Sunday 9 October 2011

The Destruction of an African Farm

Destruction of an African Farm – When the hyenas take over the Pridelands

By Mike Smith
9th of October 2011

The destruction of South African farms after blacks took over is legendary. It has been thoroughly recorded by Dr. Philip du Toit in his book The Great South African Land Scandal which can be read online or Downloaded from this link .

But this is not new. We have seen this destruction ever since Ghana got its independence from Britain in 1957, which lead in an era of decolonisation of Africa by the Europeans.

From Kenya, to Zimbabwe, to Congo to Angola and Mozambique, the same thing has happened everywhere in Africa. As soon as the blacks take over, destruction follows.
Continue reading and view more images at Mike Smith's Political Commentary by clicking here

Hat Tip: Laager


  1. What is it with black Africans that they have to keep on destroying?

  2. It seems to be a cultural thing, and it is something we are now seeing in this country. The recent riots were an example.

    When David Starkey said that white people had adopted black culture he was right. We have had riots in this country before, but they were not the same.

    Past riots were about a grievance and attempt to achieve something.

    The recent riots were about destroying things for the hell of it and stealing stuff.

    They were much more like the post Katrina riots or the the ones we saw in Haiti rather than anything seen in Britain before.

  3. Macaw , you of all people should know , and Sarah I disagree with you it is not cultural it is genetic.

  4. Nothing has changed...even Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1870-1948), the man who inspired leaders like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, may have harboured racial sentiments against black people if an article on is to be believed.

    The article quotes a series of letters and petitions from Gandhi, linking the black people of Africa to savages and portraying them as little better than animals. Gandhi writes, “A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir”.

    Gandhi refused to accept classification with ‘aboriginal’ looking ‘savages’: “A reference to Hunter’s ‘Indian Empire’, chapters 3 and 4, would show at a glance who are aborigines and who are not. The matter is put so plainly that there can be no mistake about the distinction between the two. It will be seen at once from the book that the Indians in South Africa belong to the Indo-Germanic stock or, more properly speaking, the Aryan stock.”

    He believed that White rule in South Africa – with the help of a reduction in Asiatic immigration was necessary for civilising the blacks with these characteristics: “We, therefore, have no hesitation in agreeing with the view that in the long run assisted Asiatic immigration - into the Transvaal would be disastrous to the white settlement. People will gradually accommodate themselves to relying upon Asiatic labour, and any White immigration of the special class required in the Transvaal on a large scale will be practically impossible. It would be equally unfair to the natives of the soil. It is all very well to say that they would not work, and that, if the Asiatics were introduced, that would be a stimulus to work; but human nature is the same everywhere, and once Asiatic labour is resorted to, there would not be a sustained effort to induce the natives to work under what would otherwise be, after all, gentle compulsion. There would be then less talk about taxing the natives and so forth. Natives themselves, used as they are to a very simple mode of life, will always be able to command enough wages to meet their wants; and the result will be putting back their progress for an indefinite length of time. We have used the words ‘gentle compulsion’ in the best sense of the term; we mean compulsion of the same kind that a parent exercises over children.”

    Commenting on a petition opposing interactions between the whites and the coloureds, Gandhi wrote: “The petition dwells upon ‘the co-mingling of the coloured and white races’. May we inform the members of the conference that, so far as the British Indians are concerned, such a thing is practically unknown? If there is one thing, which the Indian cherishes, more than any other, it is the purity of type. Why bring such a question into the controversy at all?”

    Gandhi’s desire for the Indians to be segregated from the blacks was so strong that he went to Johannesburg in late August of 1904 to protest the placing of blacks in the Indian section of the city: “Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be chosen for dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension. ...Of course, under my suggestion, The Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of Kaffirs with the Indians, I must confess I feel most strongly.”

  5. Last week I was out walking in the countryside where I live(outside Dublin).The countryside around me is neat and trim rather than scenic,but undeniably very pleasant.

    Anyway,I stopped to talk to one farmer and his teenage son who were fixing a gate to a field and was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was South African,now living in Ireland and renting out a farm.By the strength of his accent I guessed he was Afrikaaner and indeed when he told me his name this was confirmed.The son spoke in a broad Dublin accent.

    After some initial wariness on his part,he told me that in SA he had farmed several hundred acres,dairy farming mostly which he was also doing now.He had got out because of his young family,seeing no future for them in SA,in fact,seeing only life threatening danger for them.

    I told him I understood and ventured to say that blacks destroy everything."Of course they do" he replied "But you're the first person to say this in the six years we have been here".

    I assured him that many people here know the truth but are unable to speak their mind on ANY race related issue for fear of prosecution.

    We wished each other well and I went on my way.

    It was only a minor social encounter but I was happy that he and his family had found a home in my country but saddened that he had to flee his own country that his ancestors had built from nothing.

  6. In Sir Richard Attenborough's epic Ghandi the scene where Ghandi is forced off the pavement by "South African" whites and called a Kaffir is a sad indictment of how the liberal movement in the UK used every opportunity they could to vilify white South Africans as evil racists and white supremacists.

    There are two glaring errors in this scene which are conveniently glossed over and ignored as they get in the way of a good story.

    Wikipedia tells us that Ghandi was in "South Africa" between 1893 and 1914. The construct of South Africa did not come into being until 1910 so the chronology of incidents experienced by him took place in the Crown Colony of Natal.

    Also the common term for Indians as used by whites at that time was coolie = labourer. Kaffir = infidel / non-believer and was used by non other than missionary - explorer David Livingston in his diaries available on the www.

    What Sir Richard does not touch on at all in his movie was Ghandi's petitioning of the Natal Colonial Govt to provide seperate facilities for Indians apart from blacks on the railways.

    As a child growing up on SA Railways in the 50s I recall the following classes:

    1st - Whites
    2nd - Whites and seperate from
    2nd class for Indians and Coloureds
    [which was their 1st class]
    3rd - Blacks and integrated with Indians and Coloureds if they chose to travel in this class.

    This railway class system very much reflected the social class system of the time in the British possessions of Cape and Natal, and which later also applied in the Transvaal and Orange Free State after the end of the Anglo-Boer War in 1902 and then the Act of Union in 1910.

    This segregation lasted until the Republic in 1961 and probably after. By that time I could afford to drive and fly and lost touch with the status quo on the SAR.
