Wednesday 30 May 2012

Shaming a nation

On sentencing 42 year old Jacqueline Woodhouse,to 21 weeks in prison for saying stuff the state does not approve of, District  Judge Michael Snow said of the video clip, filmed by a member of the Cameron Youth, capturing Ms. Woodhouse’s words : “Anyone viewing that would feel a deep sense of shame that our fellow citizens could be subject to such behavior,” 

No Judge Snow, the deep sense of shame I feel is not on account of that video, or this unfortunate woman's words, my shame is that I share an ethnicity with a bigoted hate filled old traitor such as yourself, and so many in my nation are willing to betray those of our forefathers who fought and died for this country.

It is you Judge Snow who should hang your head in shame if you were capable of understanding the concept.   You are a willing cog in a totalitarian state which incarcerates people for thought crimes, for words, and for resisting the ethnic cleansing of their homeland, it is that which is truly shameful.


  1. It is unfortunate. But sort of thing has to be encouraged.

    This is the true face of liberalism. Maybe you can't fight something until you see what it is.

    After long enough, whites will "have permission" to strike back. Perhaps once every vestige of white guilt is gone.

    There is a Dutch WN who promotes learning other languages. English is monitered for hate speech in the UK. Other languages are not.

  2. This is slightly off topic but highlights a PC deceit on the population

    Interesting the article mentions the similarities in style, tone, and rythmn between Obama's 'work' and William Ayers. The article does NOT appear to mention Jack Cashill's book 'Deconstructing Obama' (2011) which lists 100 or so similarities between the work of Ayers/Obama: His case is, I think, devastating.

    RealClearPolitics - Obama Is Not That Bright

    Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host Don Imus in November of 2008.

  3. Sarah
    Please re-publish the clip where the 4 Somalian females physically attack a white couple, and are let off scott free.
    We need to see this again to be reminded of how distorted the British "justice" system has become.

  4. The Muslim women in Leicester who kicked the sh*t out of a white woman are, basically, let off because they were drunk. A white woman is jailed for using words when drunk. No double standards here then.

  5. As usual, absolutely correct and to the point, Sarah. They want us to be ashamed for trying to defend our heritage.

  6. So the quotidian failings natural to the human condition now require prison time. This is what comes of gnostic arrogance in public offices – the criminal is excused, the human condemned.

    George Pal

  7. This is what we should be doing but we have had our spirit broken by the rulers.​watch?v=MJoWIHlPmp8.

  8. Hi Laager

    I assume this is the video you were referring to

  9. Listen old Fart your judgement is clouded. Please retire!

    Regards Louis

    NS How do I access MS Political commentary? Please help!

  10. Patriot English Tram Lady,
    Reverse Speech

    Immigrants Out!

  11. Patriot English Tram Lady,
    Reverse Speech

    Immigrants Out!

  12. Anonymous 30 May 2012 15:41
    Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host Don Imus in November of 2008.
    My comment: Alfred Einstein the cleverest man so far to have walked this planet was kicked out of school at the tender age of 15 years. His teachers claimed that he was unteachable as he was constantly disagreeing with them. They claimed that he was a fool who would spend his life in squalor living in the gutters of the city streets with the humanitarian dregs of society.
    Who is this Michael Beschloss and of what great value is his opinion anyway? My Uncle inherited a financial fortune and took to smoking $100 cigars just to impress people. Regardless of the fact that he is very highly educated he is well known for talking the biggest load of crap under the sun and has proved himself to be a complete political idiot. What's this Beschloss guy smoking? Don't let others influence your mind. White folks in America will definately pay the price for their stupidity at the polls and they haven't seen the best of Obama yet.
