Sunday 11 September 2011

Will Immigration bring down the EU?

An intelligent analysis can be read at the Alternative Right, by CLICKING HERE.

Hat Tip: Mister Fox


  1. Get serious. This is a Level One gloss over the real situation. The immigrants are MERCENARIES. The hard core know what they are there for. The majority are just hapless fodder sent to overwhelm.

  2. The answer is yes. But the immigrants are just the means. The real agents are the Globalist Euro politicians and the endless reserves of useful idiots who implement their suicidal, extinctionist agenda.


  3. Cameron intends the EU to destroy Europe rather than immigration destroy the EU.

  4. brinkka2011 says: Another copy and paste blog post? Yours,

  5. Given how the white nationalist parties struggle for mere existence in European politics, it's clear that the majority are absolutely committed to the suffocation of European peoples and their culture. They MUST have this.

    It's not so much that immigration will bring Europe down as that Europeans fervently wish to surrender to vile third-world culture. Plus, they want to abase themselves in the process. Oh, and embrace AntiFa thuggery in the process. They're the ones who supply the brown shirt element in European politics, the element that Europeans so sanctimoniously rend their garments over but secretly slobber over.

  6. O/T is now resurrected

  7. @ brinkka2011 I didn't cut and paste it, I simply linked to it.

    I am aware that I haven't personally written anything for a while. Life can oiccasionally get in the way of blogging, and I am greatful to my fellow contributors for keeping the site reasonably active.
