Thursday 5 January 2012

Diane and her Time Machine

Labour minister Diane Abbott has defended the Tweet she made earlier today when she said "White People love playing 'divide and rule', we shouldn't play their game" 

She claims that the tweet wasn't racist and that she was not making generalisations  about white people but claims that the tweet "was  taken out of context" and that she was actually "referring to the nature of 19th Century European colonialism" which he explains was a  "bit much to get into 140 characters.".

Of course nobody would question Ms. Abbott's integrity. Clearly what she meant when she said "We shouldn't play their game" was that black people should not get into time machines, travel back 150 odd years and play games with long dead people.

It makes perfect sense really!


  1. She had 34 characters left to explain what she meant in context so that she could not be taken out of context.

  2. It's not so much a question of a "bit much to get into 140 characters" as one of being "a bit much to get into her rather thick head." Given that the Finns didn't have an empire and were instead annexed by the Russian Empire, I wonder why she doesn't like them? It couldn't be envy could it? After all, compare and contrast:

  3. Diane Abbot was right about the divide and rule.
    But it was white apologists who feel that whites are to blame for every historical grievance.
    Not all whites.

    It was those white apologists with their masachistic ideals who used black and asian peoples to divide Britain.

    Mass immigration which made massive black and asian communities which resulted in white flight.

    Black preferential rights through thousands of Black (and Asian) only organisations like;
    Black Police Federation
    Black Student Union
    Black Pride
    Black history month etc

    The importation of Black and Asian cultures such as Honour killing, Paedophile gangs picking on young white girls, the killing of young black boys/girls for being witches.

    Multi-culturism and diversity is all about divide and rule.

    But its not Blacks who are being targeted by this divide and rule but the white indiginouse peoples of Britain.
    Government statistics have we White Britains (Im English) as a minority in our own country by 2066, as most immigration is into England then we English will be a minority mush sooner then 2066.

    It is blacks who are the tool(s) of these so called elitist's, a failed nation people imported to undermine and destroy the white nations of Britain, America and Europe.

  4. Can someone who lives in London please report Diane Abbot to the Met for using 'racially offensive words and behaviour likely to cause harrasment alarm and distress' contrary to Section 5 of the Public Order Act in it's racially aggravated form. Do it now so that when Emma West 'Tram Lady' gets to court we can show in evidence that the police are 'institutionally racist' towards whites in not persuing the complaint against repeatedly racist Abbot. PLEASE DO IT NOW! All you need to do is have heard or seen the offensive tweet (we've all seen it on the news) and be 'harrassed, alarmed OR distressed' by this remark and it becomes a criminal offence. No medical or other witness evidence required. Just your testimony. Preferably make some record of the report.

  5. Can someone who lives in London please report Diane Abbot to the Met for using 'racially offensive words and behaviour likely to cause harrasment alarm and distress' contrary to Section 5 of the Public Order Act in it's racially aggravated form. Do it now so that when Emma West 'Tram Lady' gets to court we can show in evidence that the police are 'institutionally racist' towards whites in not persuing the complaint against repeatedly racist Abbot. PLEASE DO IT NOW! All you need to do is have heard or seen the offensive tweet (we've all seen it on the news) and be 'harrassed, alarmed OR distressed' by this remark and it becomes a criminal offence. No medical or other witness evidence required. Just your testimony. Preferably make some record of the report.

  6. You cannot "divide" that which is not united and the races in may parts of the British Empire were certainly not united.

    The Malays and the Chinese in Malaya or the Tamils and Sikhs in India represented the diametric opposite of "united".

  7. David Levin, headmaster of City of London School where Abbott sent her son had the following to say;

    'She was always ready to help me in fundraising to promote able boys of poor backgrounds of any ethnic minority or colour to attend the school. The idea that Diane Abbott is guilty of racism is absurd.'

    In other words provided you are black and are good to , you cannot be guilty of racism. Methinks that with headmasters of his ilk British education needs some reforming fast.

  8. Why are people on our side crowing for the police to be brought in.

    By demanding that the police are brought in to investigate what is essentially a thought crime is just giving credence to political correct protocol.

    You would think that they wanted freedom of speech abolished in favour of a police state.

    Diane Albion's outburst benefits us in two ways. First it exposes her true loyalties. And secondly if she keeps her job not even a dimwit could miss the blatant double standards.

  9. Diane Abbott used the word 'playing' not 'played'. This indicates present tense not past tense.

    There is nothing in her tweets to indicate any mention of British Empire.

    Anyone who accepts or defends this woman is an anti-white
    anti-equality lowlife sell out.

    She must be made to explain fully how her tweet could be seen as being relevant to the days of the British Empire.

    I notice that Dim Awumuwidingadong or whatever the other woman is called did not make any comment in regards to Aboots racist tweet.

    Obviousely one rule for blacks and another for we nast whites.

  10. Sorry my last post was incomplete, should be;

    In other words provided you are black and are good to able boys of poor backgrounds of any ethnic minority or colour, you cannot be guilty of racism.

  11. Maybe she did mean the British Empire and to use the past tense but was just too stupid to do so?

  12. Ramzpaul's latest on the colorofchange dot org getting Al Sharpton fired from MSNBC ffor writing that book is very good.

    It really makes you realise how spineless Ed Miliband is.
