Saturday 24 September 2011

The racial divide, and who is really crossing it

Despite the intelligent and highly eloquent defence recently presented here by Frank Ellis, I have to admit that I was very ambivalent as to the value of  LSE professor Dr Satoshi Kanazawa's controversial research, published earlier this year, into race and attractiveness, and his purported findings that black women were generally found less attractive than women from other racial groups.  

Whereas I am a passionate believer in free speech, (as evidenced by the extraordinary length of time I continued to tolerate one particular commentator at this blog) as well as the freedom of academic research, and was outraged by the attacks on Kanazawa and the calls for his dismissal, I failed to see the point of this research and what it had actually achieved.

Research into behavioural issues and the propensities of certain races towards violent crime or irresponsibility in matters of sexual health have merit, as they can be addressed and they inform debate on vital topics such as immigration, justice, health care and, of course the decisions people make in order to protect themselves. 

However, research which establishes that one group is less desirable than another seems to me to be rather pointless, after all what can be done with these finding which could be of benefit to anyone?

I suppose, if it were allowed any official credibility, the research could act as a counterbalance to all the contrary research which claims to find that non-whites have a superior ability to whites in in various areas, (such as the bizarre insistence that running is the most skilful of  all Olympic sports on account  of the fact that blacks are generally rather good at running) however, beyond its “tit for tat” application, and with all due respect to Dr. Kanazawa, what merit there is to his research in this respect continues to escape me.

However, I was reminded of the explosion of outrage which greeted the decision by Psychology Today to publish Dr Kanazawa's findings back in May (since cringingly withdrawn) when I read an article on the American black network site “News One” which declared that there were only '3 “Good” black men for every 100 black women' .  The article bemoaned the fact that only around 3% of black men met the criteria which would make them a suitable prospect as a romantic partner for black women.  The remaining 97% failed to make the grade for a variety of reasons including lack of education or success and the fact that so many were either in prison, between periods of incarceration, or had fathered a number of children by other woman.

Another significant group of black men were viewed as unsuitable by black women on account of the fact that they are either exclusively or primarily attracted to white women.

In fact the number of black men who effectively reject their own race in favour of white women is becoming a matter of some concern and resentment within the black community in America and is also causing  some negative comment amongst the black community in Britain.  If one looks at the figures what is happening is quite significant, but not in the way which the media, with its determination to undermine and mock white men, would have us believe.

The  common claim within the media and popular culture is that the number of interracial relationships indicates that white women find black men sexually attractive, however, that claim ignores the racial demographic as it still stands in the west, and the sizes of the respective ethnic groups in Western nations. In fact the figures actually reveal something very different than that which the media would like to have us believe.

In America, 8.5% of black men are married to white women, however, given that black males account for around 6% of the US population, whereas white women make up almost 38%, the far less widely publicised statistic is that less than 1% of white women are married to black men.  This is a relatively insignificant number, especially considering the amount of propaganda which white women are subjected to.  (in fact according to Wikipedia, who are, if anything, likely to exaggerate the figure, only 2.1% of white women are in any form of mixed race marriage, slightly less than white men at 2.3% - this is not the picture we see on TV is it?)

Statistically, it is black men, not white women, who are most enthusiastically spurning their own.  So why is this happening? 

There is no need to ask why the white woman involved do it, with the exception of a few committed liberal multiculturalists, the vast majority tend to be of the type which would sleep with anything provided it has a pulse or a battery, and in any event, as a percentage of their demographic, they are actually relatively insignificant.     

It is when one asks why black men are crossing the racial divide in statistically far more significant numbers that the answer becomes less favourable to the advocates or racial integration, and, sadly, somewhat unflattering to black women.

Popular mythology would have us believe that white women are rushing to embrace multiculturalism, however, in fact only a very small group are doing so, a truer picture is that an embarrassingly large number of black men are rejecting their own race.

Whatever one may think of  Satoshi Kanazawa's much condemned research paper, it would seem that by their politically incorrect actions many black men are adding credibility to the most controversial aspects of his findings.
It is also encouraging to know that the situation is not quite as depressing, for white people, as it sometimes appears.



  2. Black women have priced themselves out of the market or via the matriarchal route turn men off from wanting to stick around as government is the hubby/daddy instead.

  3. Sarah said, "There is no need to ask why the white woman involved do it, ..." I would beg to differ with that thought.

    Traditional White society has relied on both the men and the women to maintain the social morality, and particularly the structure of the family. It has always been up to both men and women to understand that you do not marry outside your own social group, particularly outside your race, if you expect to have continued acceptance within your own group. Recently this understanding has been lost, with people coming to understand that marrying out is somehow acceptable, even though it brings a foreign, totally foreign, element into the family. This is how we see many family structures break down totally, when families can no longer relate to each other.

    Sarah also said, "It is also encouraging to know that the situation is not quite as depressing, for white people, as it sometimes appears." I do not see anything in this that offers encouragement to White people. Mulattoes are not White. Have I missed something here?

  4. "Interracial sex is bad for all races and disastrous for the children who result."

    My childhood hero was Daley Thompson and for some children today it will be Lewis Hamilton.

    For a child to be fatherless is the the problem, not their genes.

    Being 4% Neanderthal does not make you a mongrel and disastrous for your children that result.

  5. Adit,

    Your comments are absolutely right.

    The white mother of a half caste child is no doubt 'colour blind', but totally oblivious to the fact that she has done her bit to assist the genocidal extinction of the white race.

    Any sane nationalist government should outlaw race mixing, but that would go against the NWO master plan. Google Sarkozy's latest endorsement of the joys of miscegenation as proof of the conspiracy.

    I am deeply saddened that a once proud British race has become so dumbed down and decadent, to the point that they cannot see the wood for the trees. Only when it is too late will they realise that armageddon is awaiting them.

    And you are quite right; the white mothers of little mulattos will side with the colonisers.

    Great Britain RIP 1707 - 1948.

  6. "There's no genocide going on"

    Enjoy your ignorance whilst it lasts Anon 09:21, you are in for a nasty shock when you finally wake up

  7. To James

    I am not prepared to accept further comments from you, however, may I suggest that you refer to the definition of genocide given by the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in particular items c) and d) of Article 2

  8. " There is no need to ask why the white woman involved do it, with the exception of a few committed liberal multiculturalists, the vast majority tend to be of the type which would sleep with anything provided it has a pulse or a battery, and in any event, as a percentage of their demographic, they are actually relatively insignificant."

    Sarah, I may be mistaken, but I thought the first time I read this, you didn't have the bit about 'committed multi-culturalists'. Was I mistaken, or did someone make you change it?

  9. Hi Anon

    No, I didn't change the line, the reference to "committed multiculturalists" was always there.
