Monday 17 September 2012

There's the media's narrative and then there's the truth

In a 2009 episode of the HBO series “Curb your Enthusiasm” the alleged comedian and Seinfeld script writer Larry David, appeared in a scene where he visits the toilet in the home of a Christian family and “accidentally” urinates on a painting of Christ. As a result Mr David's piddle then becomes the source of religious veneration when the “dumb Christians” take it to be a miracle and assume that the picture is weeping.

Despite the widespread offence this scene caused to many Christians, a spokesperson for the at any other time fanatically politically correct cable channel insisted that the portrayal of a Jewish man pissing on our saviour was merely“playful”.

Also, and readers can correct me if I am wrong, after all I may well have been bathing a dog, or painting my toenails at the time and missed it, I have no recollection of any presidents, prime ministers or Secretaries of state giving press conferences to call the episode “disgusting” and “reprehensible” or issuing statements condemning “all those” who offend believers of “ANY” faith.

Likewise, if the FBI did apprehend the writers of “Curb your Enthusiasm” or took them in for questioning, as they has done with the makers of this latest “anti-Islamic” movie, I must also have missed those reports, - perhaps a helpful reader can send me a link.

Once again, I may have been otherwise occupied at the time, but following the depiction of Christ in the Musical “Jerry Springer the Opera” as an effeminate, overweight baby in a diaper, I do not seem to recall any embassies being burnt down, or murdered ambassador's bodies being dragged through the streets by baying and blood thirsty gangs of Christians.

To be fair “Jerry Springer the Opera” did result in protests, but these primarily involved groups of Christians standing outside theatres singing hymns and handing out leaflets, rather than setting fire to buildings and calling for executions. Indeed, according to some accounts, more commotion was caused by audience members objecting to being handed a leaflet than by the Christian protesters themselves.

Of course according to the media, the Muslim world is merely reacting in the same way as followers of any other faith if offended by some cheep internet flick.

A snarling mob of Muslims may have murdered U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, his aide Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty because of an 18 minute YouTube video, but Christians would have done exactly the same faced with similar provocation.

That is the first lie, but only the first of many.

Of course, we have seen this all before, all it takes is an unfounded rumour of a quran being dropped in a toilet or a Danish artist, with an old fashioned belief in free expression, draws cartoon of some old guy with a bomb in his turban, and the devotees of love and peace turn into a howling homicidal mob, intent on telling others what values they should live by.

However, it is the behaviour of the politicians, the media and the “creative establishment” which is most contemptible.

Where, for instance, are all the talking heads who spring up instantly to defend the rights of anyone to make movies or creates images which are offensive to Christians or even to pontificate on the artistic merit of placing a crucifix in a jar of urine or painting the Virgin Mary with Elephant dung? They usually have so much to say, but when it comes to Islam they all fall silent.

Meanwhile the press continually imply that there is a moral equivalence between a video which has been online without causing any upset since July, and murderous, wide spread rioting and arson which spontaneously broke out two months later on the exact anniversary of the September 11th attack on the World Trade centre in New York.

The politicians surpass themselves in hypocrisy, by tempering any criticism of the riots by then criticising the video and then lie by saying that they would condemn equally attempts to offend members of any faith, which we all know they would not, and have not done so in the past.

However, we know that's a lie but does any of it have much credibility?

Certainly anyone who believes that the riots are really a response to a video, which as anyone who has seen it will attest is a cross between a very bad “Naked Gun” with added sand, and some form of “Carry on Up the Jihad”, should not be allowed to drive or handle machinery until they have sobered up. In fact, the violence was planned well in advance and is a response to the commemoration of the slaughter of almost 3,000 people on September 11 2001. We all know that.

However, what about the establishment and the media? Do you really believe their responses? Indeed do they believe any of what they are saying?

Did they ever really believe in the Arab Spring at all?, were they really stupid enough to interpret the uprisings which started in December 2010 and have since completely changed the political make up of the region as demonstrating a craving for a peaceful secular democracy? Were they really that naive? 

Whatever the truth, what we see today, they, our leaders and our media, have helped to create. What we see is a dangerous, unstable strip of nations across North Africa and the Southern Mediterranean, all run by people who hate us, ruling over people screaming for our blood and all of them facing onto Europe.

Meanwhile, millions upon millions of them are already here. The official estimate is that there are 53 million Muslims now living in Europe, however, as with all official estimates of immigration figures it is almost certainly far below the true figure. A number of sources put the actual figure closer to 75 million, (not that much of a stretch given that based on food consumption alone the main four supermarkets estimated in 2008 that the UK population alone was actually between ten and twenty million more than the official figure) If that is true, the real number of Muslims in Europe is roughly equal to the population of Germany in 1939. If you add to that the 70 million Turks whom our leaders, such as Cameron, are desperate to grant access to Europe, you have numbers close to that of the Axis Powers at the beginning of World War II, and they already here amongst us and with a billion more behind them, all facing a West who's people are no longer inclined to fight for their survival.

Across the Atlantic is a long time ally who, under the current administration we can no longer trust to come to our aid especially if we were in conflict with Islam. I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” said Barack Obama or whoever wrote “The Audacity of Hope” for him, in reference to Muslims at a time of international conflict. If he wins in November, we may find how much he meant those words within the next four years.

And it could well be that soon, things have changed so rapidly and so decisively in such a short space of time.

Is this coincidence or was this intended? Was ir due to incompetence, ideological blindness or malevolent design?.

Do we yet realise how much danger we are in? Or are we like the sheep grazing peacefully and placidly in a field we though would never change, so contented and so comfortable that we did not notice the wolves slinking quietly towards us from the woods, until they had us surrounded on all sides and there was no escape. 



  1. South Africans killed in Kabul

  2. Malevolent design. And greed. Nothing else adds up.

  3. oops
    Mike Smiths blog... deleted again? let us know when he is up and running again...

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Mike Smith's blog just went down again: any idea where it's got to?


  5. We should remember the chaos caused by a few thousand Northern Irish terrorists and compare that with the threat posed by our "guests" from overseas. We should also remember that large numbers of these people work in our health service and in security posts around the country. The Glasgow Airport bombers were doctors, for goodness sake!
    Our leaders are either completely mad or are out and out traitors to have allowed this situation to develop, the whole threat would have preventable if the enemy had been kept outside our borders.

  6. Hi All and Sarah,
    I have had confirmation from Mike that he has taken a break from blogging due to current work constraints... He pulled the blog offline due to the amount of spam he was bombarded with.
    He'll be be 'up and running' soon.
    Regards, FB

  7. Off Topic, but you may wish to help advertise this:

    "South African Project To Host Day Of Awakening Rally In Washington D.C. On Behalf Of White South African Genocide Victims

    On Saturday September 22nd, 2012, the South Africa Project will host a march and rally entitled "Day Of Awakening" in Washington D.C. on behalf of the victims of a systematic genocide taking place against White South African farmers by the black-dominated, Communist-influenced African National Congress (ANC) government of South Africa. Since the ANC took control in 1994, over 70,000 Whites have been brutally murdered, yet there's been no outcry of protest from the media, the United Nations or from a single U.S. President against the barbaric and vicious assaults on White farmers."

  8. Hey, where is Mike?

  9. Another thing that bothers me is that our own media, even the supposed conservative FOX news channel, when referring to Mohammed, say "The Prophet Mohammed." Our media NEVER says "Jesus, Son of God" or "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," so why does Islam get extra respect? It's as if they are part of the conspiracy to covert the western world to Islam. We also hear "the Holy Koran," but never "the Holy Bible" anymore.
    It disgusts me, our own media biased against the historic population of our nations.

  10. Another thing that bothers me is that our own media, even the supposed conservative FOX news channel, when referring to Mohammed, say "The Prophet Mohammed." Our media NEVER says "Jesus, Son of God" or "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," so why does Islam get extra respect? It's as if they are part of the conspiracy to covert the western world to Islam. We also hear "the Holy Koran," but never "the Holy Bible" anymore.
    It disgusts me, our own media biased against the historic population of our nations.

  11. This is an informative article from the BR site, though for 'Jewish' read 'Popish' and for 'Zionist' read 'Papist' or more explicitly 'Jesuitist.'

    Media mogul, world-leading pornographer and phone-hacking suspect under investigation, Rupert Murdoch, is a papal knight, Order of St Gregory the Great, an award of which I understand he has not yet been stripped.

    (Any Jews in league with the Pope are merely step-and-fetch-it bean-counters who "have made a covenant with death, and with hell" Isaiah 28:15, in blatant violation of their own belief system, according to Exodus 23:32 "Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods." The Canaanite religion was from Babylon and just an early form of Catholicism. See Babylon Religion by David Daniels, Chick Publications, pp 19, 74, 81, 89.)

    Observe that the only way that the majority savage blacks can exert their 'superiority' over whites is by means of the atrocities described in the article.

  12. A good anti-MSM cause, I suggest.

    If successful, it might upset Murdoch.

    It might also help to curb the immigration of dark-skinned males into this country anxious to get their hands on light-skinned females.

  13. A LARGE protest took place in Birmingham city centre on Friday in opposition to a controversial American film depicting the prophet Mohammed.
    The protest, involving about 100 people, began at the Bullring shopping centre at 3pm, police said.
    Large crowds of onlookers gathered as the protesters were escorted by police from the Bullring down High Street and on to Carrs Lane.
    Police dogs were introduced as a crowd control measure after some scuffles broke out between protesters and the police.

    About 200 Muslims have staged a protest outside the Scottish Parliament.
    The group were demonstrating against the anti-Islam film, Innocence Of Muslims, made in the US, which has caused offence across the Muslim world.
    The rally was attended by Muslims from across Edinburgh who were demanding action to curb religious hatred.
    Demonstrators waved banners reading "No religion is allowed to insult any other religion" and "We demand international law to stop religious hatred".

    Around a hundred Muslim protesters gathered outside the French embassy in London on Friday, shouting slogans against a French magazine that published cartoons portraying the Prophet Mohammed naked.
    The protest came as at least 13 people died on Friday in violent demonstrations in Pakistan condemning a US-made film that also mocked Mohammed. French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published the cartoons on Wednesday, fuelling earlier protests over the film "Innocence of Muslims" which have raged since September 11, leaving nearly 50 people dead.
    Protesters outside France's embassy in London's plush Knightsbridge district shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) and waved placards reading "Sharia for France" and "Muslims will conquer France", an AFP reporter at the scene said.
    A police cordon held the demonstrators back from the embassy while around 25 women wearing niqabs, or full face-veils, protested in a separate group nearby.

  14. It is a recurring theme on blogs like this one, as to whether our Western "leaders" are clinically insane, profoundly stupid, or deeply wicked.

    One could certainly make a trenchant argument for any, or even all of these possibilities.

    But whichever it is, we will pay, and pay and pay.


  15. The world has just turned upside down if this is true.


    Brand new leather jacket

  17. The attack was not about that film. The attack was pre-planned and the film was simply used as a pretext. And, to cover its failings, the Obama Administration has, along with the enemy, kept that pretext alive. I will grant that it's certainly easy to find Muslems who will get all worked up about something like that and be quite willing to kill over it.

  18. I'm assuming that if the media was controlled by Christians then 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' would have been taken off the air, in fact, that episode wouldn never have aired. Always amusing that the Jews are "playful"; what chance of non-Jewish performed/produced/written Holocaust jokes appearing in the MSM?

    @ TBM - 1

    The military strength of the PIRA at the height of the Troubles was not much more than 300 members of ASUs, certainly not "a few thousand". Given the 'success' of the PIRA then the 'fact' that there might be a 10-20,000 potential jihadis in the UK should do more than raise eyebrows. One thing we know, the mohammedans won't be phoning in warnings before detonating their bombs!

  19. love yr post:

    Meanwhile, millions upon millions of them are already here.
    The official estimate is that there are 53 million Muslims now living in Europe, however, as with all official estimates of immigration figures it is almost certainly far below the true figure.
    A number of sources put the actual figure closer to 75 million, (not that much of a stretch given that based on food consumption alone the main four supermarkets estimated in 2008 that the UK population alone was actually between ten and twenty million more than the official figure)
    If that is true, the real number of Muslims in Europe is roughly equal to the population of Germany in 1939. If you add to that the 70 million Turks whom our leaders, such as Cameron, are desperate to grant access to Europe, you have numbers close to that of the Axis Powers at the beginning of World War II, and they already here amongst us and with a billion more behind them, all facing a West who's people are no longer inclined to fight for their survival.

    AWD site:
    No Homosexuals at Obama's Ramadan : Why Not?
    Obama is the FIRST President to actively denigrate Christians and Christianity while simultaneously bowing down to Muslims and Sharia law.
    Were there any “GAY” couples invited to the official Obama White House Ramadan meal?
    Why not?
    Obama made a great show of having many homosexuals at his “Easter egg roll” rubbing Christians' noses in what he called a "teachable moment" against "the forces of homophobia and hate."
    Easter is Christianity’s major holy day. Why did he not mock and insult Muslims in the same way?
    Why did Obama not shove a “teachable moment” into the faces of Muslims?
    Earlier this year, Obama forced Christians to watch in dismay as he hijacked the Christian holiday of Easter to endorse homosexual child rearing, and he used Ramadan to endorse the construction of a massive mosque on the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He clearly hates Christianity and embraces Islam, as well as homosexuality. It's only unclear which one he prefers, or fears, more. It seems to be Islam since he didn't include any gays, lesbians, transgenders, transexuals, cross-dressers, or pre-ops at his Ramadan celebration

  20. Mr David will not burn for urinating on Christ. Christ will forgive him that. What might be more problematic is his insult to the customs and beliefs of his neighbor.

  21. No new articles! Have given up have you? were doing such a good job giving hope to people!

  22. whats the most outrageous hate crime prosecu0tion in BC you know of?
