Monday 20 February 2012

This site

I regret that there has been no activity on this site for the last three weeks.  This has been due to personal issue, which I would like to keep private, but which will mean the site will remain largely inactive for another week or so.

I would like to apologise to those people who have written to me, but who have not yet received a reply, I will attempt to catch up with my mail over the next week or two.

I hope to return to blogging again in due course.

Meanwhile I am aware there have been further atrocities in South Africa, I will coordinate the information and make a posting aout these in the next couple of days.


  1. No worries Sarah
    We are all riding the roller coaster of life and have to prioritise our commitments.

    We appreciate the effort you put into this volunteer activity and look forward to your return once the other issues have been taken care of.

  2. The scene shown here is looks pretty bleak.

    I hope this is not a reflection of your mood, Sarah.

  3. Thinking of you and your situation, Sarah

    Look forward to your posting again

    Alan O'R

  4. Hi Sarah, thanks for letting us know. Family comes first, so please take your time to get whatever it is sorted out.

    Hoping all works out well for you and all concerned.

  5. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


  6. Look forward to future postings, Sarah. We need more people like you to expose the truth. Best of luck with your present difficulty.

  7. All the best Sarah, I hope whatever it is works out well for you and your family.

  8. Well, that's a relief to know your absence is only temporary. :)

  9. We miss you, Sarah, and hope all is well. I was thinking of you earlier this morning, wondering how you were getting on.

    God be with you.

  10. Another dose of Sarah would be good in due course . I hope you come off the battlefield unscathed . Keep it up . Greets from Crossbow .

  11. Hope things sort themselves out the best they can for you Sarah, I have been checking in regulary for new articles and wondered was something wrong or had you been shut down by the appeasers, all the best Sarah, look forward to your return.

  12. I had wondered Madam and hoped that your absence was short term. Everyone gets hit sooner or later my dear, it is what we do after getting hit that defines us. Godspeed.

  13. Looking forward to your future posts Sarah. Hope to see them soon, your blog is one of my favourites.
