Thursday 3 May 2012

Farmers wife executed in front of her children

William and Vanessa Stafleu

The Afrikaner language newspaper Bleed reports that two traumatised children, a boy of 5 and his 3 year old sister ran into the African night seeking help after seeing their mother murdered before their eyes.

In the latest farm attack, on Monday night, on a farm near Randfontein in Gauteng province in North Eastern South Africa, 34 year old Vanessa Stafleu was shot in the back of the head execution style while kneeling in front of her killers.

Mrs. Stafleu's husband William found his wife's body when he returned from a nearby dairy farm in Doornfontein, where another farmer Koos van Rooyen died in an earlier farm attack last year.

Afrikaner speakers can watch an interview with Mr. Stafleu at Censorbugbear reports by clicking here

News report

Hat tip Mulder


  1. Have you sent this to the stinking BB Effing C ??

  2. Ive lost 8 friends and acquaintances in 9 years through murder in South Africa . All just genuine ordinary good people . One was a nurse who worked as a volunteer in Africa for 68 years , yes , from 21 ex Denmark until her murder in Pinelands Cape Town 3 years after retiring, due to blindness ,at age 92 . Stabbed 21 times but not before raping her . I dont know if the 3 perpetraters were caught but the car was found burnt out in the township . All they took was R25.00 and a radio. A shame it truly is . What a nightmare we live in . crossbow121

  3. It strikes home hard every time we hear of these racist attacks on whites. I use that hackneyed word sparingly, but is definitely the case in Africa. Our reprehensible media fails to comment on these matters and always portrays South Africa as a land of love and harmony since the "evil" white people have lost power. Nothing could be further from the truth; let us not forget Mugabe who has overseen many atrocities against whitefarmers. If the situation were reversed and blacks were being victimised, our press would be trumpeting the news from every orifice.

  4. If the Afrikaners don't take their country back, they'll continue to reap the whirlwind.

  5. Don't you dare comment or you will have your career ruined

  6. And on ... and on... and on.......

  7. I have heard a whisper that other people suffer.

  8. The suppression of news of injuries goes on... and on... and on......

  9. We're going to throw Obama out and made black South Africa a pariah state.

  10. @ Anon 7 May 2012 00:58...

    As a South African I sure hope you do!!!

    I think that the Stafleu children must be congratulated, especially the young lad. At five years old he had the presence of mind to flee to a place of safety 2 kilometres away - at night - after witnessing the horror of his mother's killing while looking after his younger sister.

    That little tyke is an ABSOLUTE HERO...

    Can all the men out there measure up to this little tot who cannot even write his own name yet?

    STAND UP WHITE MAN!!! The children are showing you how...
