Thursday 8 December 2011

RamzPaul - My Tram Experience - Emma West and Somalia


  1. This is powerful stuff and very well explained.

  2. Operant Conditioning -

  3. Brilliant video, thanks Sarah.

    The Marxists know this, they've known it for a very long time. Erich Fromm of the Frankfurt School, a psychologist, wrote in "The Fear of Freedom" that the masses do not form opinions or beliefs from their own free thought. Their opinions and beliefs have been brainwashed into them by those who control the means of production.

    The trick to controlling the masses is to make them believe that they have formed beliefs and opinions independently when the reality is completely different. When the elites achieve that, they have the power to control them.

    When it comes to multiculturalism, most British people have been brainwashed so completely that they make Pavlovian dogs appear independent thinkers by comparison.


  4. But now the cat`s out of the bag,people are rapidly waking up to the reality.
    Manipulation can be resisted once you can recognize its happening.
    As for Emma West she has far more supporters than the liberal left realize,get them in private and the amount of (white)people who agree with her is amazing.they just dont dare admit to it in public.

  5. I'd bet that the vast majority of whites who complain about the results of multiculturalism support it by their purchases and their dependence on big gov and big biz. They are hypocrites of the highest order. Real change will only come from real sacrifice and commitment, of which whites have little to none at all.

  6. What provoked Emma West?

    This comment is from The Telegraph.
    Donna Txx said:

    "I was at the court case today and found out that SOMEONE HAD SPAT IN THE TRAM IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO HER KID."

    "And what about the lady Nigerian who said the British people were all lazy? And what about the Muslim Somalis that beat up a white girl calling her a "white bitch" and a "white slag"? They got off because anti white racism is ok!
    "There was a black male on a tram in Croydon earlier this year who assaulted an elderly white man, he walked FREE.
    "Did you know that the SAME Magistrate that took Emma West back into custody hours earlier let a paedophile out on bail?
    "The public gallery erupted in FURY when the decision to detain her was read out, the controlled media won't tell you that. "British justice is a travesty,"

  7. Send Emma West a Christmas Card since she will be in prison awaiting her fate.

    Emma West
    C/O HMP Bronzefield
    Woodthorpe Road
    TW15 3JZ

    Seeing as she will be in prison on Christmas.

  8. Brillant and the essence of this new myth that unlimited immigration is in the interest of the natives.

    Never lose the fact that the media are the sole transmitter between the elected ones and the voters. The purpose of conditioning is only to direct votes toward a specified direction, look no further.


    No let up

  10. What I liked about it was that it's very simple and very quick to understand. Which is the best way when trying to get an important message across (esp to the lost and brainwashed masses). Seriously, how can fear of one word cause so much mayhem in the world. And one public outburst be deserving of so much hate and such draconian measures while the real criminals -often the 'offended ethnics' -are seemingly given carte blanche to do exactly what they like to whom they like just as long as their chosen victims are white and British. And funnily enough, lately, our women.

    Neighbours at war over golliwog: Gran on race hate charge in ...

    Our leaders are truly sick.

  11. Dave said...
    "Our leaders are truly sick."

    It's not the leaders who are truly sick, it's the people who vote them in.

  12. 'When it comes to multiculturalism, most British people have been brainwashed so completely that they make Pavlovian dogs appear independent thinkers by comparison.'

    I spoke to woman on the train who worked as a diversity officer. I asked what the benefits of diversity were, She couldn't give me an answer but still insisted that diversity was 'good'.

  13. Welcome to Africa. It will happen sooner than you think. Are you sure Peter Hain isn't still active & strutting his stuff, after all he was the main instigator in South Africa and then left us with something you can look forward to. Best of luck Great Britain.

  14. The Thomas Bruso story as it certainly did not happen.

  15. Very true,in Britain they start brain washing children-the BBC is one brain washing tool.All children`s programs are mostly hosted by non Whites.I saw a kiddies show about Henry VIII with Black actors in it.

    The day after the race riots in London,they put a Black dressed as a policeman in front of no.10.

    The way they push this multi racism/culturism down peoples throat,makes me sick.
