Saturday 4 April 2009

More white crosses in South Africa

I have today updated the total number of white South African farmers killed in the world's most ignored genocide to 3,041. From today (April 4 2009) I shall update this post every time I am notified of further killings, and link it directly to the total which I will keep in the fixed Right hand column of this blog.

April 4 2009

South Africa's News24 reported on the "brutal murders” of two Free State farmers at Vierfontein. The attacks were deplored by the commercial farmers body Free State Agriculture on Wednesday. Free State Agriculture president Louw Steytler strongly condemned the cowardly and gross manner of the murders.“I urge farmers to get involved in Free State Agriculture’s rural safety plan,” he said in a statement.

This follows the arrest of a 25-year-old man on Tuesday morning on the farm of Jan van Wyk, 82, at Vierfontein.It was reported that the man was found sweeping the veranda and making food on Tuesday morning, when he was discovered by members of Free State Agriculture’s rural safety organisation. Van Wyk’s mutilated body was found in the dining room of the house.

Steytler said the murders, which seemed muti-related, was barbaric and had no place in a modern world.

Read the full report here

Update April 10 2009

A farmer and his wife were killed on their farm in Boschkop, outside Pretoria, police said on Friday. The 63-year-old farmer and his 60-year-old wife were found by their son on Friday morning.

Read the full report here

Click here for a related post with further details

Update 20/04/2009

I only found out about this case yesterday, and have update the figures

Early in March two women were tortured and murdered in the most inhuman way thinkable. Mrs. Allice Lotter (78) and her daughter Helen (57) of Allanridge in the Free State (South-Africa) were attacked with knives and pieces of glass. After the three terrorists cut the elderly women with their knives, broken glass was forced into their private parts. A friend of the family said that one of the women’s breasts were cut off, and anti-white slogans were “painted” (with the breasts) on the walls. These barbarous methods were also used in the late 1950’s in the Belgian Congo.

This barbarous attack led to the K.OB (Committee of Public Relations of the Boerevolk) initiating a protest march in front of the court where the bail application of the attackers would be heard.

A simulation of this barbarous attack was staged and a dummy of a murderer was set alight in front of hundreds of people. A poster with the words “burn in hell” was placed on the dummy.

The reality that there are only about 2 million white people left in South Africa, is slowly sinking in. Of the more than 100 000 white tax paying Boer farmers that fed the country before 1994, there are now only 13 500 left !

White Genocide in South Africa is a reality.

More details and pictures of the protests can be found here - Note: includes intemperate language

Update 30 April 2009

Yet another farmer, Klaas van Wyk (71), was brutally murdered on his farm in the Sutherland district in the Karoo. Hewas a merino wool producer. $ men have been arrested

Updated 2nd May 2009

A farmer, Piet Honeyborne(50), was brutally murdered yesterday morning at 01:00 hrs (1 May) on his farm in the Middelburg district, ą 150 km east of Pretoria. His mother, Gerda Honeyborne(98), was severely injured and traumatized. His wife, Bella, escaped injuries. The family were attacked by up to five of black Assailants.

News link


Update 14 May 2009

On Wednesday night (12/05/2009) 58 year old Alan Rowe was brutally murdered at his farm in the Natal midlands near Pietermaritzburg. He was the owner of the Bloemendal Estate at Rietvlei. He arrived home at 20:45 and was shot by two assailants who were hiding in his garage. He tried to reverse and flee but they kept firing until he died!

No property was taken, and friends believe that the killing was not a robbery or hijacking that went wrong, they also believe that Mr Rowe was deliberately targeted, however the police appear to be trying to pass it off as a "land dispute", and despite the thousands of deaths which preceded this killing, the tame media are seemingly willing to unquestioningly accept that claim.

News link

UPDATE 21 May 2009

Thanks to those who have written to me providing additional details regarding the total number of victims of the South African farm murders. I am particularly impressed by this meticulously documented site Afrikaner-Genocide-Archives
run by Dutch born South African Adriana Stuijt. Ms. Stuijt provides a considerable amount of research and reference detail, together with listings of the deceased. On the strength of this, I feel more comfortable in updating the figure on this blog to 3,056 in line with Ms. Stuijt's total.

This may appear a little academic, and the difference is only 8, however, these are eight lives which ended in a violent and horrific manner, and I feel it is appropriate to include them.
Update 29/05/2009

Sadly I have again updated the figure marking the total number of white South African farmers who have fallen victim to the unreported ethnic genocide, the total has now risen to 3,058.

The latest victims are 74 year old Koo Maas of Elandsfontein , bludgeoned to death on his farm on May 21st, and 66 year old Bernie Liebrandt shot, execution style, at his smallholding in Mnandi yesterday (28th May) full, English language details of both killings can be found here.

Updated June 5 2009

The death of a holy man

A venerated, elderly Cistercian missionary from Upper Austria who had dedicated the last forty years of his life to building up a rural mission in the Griqualand region of South Africa near Kokstad, was found murdered there on Sunday. Authorities said Father Ernst Plöchl, 78, born in Neumarkt im Mühlkreis in the Austrian district of Freistadt, was killed under circumstances which remain murky. He was either shot to death or strangled, and it’s also not known if anything was stolen or what the actual motive may have been.The priest was widely admired in his hometown for his dedication to try and uplift the poor. A memorial mass is planned in his Austrian hometown on Friday.

Update June 11 2009

June 1 2009 the murdered and partially burnt body of Dr Klaas Jonkheid, 48, a top Afrikaans news media consumer expert was found murdered and torched in a churchyard in Faure in the Western Cape over the weekend. Police confirmed that he had been kidnapped from a farm road at the Spier wine estate near where he had been staying.

Full Story here


Update June 29 2009

I have updated the total number of victims of the ongoing genocide of white South African farmers to 3,061, to include the tragic death of 57 year old Eben Coetzee, shot to death when he and his wife Suretta were attacked at their smallholding in Vanderbijlpark on June 24th.


Update July 13 2009

Today's News24 reports the killing of 64 year old Piet Van den Berg at his farm in Cullinan near Pretoria. Piet was killed in front of his 60 year old wife Madeleine, who the attackers then locked in a cupboard before preceding to set fire to the couple's house.

Mercifully Madeleine Van den Berg managed to escape and alert neighbours, but she was left a traumatised widow.

In accordance with the official line in relation to these genocidal killings, the latest killing has again been attributed to "crime" and the attackers are being referred to as "robbers", and it is true that, in this instance property appears to have been taken. However, readers may wish to consider how many "robbers" kill and old man, and then lock his elderly wife in a cupboard before setting fire to the house, clearly with the intention that she would burn alive?

Piet Van den Berg's death brings the total killings of white farmers since the end of Apartheid, that I am aware of, to 3,062.


Update 15/07/2009:

A Pretoria businessman was gunned down during a robbery at his smallholding moments after his wife and a worker had left to make a delivery.

The murder of Nick Roets, 56, who was shot dead in his Raslouw home after he was overpowered by an unknown number of assailants at lunchtime on Tuesday, comes months after the collapse of a community watch system in the area.

Since the collapse, say neighbours, violent crime in the area has skyrocketed, with no apparent end in sight.

Full report here

Update 24 July 2009

I have updated the total number of white South African farmers who have been violently killed since the end of Apartheid to 3,064, following the murder of 79 year old farmer Bob Round who was was gunned down as he fought off three "robbers" who had broken into his property in the Shere Agricultural Holdings on Thursday July 23rd.

Mr Round's killing is the latest in a string of attacks on Pretoria homeowners which have left five seriously injured over the past the 12 days.

I will update this story with a news link as soon as I have one

Update: 27 July 2009

I have today updated the figure recording the relentless genocide of white South African farmers to 3,065, following the murder of 54 year old Johan Blignaut was shot in the head last Friday morning at his home in Moreleta Park.

It is unclear how many gunmen were involved in Mr. Blignaut’s murder but police confirmed that they are searching for at least two suspects.

According to reports Blignaut heard voices outside his house in the early hours of the morning.

When he went to lock the doors, to protect his wife and children, he was shot and killed.

The killers left empty handed, and, for once, the Police who are investigating the killing , acknowledged this fact stating "We have noticed that people are being senselessly killed in their homes and the murderers do not even take any of their possessions. We are employing crime intelligence and doing pattern analysis to determine what exactly is motivating these murders"

This is at least some progress, given that the police are usually quick to dismiss these killings as "robberies" irrespective of the level of violence, and even if, as is frequently the case, nothing has been taken. Often the police will point to the fact that a victim's cell phone is missing to justify attributing the killings to "theft" even when cash and jewelry has been left untouched, and in the face of testimony from survivors that cell phones have been taken to prevent victims calling for help.

Therefore, this acknowledgement by the police that other motives may be involved is encouraging, although the line will most probably revert to normal when more senior officials become involved.


Update 25/08/2009

The murder of Tracey-Leigh Frankish did involve a degree of opportunist theft, enabling the authorioties to hide behind the claim that her killing was the result of "crime". However, having read the sad details of her death, I don't think there is any doubt that she is a futher victim of the hidden genocide against the rural white South African population.

I have, therefore updated to the total count to 3,065.

Update 26/08/2009

Mr Wilhelm Lotterie (65) was kicked and beaten to death by five robbers on a small farm outside Pretoria- in front of his daughter in law with her 4 day old baby boy.

A fire was started in a field, seemingly to to get his sons Piet & Neels to leave the house.

The daughter in law, Jessica Lotterie(23) with the four day old baby boy, Dante, was attacked on the stoep (an area beneath as extension to the roof, providing protection from the rain and sun).

Wilhelm had a heart problem. He was forced to lie down on the floor in the lounge. His hands and feet were tied and his pants pulled down to his knees, presumably to humiliate or intimidate the elderly man.

After the fire outside was extinguished and the sons returned, they were caught and tied up by the killers. One was tied up in the bathroom (toilet), the other in the bedroom.

The neighbour, Jan Vermaak, later heard screams of the daughter in law, Jessica, and sent his sons with flash lights. They found Jessica, Piet and the baby in the road.

Paramedics declared Mr Wilhelm Lotterie dead on their arrival.

News report


  1. Thank you once again for speaking out.

  2. Keep it up Sarah- you are doing a great job, and it will make a difference, as here in South Africa the genocidal aspect is played down.
    There are too many so-called 'botched robberies'
