Friday 19 June 2009

What the BBC didn't want you to know about the Belfast "Romanians"

Sometimes working out what's going in Britain by listening to the BBC can be almost as confusing as working out what's going in Iran by relying on the official Islamic Republic News Agency. This morning's Today programme report on the 115 "Romanians" driven out of their homes in Belfast by racist threats was a perfect case in point.

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  1. After reading your article I had to first Google Roma. I then found this article.

    I am afraid to say so, but the UK will just never be the same again. What a shame.

  2. That was interesting reading.

    I suppose what happened was a culture clash. The Roma thought that they could behave the way they do everywhere else without realising, that is part of the local culture for the retailers to have anti-theft "insurance" and the insurers had to earn their money. So the poor little darlings of "progressive" liberal left were kicked out.

    They weren't that badly treated compared to what has happened in the past.

    Although, the boys that did that would be miffed(no doubt) to be called Irish! ha! ha! ha!

  3. The BBC are way way too big for their boots at the moment.

  4. In the comments on the original article, there is an extended trend saying that there is no justification for identifying Roma as such, that they are just Romanian citizens. This is typical PC willful blindness to the group habits and characteristic of the gypsies, well known throughout Europe since the Middle Ages, and quite distinct from the ordinary "citizen of Romania. Thus Al-Beeb has a lot of support for its position among the UK population who fully agree with it. They want to be deceived.

  5. Bizarro number # 120 June 2009 at 08:10

    On Bizarro world, most gypsies am known to be honest, hard working, & trusting. They am fun to steal from...
