Thursday 11 August 2011

Pravda (Channel 4) and the UK Police state 2011

Alex Thompson reporting from the pretend war zone 

When Asian and Turkish people gather to protect their shops and businesses against rioters, they are praised by the media for "protecting their community".  Meanwhile, white hating liberal's like Christina Odone, a woman's who's one time editorship of the Catholic Herald reduced it to something mostly suitable for lining a parrot's cage, write articles like this, praising the immigrants for, as she puts it, “loving this country more than we do”.

Meanwhile when whites assemble to protect their communities, such as happened in Eltham, they are called “thugs” and “vigilantes”.  Police arrive en-masse and deliberately, albeit relatively unsuccessfully, attempt to provoke violence, in order to cause a "white riot", whilst the lying scum from Channel 4, who had obviously been invited to the show, produce a dishonest and misleading report like this one.      

On the TV news report, it was claimed that white residents "attacked the police" however, despite the presence of TV cameras, this was not shown, in fact apart from close up film of one broken bottle (who knows who threw it, or when), no evidence of violence was shown. It was also claimed that people were shouting "racist abuse" although this was also not shown.

There was no trouble in Eltham, the police attempted to provoke white residents into violence for propaganda purposes, however, apart from, maybe, on frustrated bottle thrower, they did not succeed. Meanwhile so called “journalists” attempted draw an equivalence between the predominantly black rioters, and the peaceful white residents of Eltham.

This is what passes for “truth”, "justice" and “news reporting” in England in 2011. 

Related (and amusing) article on Simon Darby's site here.


  1. You are absolutely correct, saw what happened (Eltham) and listened to the reporting later. Pure fabrication by Channel 4 - in fact their entire output on this was skewed.

    As someone new to nationalism I am still at a loss to understand what drives people to shit on their own ethna. It's either madness or money, or both.

  2. Hi Sarah,

    I'm a big supporter of the EDL and the brave lads who stood up to defend their communities from the "rioters" were not helped by Griffin's idiotic tweet:

    "Lads in Eltham on the street chanting "BNP, BNP"" which brought down the law on them and gave the media their opportunity. No such event took place, it was lads chanting "EDL, EDL", they were the ones who turned back the "rioter" scum.

    It was the EDL who stood up to be counted in Eltham (mainly Charlton and Millwall football firms) the BNP as usual nowhere to be seen. Too busy stabbing the EDL in the back.

    I know who I'd rather have as allies.

    Keep up the good work Sarah,


  3. Brilliant post
    Very observant balanced and accurate.

    Well done girl!!!!

    Channel 4's white broadcasters as indeed the majority of all the other MSM's networks, are nothing but arrogant self loathing 'white' slime toadying to the "order".

    They would NOT be employed if they were anything else.

  4. Is this plausible or right wing hysteria?

  5. @ Anonymous 02:34

    I think it is plausible that there were controlling minds behind it, but not MI6. More likely some anarchist group

  6. Pakistanis and Indians Jailed for Starting Birmingham Riots

    John Derbyshire estimates that blacks comprise about 2% of the British population but 60 - 70% of the rioters.


  7. One MSM writer described the whites as 'middle aged'. A subtle dig, implying old buffoons out of their depth, but then mentioned their ages as bewteen 20 and 50. Im not sure 20 counts as middle aged does it?

    Having seen various ethnic groups protecting their turf pictured on TV I can safely say they appeared to be fairly middle aged, but thats not worthy of comment apparently.

  8. RE MI6 involvement.

    Utter bollocks.

    For a start it would be MI5 not MI6, anyone making such a stupid mistake can safely be ignored.

    If the powers that be really wanted to engineer such a riot for the reasons stated they would have made sure it was either genuinely multiracial or that it was all white.
