Tuesday 9 August 2011

Dishonest reporter attempts to make victim blame whites for all black attack

A blatant attempt to bully the witness and distort the news - video.  


  1. In South Africa we hear interviews with the ordinary English people on liberal stations , that all agree its needless black violence , the media covering this up and trying to spin it will anger the people and show them the dishonest side of the media . Many videos that show the real perpetrators or interviews have been removed from youtube ............. I wonder why

  2. I sort of recognize this woman and her voice. I can't think of her name. Is it Kay Burley? I think she is what? BBC?

    But what do I know? I am in Texas.

  3. The vast majority of the looters/rioters/arsonists I've seen on TV are black or Asian.

  4. I love this guy. "Yeah they weren't all black I was the white guy there."


  5. George Orwell was writing about his own people.


  6. "Dishonest Reporter" ???

    Isn't that tautology? There is after all no such thing as an "Honest Reporter", is there?

  7. She is a brainwashed zombie. Like a Moonie. Liberalism is a suicide cult.

    Guy who was there - They were all black.

    Girl who was not - They were not all black.

    Guy - Well, I was the only white guy.

    Girls - I'm sure there were white guys amongst them.

    All the shops being looted is irrelevant, what matters most is that whites are evil too. That sounds like some kind of religious mantra to me.

    Liberalism is some kind of semi-religious mental illness that will be the suicide of the white race. Talking to people like this is like talking to Jehovahs Witnesses or Mormons.

  8. I haven't heard the 'reporters' arguing with any the complete crap spouted by 'communitteeee leaders' .

  9. This is the same news reader that I saw some years ago peremptorily rubbishing the statement, founded on factual investigation, that single parent families were undesirable socially in the large and not allowing the interviewee to respond.
    Her behaviour was such that I have remembered it since.

  10. Isn't this the same reporter who made a joke on air about Charlene Downes?

  11. Interesting comments from Nick Griffin, from April 2008.

  12. I am glad that that store owner did not back down.

  13. It does look like Kay Burley, but we only see the back of her head, and I thought she was a Sky news reporter

  14. Interesting update about Eltham from Simon Darby.

    I doubt whether the journo in question would want to do a report there.

  15. @ Sarah: This reporter is,in fact, Kay Burley. She was out of the newsroom interviewing various people on this occasion- shopowners, window repairers etc.

  16. you can tell that is a Sky news background

  17. Mary Riddell for the Daily Telegraph trying to pretend the black involvement is matched by white.However,it's not working out too well for her in this instance.
    QUOTE: The teaching assistant you refer to, Mary, is black, as you can see from his pictures all over the net.It is true that some of the assailants were white, and certainly in the north and other places outside London large numbers of white people were involved.But it is ludicrous to pretend: the truth is the black community were very highly represented, out of all proportion to their actual numbers in the population.And many of them, far from being deprived of opportunity, were it seems on college courses of one kind of another.

    It's not a simple picture, true, but it is disingenuous to use that complexity to ignore what is obvious.

    Spot the rioter: an idiot's guide - By Mary Riddell Politics Last updated: August 10th, 2011 Let's play spot the rioter. Over the past four days, the media have become adept at this parlour ...Telegraph.co.uk (blog)

    Some piece of excrement calling itself bondi: Absolutely right. The dregs of white English society is vile and always has been, and I speak as a white Englishman.....

  18. Anon

    Was this the Mary Riddell column you were referring to?:
