Friday 15 July 2011

White Genocide

Hat Tip: Censorbugbear Reports


  1. I am surprised only that the author didn't use some of the really brutal pictures of the current genocide. Those who didn't know the old SAS site will wonder in astonishment at that statement.

    Well, we know that from experience, that if this this were the other way around, Whites in Europe would be holding demonstrations and concerts etc. in solidarity with Blacks. But so many do not care about their own kind. Why? Perhaps the solution really is for us all to try and move to the same area away from White masochists, as per Covington's The Brigade.

    Anyway, here is a really useful article by Jared Taylor on how to answer critics, titled, "Arguments for Our Side":

    PS - For those of you not familiar with Covington, you can read it here:

  2. you can find the "white's only" social network @

    please come and join us
