only hope that a party like the BNP takes control of this country soon, before it's too late.

  4. Excellent post, Sarah. England is not the place I remember from childhood holidays.

  5. i have came across this site by looking up a news paper artical that is of interest to me, I would like to inform you all that although there is a wide range of races in England who can say they are 100% a true Englishman? As for making england a white nation that is never going to happen our ansistors made sure of that and why should it be? Personaly i think if thats what people want then find a nice little island somewhere to go.
    Also if you wish to use articals for this site learn the facts of the person they are about.
    As a white person living in london i know there are lot of crimes against black and muslim inderviduals all the time and they are in the press also but you choose not to see them.

  6. Oh I see, so you believe what you see on TV like the recent Robin Hood series, which they had ti dump because nobody was watching after they introduced a black Friar Tuck and a feisty Muslim merry feminist.

    Funny I couldn't find any of those stories about white on black violence you claim are out there!

    Keep taking the tablets and keep on believing!


  7. i have came across this site by looking up a news paper artical that is of interest to me, I would like to inform you all that although there is a wide range of races in England who can say they are 100% a true Englishman? As for making england a white nation that is never going to happen our ansistors made sure of that and why should it be? Personaly i think if thats what people want then find a nice little island somewhere to go.
    Also if you wish to use articals for this site learn the facts of the person they are about.
    As a white person living in london i know there are lot of crimes against black and muslim inderviduals all the time and they are in the press also but you choose not to see them.

    I'm sorry I need to do this, while I realise no one is perfect least of all myself, if you really want to make a point in a debate or get your point across, I'd try and be as eloquent as possible. Your comment although understandable is littered with the reasons why the United Kingdom needs to stop importing people from other countries.

    It is because of this multi-culti mix and the liberal movements desire to build for these people a utopia that they have forgotten one fundamental thing. To educate their citizens properly.

    Rant over.

    With reference to the actual content of your comment:

    I also live in London, I live in a very black area of London and I can safely say that if the area was inhabited by white proud Englishmen that it would look a damned sight better than it does now. It would be safer than it is.

    South London over the last say 2 years has been littered with the deaths of stab victims, some of which have been white victims, none have been white perpetrators on black victims. That says a lot to me.

    Or are you equating white people being "racist" with black people being violent? There's a big difference.

  8. @ Anonymous 19:36

    You say you are white, but your writing suggests otherwise when you speak of (sic) "inderviduals." You say that you were looking up a (sic) "artical" which further suggests that you lack even basic English language skills. Did you know that england is supposed to be capitalized?

    Is Sarah just reading the wrong newspapers? Which ones would you recommend? Are they in English?

  9. http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/2009/07/04/rapes-in-london-schools-rise-100-as-third-world-population-reaches-40-of-under-20s/

  10. @ Anonymous 22:26

    You say that you are white, and you write, in your last paragraph,

    "Just because your white doesnt make you more supirior then anyone and just because i am doesntg mean i should be racist like you."

    You certainly do prove your point! Your handling of the English languages is inferior to almost any I have ever seen. You certainly write like someone from the third world. I can understand why you would not feel superior.

  11. Dr.D you say i write like im from a third world due to some spelling mistakes however just to clear that up i suffer from dislexia which is a disorder and has nothing to do with my up bringing what so ever.
    if you cannot understand that not all white people are racist then i think you all need help.

    The reason i wrote on here is because one of the clippings your using on this site and claim to be a racist attack isnt at all that has been proven, also the white person in the clip has a large group of friends of whome most are from other races

  12. 21 July 2009 22:26 says -- "You all are a racist group of inderviduals of whome need to be introduced to the real world, if you look into history people of other origins were brought here by our ansisters they did not choose to come.
    i hope one dayb you all get treated the way you deserve like the vile scum on society you are.

    Perhaps you need a little history lesson yourself by reading how White Slaves were kidnapped off the streets of Britain and sent off to the "new world" in the 17th century.


    Here's the Canadian version of a White woman, originally from small-town Ontario, who lost her life at the hands of her murderous Black refugee boyfriend. To make matters worse, the jury wouldn't convict on 1st degree murder. As much as I'm against the death penalty, I'm beginning to think it is time to bring back the rope! Story HERE.

    P.S. - A suggestion.

    There are "golden nuggets" hidden away in many of your past essays and embedding those links into more recent material may be helpful.
