Friday 5 August 2011

The Forced Resignation of Fjordman

The attempts to blame Nationalists for recent events in Norway has impacted on one of Europe's most important writers. Details at The Gates of Vienna here and further commentary can be read at the American Thinker here


  1. I hope Fjordman will go into US exile. We have large Norwegian communities here and we need people like him.

  2. This was to be expected. As soon as the fact that the attack was from an individual carrying right-wing views, conservatives and nationalists all over Europe knew Anders would be the new posterboy of the left.

    Liberal establishments and organisations have already began their smear campaign. Despite Norweigan reports that Anders was not associated with British Far right groups, they report it anyway. These few months will be a pivotal moment for Nationalism.

  3. Anyone who thinks that flooding white countries and ONLY white countries with non-whites if those non-whites then ASSIMILATE,is still pro-white genocide. A wolf in sheep's clothing if you will.

  4. What Breivic did is going to look like a Sunday school picnic once the other races start taking control of white countries .

  5. You have that dead right, Dr.D. Here is Fjordmans description of his pwersecution by the EUSSR police.

  6. Fjordman, I think, was extremely and understandably demoralized by the slaying of young people by someone apparently influenced by his writings.

    However, I hope Fjordman takes the time to reflect on the actual causal chain of events.

    In short, the Leftwing establishment, by ramming mass immigration of unassimilable people down the throats of their unwilling citizenry, is actually and undeniably responsible.

    What happened was as predictable as night following day. Human nature is not constructed to surrender territory and women in this fashion (or any fashion), and certainly not to accept the obvious lies and deceit of the MSM/political 'elite'.

    Fjordman is really just a kind of messenger, who as usual, the dimwitted will confuse with the real villains.

    The government of Norway seems committed to proceed as if nothing had happened. This atrocity would have happened irrespective of Fjordman, or anyone else trying to warn the country. The government should come to its senses and realize the limits of what ordinary, normal people will accept. They have been far exceeded in certain parts of Norway, and many parts of Europe.

    Wake up.

