Monday 13 August 2012

A Triumph indeed, but not as they claim

 Team GB - Medal winners

Apart from the opening and, almost as ghastly, closing ceremonies, which, unlike the contests themselves, were under the complete control of the media and a tiny left wing elite and were therefore more of the same mind numbing propaganda which now passes for entertainment in this country, it would be difficult to argue that the 2012 Olympic games was not a tremendous success for Britain. At least it was a success in terms of the performance of our athletes and the behaviour of the British public.

One can not compare the 1908 games when we last won as many medals, but only 28 nations participated, with the games which have just taken place, hence it is fair to state that Britain has just had it’s most successful Olympics of all times.

However, the success has not been in the form which the establishment would have us believe. According to the opening and closing raves, the media narrative and most politically correct politicians, the Olympics was a triumph for multiculturalism. However, a true analysis of what actually happened, and, of course, of the medals table itself, tells a very different story, and one which must have been quite infuriating for those attempting to promote the official line.

Of our tally of 29 gold medals four were shared between three black athletes and one further gold went to Jessica Ennis, girl of mixed race origins.  By far the vast majority of “Team GB” medal winners, at gold and all other levels, were, as a BBC executive would no doubt describe them “hideously white”

As was to be expected, despite making up less than 14% of the winners, black athletes received at least 40% of the TV coverage and were represented in a significantly higher percentage in the opening and closing graphics accompanying any sports show during the games.  However, irrespective of how the media tried to play it, the split between the elitist fairy tale and reality has seldom been so marked.

Indeed, the multicultural fantasy did not only fail in terms the medal count, the myth that “we are all the same” was exposed as the lie it is in the events which took place.

Black athletes featured strongly, albeit not exclusively in the boxing ring and on the track where they held preeminent positions in most activities involving running, but were completely non existent from virtually all other sports.  Where were the black swimmers, divers, cyclists, rowers, sailors, tennis players, riders and shooters?  In the British team there were none.

It one were to remove the runners, boxers and the little Tiquando chap who was selected instead of the world champion on account of his colour, out of the equation then the medal winners would resemble slightly younger versions of the overwhelmingly white space scientists who recently landed the explorer Curiosity on Mars, except that there were a few Orientals among the scientists.

We are different, we excel in different things, we fail in different things, we are not the same, and the Olympic games showed it.  It also became clear that we think differently and we want different things
It was not just amongst the athletes where the difference was on display, as was clear in the make up of the crowds at particular events and confirmed when spectators were interviewed white within the crowd were there to cheer on everyone, or so they said, whereas blacks made no bones of the fact they were there to cheer on black athletes. (few ‘British Asians’ seemed to have turned up, at least not to watch the British team)  Behind the microphones, white commentators spoke of diversity and inclusion, while black  commentators stressed the achievements of black athletes.  Channel Four sports reporter Keme Nzerum, even went so far as to suggest that Britain had done so well largely because other sportsmen and women had “been inspired by the success of Mohammed (Mo) Farah and Jessica Ennis”, despite the fact that a significant number of medals had been won before either of then entered the fray.

It would be churlish not to acknowledge the likable “Mo” Farah’s achievement in winning two gold medals, he did himself and his native Somalia, where I understand his progress was being avidly followed, proud.  However, it cannot be denied, that people of his ethnic back ground and place of origin are genetically advantaged in terms of running abilities.  For that very reason alone, to include him in the British team and view his success as a “British triumph” is in itself a form of cheating.  You might as well put a greyhound in a Labrador race, and call it a fast Labrador.  He’s not British, he’s  Somali and both his victory and medal should have been awarded to Somalia.

Not everyone fell for the attempts to sell “Mo” as national hero, it must have really galled the  assembled ranks of opinion formers to discover that considerably more people tuned in to watch the wonderful Tim Daley’s life reaffirming delight at winning a diving bronze than watched Mo Farah win either of his gold medals. 

It was Tom, the incredible triathlon winning Brownlee brothers, and, of course Bradley (Wiggo) Wiggins, despite his Australian, father who really made most of the nations heart swell with the patriotic pride, so disdained by the Chairman of the BBC.

Contrary to the spin which the establishment are, and will continue to put on the 2012 London Olympics, the truth is that it was not a triumph for the multicultural dream, but an event which exposed racial differences in very stark relief.


  1. That's "hideously white", Sarah!

  2. Mo Farah’s amazing improvement came after he went to America to train, rather as Dwain Chambers did. And I actually heard a commentator state: "That at last we have a British runner that can take on and beat the African distance runners!” You couldn’t make it up. But I was also amused by your reference to the space scientists. I e-mailed the pictures to my sister, pointing out, (as with the moon landing conspiracy) this cannot possibly be a fabrication secretly filmed in Hollywood, because if it were, many ‘black scientists’ would be prominent in the pictures.

  3. Mo Farah looks and is about as British as a Stuka dive bomber. Apparently we have to ignore our own eyes and force ourselves into living a lie. Sounds familiar does it.

  4. Thanks, I meant "hideously white" I will change it.

  5. @ William

    Yes, the pictures of the scientists was very telling wasn't it! As you say, had it been staged by Hollywood, they would have been far more "diverse" group

  6. Wow Sarah!
    That was pretty intense!

    I tried to get tickets for the velodrome without any success so made the most of attending the free events.
    Hats off to Seb Coe, his team, the volunteers and the athletes who won the medals. They delivered a truly memorable two week 'feel good" event for the nation.

    London is richly blessed with many iconic buildings and locations and I thought the choice of competition sites for the events did an excellent job in show casing the city to the world.

    Regarding Mo Farah. Two outstanding performances which must be recognised, but just compare his victory celebrations to those of the white medal winners.
    Only an African would run around slapping his head.

    And with reference to the landing of Curiosity on Mars: I received the following e-mail from a friend.

    "Did you see the Nasa Curiosity project is headed by Dr Japie van Zyl? Namibian."

    With a name like Japie van Zyl - you can't be more Afrikaans than that. This is the quality of white immigrant that the blacks are expelling from Southern Africa.

    Keep the blog going if you can Sarah.
    Even if the articles become few and far between it is still a valuable archive resource that we can refer liberals to to help purge their disease.

  7. The problem is Sarah,the vast majority of British people are still plugged in to the Matrix.

  8. If the Channel 4 sports reporter did not know that Ennis And Farah had won their medals at the end of the first week it shows what sort of sports reporter they are. A Channel 4 one.

    (Will not mention that 44% went to public schools which raises the question of the wisdom of non-competitive sports in badly run state schools.)

  9. anyone remember Roger Bannister?

  10. Keep the blog, even if it ticks over slowly.

    And enjoy your family, the time goes fast and never comes back.

    Agree, the Games are a particularly egregious example of human biological diversity. The probability of the year-after-year racial skewing (eg white swimmers contrasted with black sprinters), ESPECIALLY when selected purely on merit, being due to chance or "prejudice", is infinitesimally small.

    Once they concede this, the Left has to acknowledge that evolution has acted on us differently, across a wide range of organ systems; sport is not just about muscle.

    This then opens a very nasty can of worms for the Blank Slate Left, which is why they need to control sports journalism and commentary so rigidly, unless the truth inadvertently leaks out. At which point it is "Games Over" for them, since all of what they propagandize about is premised on human equivalence.


  11. Thank you, Sarah, I will have to apologize to a colleague whom I did not believe when he referred to Jessica Ennis as of mixed race (haven't been delving into the backgrounds of these Olympians at all).

    She did magnificently of course but I guess she is a windfall for the race-mixers, like Lewis Hamilton. However, it should always be remembered that exceptions prove the rule, they don't overthrow the rule - which as you point out, Sarah, is hideously white, so-called.

    The price of Mo Farrah was PC Sharon Beshenivsky, as I did point out to colleagues this morning. Likewise the current crime epidemic in the Somali 'community' in London, I believe. That price is too high.

    For me, the best moment of the games was the dignified interview that local New Markse walker, Johanna Jackson, gave on disqualification, whatever grief she might have expressed in private. Outwardly she took it in her stride, which I thought very British (even if 'hideously' so).

  12. This article is completely accurate, in stark contrast to the msm "official" comments which were invariably biased. One BBC leftie actually tried to explain the black athletes' prowess on the track by an obtuse reference to slavery! The sad thing is that many of our true British people seem to have completely missed the not so subtle propaganda involved in the coverage on all TV channels and seem to buy the lie. For example, Sky News is now so PC that there has to be at least one ethnic minority representative on just about every panel. Often there are three of them to each white, no matter what the subject matter is. The adverts on TV and elsewhere are the same. We have multiculturalism thrust down our throats whilst the politicians admit that the experiment has failed. What's going on? Don't the media moguls agree with them, or are they determined to ensure that the experiment succeeds? Our own local newspaper, The South Wales Evening Post, has in recent months been pursuing a similar agenda, showing photographs of ethnic minority representatives in prominent positions even though, so far, they are not so common in this locality. I say so far because the authorities would seem to want to change that soon. And of course, the facts expose the lies. What about the overwhelmingly white scientists at the NASA establishment? No words are needed to convey the message there! We must also explore the curious fact that the media often fail to recognise Orientals in their vision of a New World Order utopia. The Japanese, Chinese and others from that part of the world are among the most productive and intelligent people on the planet, yet they are given little prominence by BBC and Sky. Why should that be, do they not fit into the NWO jigsaw?

  13. Oh please keep this blog, there are so few about South Africa, even with few new updates, the archives are so valuable.

  14. Oh please keep this blog, even with few new updates, the archives are so valuable and there are so few blogs about the situation in South Africa.

  15. Good analysis. Telling that a dozen of the Congolese and Cameroon competitors have now either absconded in London or have claimed assylum. Presumably they too will also be as British as vindaloo by the next games.

  16. Re: "a dozen of the Congolese and Cameroon competitors have now either absconded in London or have claimed asylum."

    I recall that at a Commonwealth Games some years back, the 17 members of the Sierra Leone team never went back to from whence they'd come. They vanished into the London ether - though no doubt remained material enough to claim benefits from the BTP (British Taxpayer Party, habitually unelected but essential for keeping the others in power).

    Whether any of them then became 'British' athletes, I don't know.

    The DM has this report on the first African to try it on.

    The question is rightly raised, how does a persecuted person get to be in a country's Olympic squad?

    Some of the DM comments are interesting. The commentators don't seem to appreciate this form of spinoff 'enrichment' from London 2012.

  17. Did the SCUM within the BBC ever give as much credence to the very young and vulnerable ZOLA BUDD when she ran for this country?

    No what a pity she wasn't black or Somalian eh?


  18. TBM-1 Your comments about the South Wales Evening Post struck a cord. 'Minority ethnic representatives' are not all that common where I live either, but the Plymouth Herald is just the same. A solitary black face in any feature is always prominent. There is a Mr. and Miss Plymouth contest every year run by this newspaper and for the second time now Mr. Plymouth has been Afro Caribbean. We also have a Deputy Lord Mayor who is a Sikh - he came in from Birmingham about three years ago. For a city with no substantial ethnic community areas you indeed have to wonder what is going on.

    Totally brilliant article Sarah.

  19. TBM-1 Your comments about the South Wales Evening Post struck a cord. 'Minority ethnic representatives' are not all that common where I live either, but the Plymouth Herald is just the same. A solitary black face in any feature is always prominent. There is a Mr. and Miss Plymouth contest every year run by this newspaper and for the second time now Mr. Plymouth has been Afro Caribbean. We also have a Deputy Lord Mayor who is a Sikh - he came in from Birmingham about three years ago. For a city with no substantial ethnic community areas you indeed have to wonder what is going on.

    Totally brilliant article Sarah.

  20. On American Rennaisance this article explores the same theme:

    August 14, 2012
    The DNA Olympics—Jamaicans Win Sprinting ‘Genetic Lottery’—and Why We Should All Care, Forbes
    Author says races are different; get used to it. 118 Comments

    The author makes the clear point that most armchair TV spectators picked up on:
    Blacks of West African slave descent now residing in the Caribbean, the USA and Canada won everything up to the 400m and authentic East African blacks residing in their home countries won everything from the 800m to the marathon.

    What he does not address is that authentic blacks residing in West Africa - Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon - won nothing.

    So what is the difference - diet, facilities, self-discipline, training?
    Could it be that blacks residing in the west have these advantages plus white coaches and trainers who are hard task masters and ensure that their charges do their work in order to bring home the medals?

  21. @08:14 asks "Don't the media moguls agree with them, or are they determined to ensure that the experiment succeeds?"

    Therein lies the problem. The elites utilize their most formidable propaganda machine (MSM) to keep the gullible "herd" off guard.

    With permission, the political class will toss a bone into our feeding bowl on occasion, simply to placate inquiring minds. So don't be content, nor fooled by feeding on a few scraps of spoiled food thrown in our direction.

    Elite puppeteers still hold a firm grip on their puppets' strings to ensure politicians don't wander too far astray from the main program.

    Anyhow, here's an interesting 2-part story that some readers may enjoy and learn from.

  22. The establishment will already be working on the make up of the British teams for the next Olympics. Expect to never again see all white winners in such sports as rowing and cycling. They will be told that unless they train up some coloured medal contenders, their funding will be slashed. The lib/left/con/commies will be furious that so many British winners were proper Brits and will do all they can to ensure this does not happen again- even if it means ruining our prospects and team harmony in the process. As for the head slapping celebration of Mohamed (Still the most popular name for British male babies) Farah, the Somali running for Britain, it was all started many years ago by the captain of the Welsh rugby team and, one time, captain of the British Lions, "Alfie" Thomas who has since "come out" as a homosexual. Perhaps too much head slapping has some unwelcome side effects!

  23. I was surprised to see that picture of team GB. I honestly thought that there were more dark-skinned people than that!

    I don't own a TV and I didn't watch the Lympics, but every time I caught a glimpse of the events in the local pub or a shop window it seemed that I was looking at a coloured person wearing the British colours or holding the Union flag (usually upside down!) so I assumed most of our athletes were of non-British stock!

    You've got to hand it to the Beeb, they are getting very good at this deception lark! Sometimes I feel ashamed that I'm "hideously white" and inferior. . .

  24. I hope you manage to keep this blog up and running; perhaps some of your more trusted long-term commentators could produce posts which you could post, requiring only minimal editing, perhaps just a quick scan for quality.

  25. Theodore Dalrymple on the ceremony

  26. pointing out, (as with the moon landing conspiracy) this cannot possibly be a fabrication secretly filmed in Hollywood, because if it were, many ‘black scientists’ would be prominent in the pictures.

    Ah but their clever you see, they dont believe their own propaganda. To make it believeable they have to go against their own principles.

  27. What's going on? Don't the media moguls agree with them, or are they determined to ensure that the experiment succeeds?

    The people who control the politicians are the same as the ones who control the media. Its a mistake to see politicians as a separate group. Politics, media, academia are manipulated by the same forces.

    Always remember to look at what politicians (or anyone else) DO not what they SAY.

    They have said in Britain & Germany so far that multiculturalism is a crock and they are right. But what have they done about it? Scrapped it, stopped immigration, demanded that adverts stop showing blacks as wonderful all the time?

    No, none of those things. They havent changed anything, the polices are exactly the same as they were a year ago, five years ago. Thus we can ignore what they said, it was just bullshit.

    Many times now we have had politicians muttering about limiting immigration. That was enough to fool the sheep/voters into thinking something was happening. Nothing did. Thatcher did it, Cameron has done it. But thats all they did, say a few words.

    Id like to think by now anyone with a functioning brain cell would rather cut off their own hand than ever vote tory or labour ever again, betrayal after betrayal. Yet they still do year in year out.

  28. There are less black medal winners in the GB team because there are less black people in GB. What you're saying is, if you remove all the black medal winners, there are no black medal winners.

  29. That looks like an interesting post. The need for maids have increased a lot in US as many people like to hire them to get the work done rather then doing it themselves.

  30. To Anon-29 August 2012 01:16.
    Elementary my dear Anon ... ELEMENTARY! Nevertheless take note that the three medals earned by black participants in the British team have been included in the grand total. However when liberal politicians select and glorify three medalists over and above the rest to promote black power propaganda then the sports event becomes another filthy stinking political farce. Britain would have been far better off without those three medals and the glory of the team's great success would have been showered fairly and equally upon the rest of the British medalists. THEY DO ALSO DESERVE PRAISE AND APPRECIATION FOR THEIR GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS AND SACRIFICE FOR THEIR COUNTRY. After all said and done and weighing up the pros and cons three medals are really of no value and are a poor substitute payment for deceitfully and deliberately trying to possess and overcome another nations country.
