Saturday 24 March 2012

What a difference five years make

Trayvon Martin in 2007, these are the five year old pictures the media have been using in news reports about the innocent Skittle buying African American boy, shot dead while he was innocently sightseeing in a secure gated community

Trayvon Martin 2012: These are two month old pictures taken from Trayvon's 2012 Facebook page, oddly enough no media outlet has published these picture.

This is just another a race bating hypocrite

PS: The Hispanic shooter, whom the media so desperately wish was white

The Whole of Zimmerman's 911 call can be heard here, shockingly it shows that all the media have lied and that, in fact Zimmerman stopped following the youth when the police told him they did not need him to   


  1. Hard to believe they are pictures of the same "youth".

    We were right it stinks it a set up.

  2. In one of the images he's giving gang signs.

  3. Gold teeth,gang signs and a school suspension.Not exactly the sweet innocent boy the media are portraying.

  4. In the earlier photo he's portrayed as the all American kid.

    Then he's black with attitude.

    And that's the guy Zimmermann met.

  5. Zimmerman was told not to follow him so he did not.

    In 2 minutes the "youth" could have used his natural athletic ability to be far far away but he hung around until he saw tyhe chance to attack Zimmerman.

    No you did not read that in the media.

  6. Yes I understand that his father is part Jewish, but his main ancestry is Latin American.

  7. I cross-linked to your post. Thanks, Sarah!

  8. Try to find those pics in a GIS search!

    Just TRY!

  9. A fight for Trayvon Martin is a war against stereotypes
    By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor

  10. I'm interested in the "Hispanic" name of the man who shot Trayvon Martin - Zimmerman! If I were him I should accuse my persecutors of Anti-Semitism. Now, that really would put them in a CATCH 22. is a war against stereotypes

  11. Perhaps the truth really is coming out in the Trayvor Martin case.

  12. It gets even worse ...

    New photo, details of George Zimmerman's employment

    "A source also provided a more recent photo of Zimmerman than the 2005 mugshot that has been the primary image of him in the media. The new photo shows him smiling in a suit and tie."

  13. This division is what some people try to present as the success of the Multi-Racial Society.

  14. wasthat LaToilets lil baby hes be holdin.

  15. If you are going to quote Obama you could at least get what he said right. He said, " If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."

    I live in a predominately white middle class community and all the kids do funny stuff with their hands in photos on their facebook and they are not in gangs.

    Careful y'all your bigotry is showing.

    I don't expect this to be published but you people make me ashamed to be white and American.


  16. Thanks for posting the actual total call that proves Zimmerman never stopped following Tayvon. He fried his butt when he says "tell the cops to call me so I can tell thme where I am." IN other words, he was still chasing this kid, who had every right to defend himself from a nut case like Zimmerman. Sadly, he had no chance against a lethal weapon. Zimmerman also shows his prejudices with his statements "he is on drugs" "he is up to something." He had made 49 calls like this in the past. Always the same statements and usually targeting black people. We will see him in the electric chair. Many teens post pics like the ones you show. Sorry, but that is common with people of all color. I am not sure the one you have of the kid using a middle fingers is even Tavon. You provide no links to where you got these pictures?

  17. Again, thanks for providing the full tape that will send Zimmerman to the electric chair. He should have been arrested, but the police chief was too stupid.

  18. Anonymous, ashamed to be American and white, well tell us something we dont know!
    Managing to ignore the fact that the media are promoting a clean cut well bred black youth when clearly that is not the full picture.

  19. You are WRONG. That is NOT the same Trayvon Martin who was bashing in the Hispanic neighbourhood watch man's head while suspended from school. It is a different Trayvon Martin. That Trayvon Martin will probably also bash in someone's head one day and get shot, but he's not our guy.

    Our Trayvon Martin goes by "Trayvon Slimm Martin" on Facebook.

    Also, Zimmerman's police call shows he did follow Trayvon Slimm Martin despite the suggestion that he shouldn't. Zimmerman broke no laws by doing so though, he was just doing his job.

  20. Zimmerman has not been arrested because his case for self-defence is strong enough to have convinced the police. If he is arrested, tried and found innocent of "hate crime killing" or whatever (and black friends of his have come out publicly to defend him), his lawyers will be able to go after Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, the NBPP and who knows who else?
    Would he get a fair trial in any case? That has to be a prime argument for any defense attorney.


  21. An outstanding essay on the new American Race War -

    The American Race War

  22. Is Trayvon Martin the guy who got the 10 day school suspension for attacking a bus driver and who when Zimmerman was told to stop following he did and Martin had plenty of time to flee but waited until Zimmerman was unprepared to attack him justifying Zimmerman shooting him under Florida law?

    What a lousy job the media have done on this story. Why it is even worse than the manufactured one of "Saint" Rodney King where the entire portion of the LAPD saving his life was left out of the broadcast.

  23. Again, thanks for providing the full tape that will send Zimmerman to the electric chair

    shockingly it shows that all the media have lied and that, in fact Zimmerman stopped following the youth when the police told him they did not need him to

    So George Zimmerman should get the electric chair for saving himself from a racist attack by a black thug who had a 10 day suspension from school for attacking an employee and that was up to no good wandering around the back porches of a gated community?

    Only stupid people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton could believe something so dumb.

  24. Actually the photo on the left with the gold teeth is really him. I don't know about the photo on the right.

    Trayvon Martin's twitter account:!/NO_LIMIT...
    That is his real twitter account. You can tell because: on the 5th of February he talks about his birthday, he uses his nickname "slimm", and he talks to @sj_saynomo_4 who later changed their name and pic to "R.I.P. Tray".
    His Facebook account:

  25. What a supprise, it turns out that our little angel Trayvon has been suspended 3 times and..... he's a burglar. During one of his suspensions school security looked in his backpack and found a flat screwdriver and a bag containing 12 pieces of womans jewelry. Including wedding rings, earing with diamonds and watches. I guess Zimmerman was right to be watching him.

  26. I am surprised the hispanics have not been out in a show of force. The welfare blacks have been out every day, how do we know! If they had a job they would be working!

  27. I read this post and almost cried. The hate is so evident. Why is it that those negative pictures have to depict the true him and not the ones with him hugging his parents hugging his friends smiling being a child living. Which by the way outnumber the negative pics. Better yet why. Can't they all be him. Kids of all races ages have pictures flipping the bird and doing things like wearing gold teeth or planking. They think its comical. Because they are kids who don't know any better and are growing a d learning. I have issues with Zimmerman making himself an authority figure in this situation. He called the police fine thats his right he should have let them handle it. He should have listened to the police and not followed that child with a dangerous weapon. I see a man and a child that's all if it was your child that was followed and shot by a man who was not adhering to police orders you would want justice.

  28. Are you kidding???? The pics are typical teenage shots!!!!! Oh my, he got suspended from school!!!! So what, probably someone in your own family has been school counts too you know! I hope Zimmerman gets life...he should have listened to the dispatcher!!

  29. @ Anon 08:13, the point you are missing, and the point I believe Sarah is making is that the pictures of a cute little 12 year old, which the lying media have been posting bear no resemblance to the Treyvon Martin who the Hispanic shooter encountered on the night he shot him.
