Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas


  1. My wife has been hearing a male voice choir singing Silent Night in her head for the last two days.It went away yesterday and now it's come back again as she cooks the turkey. It's a weird one that i've never heard of. She was overcome with your 'christmas carol' which she says was beautiful. Makes it all that more weird.

  2. So beautiful, Sarah.

  3. MICHAEL DEAN MILLER25 December 2011 at 10:16


    Sarah, that was beautiful, thank you.

    And I always look forward to your Christmas picture, I assume it's you in the decorated hall and the gold dress. Very classy and appropriate.


  4. A bit belated but I trust that you and your family have an enjoyable Christmas, Sarah.

    Thank you for all your posting efforts this year. No doubt like you and other commentators, I trust that 2012 will be a good year for all who genuinely love this country and aspire to see it delivered from the multi-mix morass it is mired in at present.

    Genuine Britons and their allies and supporters have for too long experienced the truth of Psalm 123:4:

    "Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud."

  5. And a Happy CHRISTmas to you and yours, Sarah, from a 'friend' over here in the once and future CSA.

  6. Merry Christmas, Sarah.
    And I wish your readers the same.

  7. I wish all a white Christmas, a very white Christmas to all.

  8. The miners dream of home.

    1.It is ten weary years since I left Englands shore
    In a far distant country to roam
    How I long to return to my own native land
    To my friends and the old folks at home
    Last night as I slumbered I had a strange dream
    One that seemed to bring distant friends near
    I dreamt of old England the land of my birth
    To the heart of her sons ever dear

    CHORUS.I saw the old homestead and faces I love
    I saw Englands valleys and dells
    I listened with joy as i did when a boy
    To the sound of the old village bells
    The log was burning brightly
    Twas a night that should banish all sin
    For the bells were ringing the old year out
    And the new year in.

    2.While the joyous bells rang swift I wended my way
    To the cot where i'd lived when a boy
    And I looked in the window--Yes! there by the fire
    Sat my parents!- my heart filled with joy
    The tears trickled fast down my bronze furrowed cheek
    As I gazed on my mother so dear
    I knew in my heart she was raising a prayer
    For the boy whom she dreamt not was near.

    3.At the door of the cottage we met face to face
    Twas the first time for ten weary years
    Soon the past was forgotten we stood hand in hand
    Father, mother and wand'rer in tears
    Once more in the fireplace the oak log burns bright
    As I promised no more would I roam
    As I sat in the old vacant chair by the hearth
    And I sang the dear song 'Home sweet home'

  9. Under 48 hours until the show trial.

    Will the press go ballistic if the "right and correct in all lunacy" result is delivered?
