Wednesday 4 April 2012

South African Farmer Beaten to death

Another  farmer has been beaten to death in South Africa.  The body of 46-year-old Adriaan Johannes "At" van der Merwe was found on the floor of his study with head injuries on Leeubos farm in Bloemhof, North West Province..

It is believed the attackers had gained entry into Van der Merwe's farmhouse by digging a hole underneath a security fence on Monday evening

Hat tip Peter and Mulder


  1. Sarah I am so glad you do not forget our brothers and sisters who face GENOCIDE in RSA. RSA is what is facing, in the near future, ALL White homelands. There is an organized effort, quite successful, to make Whites, first a minority in their own lands, then to genocide them. I wish I was using hyperbole but I am not.

    I also wish I could suggest that the following quote is some sort of silly, wild, exaggeration, but sadly, ever so sadly, it is the prophetic future.

    You're a slave in your own country, White Man. Each year you get to keep less of the fruits of your labor; each year it gets more difficult to carry the burden the aliens have placed upon you each year the cheap labor of aliens makes your future less secure; each year you retreat a few steps more into the world of slavery.

    Where will it all end? I'LL TELL YOU — it will end with the complete and total annihilation of "Whitey."

    George Lincoln Rockwell (March 9,1918 - August 25,1967) was a United States Navy Commander.

  2. The latest outrage was committed on Good Friday at the farm Griekwastad in the Northern Cape. Deon Steenkamp, his wife Christelle and 14 year old daughter Marthella were found shot dead and lying in the lounge. Deon's 15 year old son, who had been doing chores on the farm, found them lying there when he returned. The Joburg Sunday Times gave a half a page report, headlines 3cm high,colour photos, the whole trip, to two British women who are trying to sue a South African 'boob' implant specialist for their faulty PIP transplants. Squeezed in at the bottom of this article, taking up about 30 sq cm of space was the report on the Steenkamp murders.

  3. The latest outrage was committed on Good Friday at the farm Griekwastad in the Northern Cape. Deon Steenkamp, his wife Christelle and 14 year old daughter Marthella were found shot dead and lying in the lounge. Deon's 15 year old son, who had been doing chores on the farm, found them lying there when he returned. The Joburg Sunday Times gave a half a page report, headlines 3cm high,colour photos, the whole trip, to two British women who are trying to sue a South African 'boob' implant specialist for their faulty PIP transplants. Squeezed in at the bottom of this article, taking up about 30 sq cm of space was the report on the Steenkamp murders.

  4. Hi Sarah, long time reader, first time commenter.

    I was wondering if you could find a way to make it so your running total of farm murders on the side could be copied to other blogs without the count stopping? I'd like to add it to my blogs like I do with the religionofpeace ticker, but yours won't update automatically and I'll have to remember to manually update it every time.

    Keep up the brilliant work you're doing, and I wish you and your family all the best.

  5. Hi I know what you mean, but I am not sure how to set up a counter like that, if anyone can advise me I would be grateful.

  6. It's too late now to prevent or stop the South African white genocide that is taking place. When the white nations of the world were warned of the consequences of handing the S. African government over to the blacks they refused to hear it and implemented stringent and crippling economic sanctions against S. Africa. Furthermore the white S. Africans were totally ostracized and were called racialists and many other derogatory names by their own kind who were overjoyed at the shallow victory that they eventually helped the present black government to secure. It is S.African whites who are biting the dust now but it will be the whites in England, Europe and America who are going to bite the dust next. The writing is on the wall and it is only a matter of time to the end of all the white nations upon this earth. Ultimately they will be overrun by the blacks and they have no one else to blame but themselves. Their betrayel of each other and their failure to stand together will help to seal their doom. It is most astonishing to see that the whites who are regarded as one of the most advanced human species in the world today are crumbling under the physical and psychological onslaught of the third world blacks. Without a doubt the blacks in Africa and in the other parts of the world have made it quite clear that they have no intention of accepting or practicing diversity. The gullible white nations however still hopefully believe that such dreams are possible. After genocide there is a thing called extinction and the whites had better prepare themselves for it. After that who knows what is going to happen on this planet because the blacks cannot even live with each other and the chaotic condition of the African continent over so many years is proof of this fact. The whites have failed to learn that when wise men speak words of truth they must listen carefully to what they have to say. If not then they must not cry when they have to suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.

  7. Too true anonymous, another farmer beaten to death and another twenty one and a half million Rand of taxpayers money found in ANC officials pockets. It's the usual daily occurence these days. The sincerity of the freedom and democracy thing was just a sick joke but those on the outside who supported their sick joke will never admit to it. They would rather glorify it instead and pretend that all is well in S.A. However the sick joke cannot be hidden or disguised for much longer and they will soon be forced to acknowledge that the real ambition of the ANC was to satisfy their greed for power and fill their bank accounts with taxpayer's money. Very few poor black people have actually benefited financially,physically or socially from this long fingered goverment. The vast amount of money that has and is being stolen and also wasted would have uplifted so many of the poor people in the country had it been utilized in the correct manner. Did I say a sick joke? Sorry ... I should have said A TRAGIC JOKE.

  8. It will remain a tragic joke as long as the white genocide is allowed to go on. The sooner something more sincere and positive is done about it the beter. Signing petitions is all good and well when one is dealing with intelligent human beings but with arrogant greedy unintelligent human beings they only seem to understand one thing and that is an "eye for an eye". Kindness, patience and good virtue is only a hilarious joke to them and is regarded as a weakness. They gloat on their ability to destroy others at will and not be held responsible for it. They can dish their evil out but they can't take it when they have to receive it. Nothing but a firm, solid and likewise retaliation will stop their genocide. Had they been on the receiving end of a genocide there would have been enormous wailings. protest marches, vandalism. destruction and the burning of property as well. Of course the racist whites would be at fault again and the whole world would have been in an uproar and everything possible would have been done by them to stop it. The very same finger pointers at the previous government for racism have now all very conveniently escaped into their hiding holes and their silence is reverberating across the killing fields. At the same time the government leaders and their officials are shouting words of hate and singing "Kill the whites" and nothing is said or done about it. WHY? why the blind eye now when they have every good reason to protest and intervene.Ye two faced hypocrites thanks for nothing but remember this in parting the power for the white persons survival stems from a highly intelligent mind. Don't be surprised when that same power starts erupting.
