Wednesday 11 January 2012

76 year old woman stabbed, beaten locked up and left to die - South Africa 2012

Mrs Pat Joffe, 76, the former treasurer of the South African Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog Club was murdered at her smallholding at Mnandi in South Africa's Eastern Cape, last Friday, January 6th .  

At first the police did not bother to report Mrs. Joffe's death to the news media, with the result that friends only became aware of her death following a mention on Facebook.  Initially the murder was recorded as a shooting but the coroner has subsequently reported that the old lady was stabbed, beaten and then locked in a bathroom with the key removed, where she was left to bleed to death.

No arrests have yet been made.


  1. Suddenly, the outcry will be enormous, it will be all over the frontpages of the MSM locally, and the pathetic third world poohlice force will act immediately. Why? It is so obvious!

  2. This was not even reported in the local MSM, I first saw this on the Censorbugbear Blog!
    Its bloody disgusting what is going on in this stuffed up anc run hellhole called South Africa.
    Thanks for putting it on your blog Sarah

  3. Eduard, actually the sad truth is that there will be no outcry here in SA. People will moan and bitch and then go on with their daily lives.

    Sadly, it appears as if people have become immune to these reports.

  4. It was also reported by Farmtracker but I couldn't find it anywhere else. Could it be that when things become so common they eventually cease to be considered news.

    I am told there was a time when muggings would be reported in local newspapers in Britain, now you only read about them if someone is stabbed or shot, or if it happens to a rich or famous person (as with the so called Rolex muggings)

  5. Macaw
    have you seen the original "Time Machine" where the time traveller gets to the year 3,000 or something? He comes to a stream where he sees a group of young perfect white people watching in complete apathy one of their flock drowning in the stream.

    That's the white race as a whole today.

    "Books! what are books"? one of them says calmly

    Our politicians are the goat herders for the morlocks

  6. Saw your comment on Rolex muggings: Apart from the prolific household and business theft in beleagured South Africa, we have the 'Rolex gang' (or several of them) watch theft in South Africa.
    Here's a link detailing 'at least a sixth' Rolex robbery within a 3 week period.
    South African women generally no longer wear their valuable jewellery. It's locked inside bank safes (if you can obtain a bank safe - there are very long waiting lists at all the major banks). Having a safe in your home is too dangerous. During a robbery, one is likely to be dragged to the safe and forced to open it at gunpoint, possibly even shot once you've given access to the thieves.
    The reporting of savage torture/murders in South Africa, specifically in farm areas, has been kept very quiet or avoided altogether by the leftist/liberal world media.

  7. South Africa is a template for the way the entire world is heading.
    The only difference is that in the world scenario the new enlightened overlords are those just followers of the pedophile profit Moe.
    A new dark age is dawning

  8. Cut and paste from comment's on Mike Smith's blog

    Jan 13, 2012 11:54 PM

    The Burger Newspaper reported this morning that Mrs Van Niekerk has died. 81 year old woman dies one week after brutal assault at retirement resort

    First, my deepest condolences to the family.

    Secondly, I wonder why the newspaper still refers to these two cowardly criminals as “robbers”. They are killers.

  9. Thanks Laager

    Here is a link to Mike's original article about this brutal attack. together with a picture of the victim in happier times
