Saturday 20 June 2009

Thought criminals returned to New World Sector 44x (formerly known as Great Britain) for punishment

Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle, two Britons, who foolishly imagined that the USA still believed in the first amendment to its constitution, and more foolishly still assumed that American asylum laws would ever, under any circumstances, be extended to White Europeans, have been returned to the oppressive Orwellian state, which holds both thought and the written word to subject to criminal sanction, from which they had fled in search of sanctury.

Let no white man ever assume that, unless he he follows to the letter the doctrine of the New Order, he, his words or thoughts will ever find protection in this world.


  1. Upon first reading of these two Britons' flight to the U.S. to claim asylum, the first thought that entered my mind was..."BIG mistake".

    Trying to follow the rules is clearly a "white thang", but those old rules no longer have any credence under our developing Orwellian states. Millions of third-worlders are happily ensconced in the good ole' USA today, simply because they didn't follow the rules.

    Another example of naive Whites fleeing their country for reasons of their own, are U.S. army deserters who formerly fought in Iraq/Afghanistan and who claim asylum here in Canada only to be deported after a year's worth of legal ramifications.

    However, Rwandan mass murderers finding their way into this country always seem to escape a speedy conclusion -- allowing these proven killers to drag their bogus refugee claims through our courts for a decade or more. So due diligence does not operate as an equal dispenser of justice by our respective immigration authorities.

    So what's the message here?

    Harbouring dissident thoughts and displaying them on sheets of paper is a crime taken much more seriously than ever being responsible for the bloody slaughter of innumerable innocent people.

  2. "The number of British passports given to migrants is set to hit a record 220,000 this year.

    In the first three months of 2009, 54,615 citizenship applications were approved - up 57 per cent on the same period in 2008.

    At that rate, the number receiving passports - and with them the right to full benefits - this year will smash the record of 164,540 set in 2007.

    Last year the total was 129,310, and when Labour went into office in 1997, just 37,010 people were given citizenship.

    It means approvals have rocketed by almost 500 per cent under the current Government.

    Officials blame the massive increase on the fact that ministers are introducing a ‘tough’ new system of earned citizenship next year.

    They say migrants are rushing to obtain their passports before they have to undergo an extra probationary period.

    Under the new system, obtaining a passport will take six to eight years from a migrant’s arrival in most cases, rather than the current five.

    Critics said the rush shows just how lax the current system is."

    It's all in good cause, it'll reduce the number of "asylum seekers"!
