Thursday 29 March 2012

Book Burning in Texas

"We sincerely apologize for publishing the cartoon and for the harm that decision caused."

The insane are now in charge


  1. Sarah, this hardly rises to the level of book burning. The misjudgement of some college newspaper editors who fired an editorial cartoonist and pulled a cartoon that had already run is not actually book burning at all. Your title simply attempts to inflame matters further. It is not the first time the Dilly Texan has fouled up, nor will it be the last, I'm sure. As a student run newspaper, they do make some pretty bad ones from time to time. I remember some from my days on campus many years ago, and I see that nothing has changed. But book burning, ... No, not really.

  2. Thanks Dr. D

    In retrospect you are probably right, the headline was a bit over the top!! :-)

    However, the statement about the cartoon "causing harm" was just ludicrous. These students are totally brainwashed.

  3. The persecution goes on ....

  4. Great cartoon! Most Americans - including blacks - aren't buying this kak on the part of Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, etc. Are they really irresponsible enough to want to actually whip up riots à la 1968? Gun sales have gone through the roof since Obama took office: the result would be a bloodbath. What world do these dummies inhabit?


  5. Atchange dot org there is a petition for her to get Stephanie Eisner her job back.

    Make it have bigger numbers than the one to get George Zimmerman tried.

  6. JP, I fear you might be mistaken. Race riots would suit the Obama re-election campaign very nicely.


  7. RamZPaul on racist toilet paper!!!

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