Saturday 30 July 2011

To explain the inexcusable

The events which took place in Oslo a week last Friday can not be defended, let alone excused, under any circumstances. The killing and maiming of innocent people, many of them children, no matter who’s children they may have been, was an act of evil and barbarity which no reasonable person, whatever their views or political ideology, can condone or forgive.

For a Nationalist to resort to violence not only runs contrary to the love which inspires our very nationalism, but it is immensely damaging to our cause and to everything we hold dear.  On a practical level, it also alienates any potential support and is a gift to our enemies who will use the actions of one deranged monster to smear all those of us who resist the invasion of our lands.

Thus it has been with the Norwegian horror of July 22nd 2011. The madman, Anders Breivik, already referred to as Europe's Timothy McVeigh, is no friend to the white race or to the preservation of a European culture.  His actions have put back the native European cause by decades, and may well have advanced the Islamification of Europe which he claims to oppose.  For how often in the last week have we read of heard the serpent like calls of those seeking to exploit this evil, that the best way to express our opposition to this atrocity is to support increased immigration.

We should never underestimate the vileness of our enemy, or how they will enlist any horror for their cause.

No good can come from Breivik’s insanity, and in no way can this monstrosity be excused.  However, the same can be said of the carnage in New York in September 2011, Madrid in March 2004, London in July 2007 of Mumbai in November 2008, these too we acts of bloodthirsty evil which can never be forgiven or ever excused.  

That did not, of course, prevent twenty thousand pundits from attempting to explain them or to outline the culpability of Western government policies in bringing them about.

In similar manner this event can be explained and a light also shone upon the role played by western governments in causing it to happen.

All systems of political repression and ongoing political persecution will eventually lead to acts of violent opposition, and had it not been for the repression and persecution now practised by the Western establishment in suppressing all opposition to multiculturalism, Breivik is unlikely to have ever committed his heinous act.

It was he who planted the bombs and shot at the children of the elite, but much of the blood he spilt is also on the hands of that very elite and with those within politics and in the controlled media who actively denied him a voice and who vilified his legitimate concerns.

That may sound absurd to those who share the current political orthodoxy or who, at least pay lip service to so doing, as they can have no comprehension of the level of political repression under which we all live, and the degree to which political dissent is now persecuted.

Those of us who do not share the state approved attitudes, and especially those who attempt to speak out against them know full well how dangerous it is to do so and how overwhelming the current levels of repression actually are.

In Britain, the degree of political terror which currently exists within our so called democracy is evident by how often ordinary, decent, members of the public will start any less than glowing reference to race, immigration or multiculturalism with the urgent assurance that they are “not racist”,  whist at the same time they will invariably lower their voice and even often glance over their shoulders, to check they are not overheard, before speaking.

It is clear from every poll that a significant majority of the public hold significant concerns about mass immigration, multiculturalism, and the increasing influence of Islam, yet there is no platform within any of the three main political parties which reflect those views. Neither has immigration or the islamification of Europe featured in any in any of  their manifestos - with the exception of a fuzzy aspiration by the Conservatives at the last election to reduce annual non-European immigration to a still overwhelming “Tens of thousands”  (which could amount to numbers equal to the current UK prison population or two towns the size of Salisbury arriving each year)

Those few and tiny political parties which actively seek to reverse immigration and oppose the European Caliphate are universally vilified. Meanwhile, government funded QUANGOs such as the EHRC actively seek to crush them and repeated attempts are made to imprison their leadership.

The state controlled media (the only available mainstream media in the country) misrepresent and pillory the parties and anyone who publicly dares to support them, whilst the main journalist union prevent their members from fairly reporting them.

As this is going on, party members are prevented from working in various occupations, such as the police and they are even excluded by the church.

At the same time popular figures within the entertainment media, such as public school poser Russell Howard, will mock and lampoon the supporters of non-state approved organisations, including those who speak authentically in the accents he pretends to imitate.  

Like most people, I totally condemn  Anders Breivik’s actions but, also like most people  I share many of his concerns.  Yet neither he, I nor the millions who feel the same, can express those concerns without being condemned and there is no political party representing those concerns, which has a chance of gaining power that I can vote for.

Yet they are views which are held to some degree by the majority of the population

How surprising is it that an unbalanced man might decide there was no peaceful or democratic means of opposing what he perceived quite rightly to be the ethnic cleansing of his homeland? 

Dagenham, supporters of the multiculturalism, with the connivance of the British state, will go to the extent of importing thousands of new ethnic minority voters into an area in order to defeat a Nationalist candidate.  

After what we have witnessed, there can be few reading this article which do not share my feelings of frustration, anger, grief and impotence when considering what passes for democracy in Britain.  Not only am I unable to change anything, but I can not even participate because the dictatorship under which I live will not allow a viable option, which I can support, to exist.

How easy would it be for that frustration, that anger and those feelings of grief and impotence to turn to rage? 

Is that what happened to Anders Breivik?

After all, what happens in Britain is no difference that what is happening across Europe. 

The treatment of the Vlaams Belang party by the Belgian government, and its attempts to stamp on political opposition would make a third world dictator like Mugabe blush.  Scandinavian governments like the Swedish, and to some degree the  Norwegian and the Fins, impose their draconian brand of selective tolerance with Stalinist levels of oppression, often accompanied with state sponsored political violence.

Any real democrat would look upon the treatment of Jobbik in Hungary and shudder.  Yet, how many real democrats are their left in European politics?

Where were the political voices raised against the show trials of Geert Wilders in Holland, Lars Hedegaard in Denmark, Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria, or even Nick Griffin in England?

Of course, the politicians  of Europe were silent because they are all part of that oppression, they approve the suppression of undesirable thought and silently they applaud the snuffing out of any voices of dissent.

So, what did these demagogs expect?

Have they learned nothing? Or worse, did they know this would happen, and just not care? If you seek to destroy a people, and tha,t as surely as night follows day, is what they are seeking to do.  If you take away any means of resistance and deny them even hope, there can be only one result, and there will be blood.

Events such as the carnage in Oslo became inevitable when those who rule us set out to impose the tyranny of political correctness across a continent, and when they with their lackey propagandists in the media, together with the state police, decided to silence the voice of a once great people.

I hold no brief for the maniac of Oslo, he is a vile and deluded man, who, as he sits smugly in this cell imagining himself a warrior, can not start to comprehend the evil he has done, not only to the innocents he has killed but to his own people and to the great culture he claims to be defending.

However, whilst I condemn utterly his actions, I would lie were I to say I do not understand and share many of his concerns, for they are the concerns shared by most Europeans. I would lie also if I said I did not understand his rage, for it comes from a place where our frustrations, our fear, our grief and our feelings of helpless at what is happening could well lead us all.

Yet he is not our creation. He is the creature of those who hate us,  for it was they who cultivated the fertile soil in which his rage and madness grew.

It was those who are destroying us that created him.

Our politicians, leaders, multicultural fanatics and selfish capitalists seeking a cheap and obedient labour force, our craven media, our “right on” anti-racist pop stars and liberal entertainers together with advocates of political correctness and intolerant toleration should look to themselves when seeking to apportion blame for Oslo and find the cause for what occurred.

For it was they who nurtured the hate which grew in that maniac, and in their foetid souls lies the dank and malodorous  womb from which the monster, and who knows how many others, came to crawl.


  1. Anders Breivik is a highly unfortunate creation of left wing political ideology gone totally nutters, like the Hitler's and Stalin's of this world.

    No Real White Nationalist would even consider killing children when not in an active state of war, let alone his own kind.

    I can see the point of trying to emulate Guy Fawkes but kids are totally inexcusable.

    As for the way the general law abiding citizenry is being abused one can only speculate how long this will be tolerated and how many more of these nut cases will surface. At some point even the most tolerable of people will have to say enough and do something.

    Unfortunately for those of us that want to take some kind of action to reclaim our way of life and retain our countries, it is a frustrating time ahead until such time our leaders feel the pressure from the man on the street.

    This time it is for Nationalism not for National Socialism, Communism, Globalism and Multiculturalism.

  2. Plaudits to the author for the eloquence of this piece, but I wonder if Breivik's actions actually did much harm to the nationalist cause, since, as noted, it would be hard for the establishment to disparage nationalism any more than it already does.

  3. “Yet he is not our creation. He is the creature of those who hate us, for it was they who cultivated the fertile soil in which his rage and madness grew…….” I applaud your condemnation of this creature and agree wholeheartedly with your assertion that there are those who will both profit from this and those who will turn this against pro-indigenous movements. Yet I must confess that I am at a loss, a loss as to why on the one hand you condemn and then on the other you promote pro-Zionist weblogs in your “blog roll”, why it is the likes of those very people that sent a mind spiralling, the likes of those very people that began our torment and it is the likes of those very people that profit from our pain. The nationalist movement has been entirely infiltrated both in this country and abroad and we live in a time whereby those who advocate for another nation control the nationalistic movements of others, subverting such in order to foster acrimony.

    Certainly I am no friend of multiracialism, believing that such a worldview ferments hostility, yet I go much further than white nationalism and condemn the forces that cause the chaos, one cannot condemn those who would desire a better life, forced into such circumstance by poverty, but one must condemn those who create the poverty necessitating such an action. Yet much of what passes for the right seethes with hate for Islam, driven wild by the owned press and the scheming actions of the manipulators, they forget the central core of nationalism in that all must live free within their own land. In our country there are many ills and it is a fact that many young Muslims hate us, to driven to such a place by the owned press, the manipulators and indeed much of the right, creating a tinderbox climate ripe for exploitation.

    Yet should the war come then we both shall fall and the manipulators as ever will only gain, perhaps in the coming war the west shall finally succumb and the age-old plans of the manipulators fall into place. Please for the sake of our continent, for the innocents in Norway and those to come, I ask all to condemn outright Zionism, its offshoots and its evil practices and endeavour again to fashion a movement, a friend.

  4. Do you feel the same condemnation/criticism for Baruch Goldstein as you do for Breivik?

    The MSM certainly doesn't appear to?

    Were there on going investigations, observations and publicised 'fallout' from his act against innocent unarmed Palestinians many of them Christian as there is currently regarding Breivik? Not that I support what he did either BTW

    It's been alleged that Breivik was a freemason as well as a "Christian" on mind altering drugs?

    What do you believe?


  6. The despicable way the media used this atrocity to attack the right was deplorable.Before any statements had been issued there printed that Breivik had links to far right groups which were later dispelled by Norwegian intelligence.

    I believe a action like this was waiting to happen (though not like this)because of the European governments constant refusal to stop the silent invasion of the medieval barbaric cult.This might have 2 affects for the nationalist crusade 1)It might hurt it's agenda and support might fall or 2)it might make people and the governments stand up and ACTUALLY do something to reverse the current situation,i go for the latter.

    For St.George

  7. "The events which took place in Oslo a week last Friday can not be defended, let alone excused, under any circumstances. "
    ...And yet you'll try, eh Sarah?

    "For how often in the last week have we read of heard the serpent like calls of those seeking to exploit this evil, that the best way to express our opposition to this atrocity is to support increased immigration."

    You haven't. No one has said that, at least not that I have heard. Probably because it would be a stupid suggestion.

    "We should never underestimate the vileness of our enemy, or how they will enlist any horror for their cause."

    What, like writing a blog where you trawl the media for any crime committed by a non-White, while ignoring any White-committed crimes, to create the impression that British society is made of Whites being abused by non-Whites? Or using the Fort Hood, 7/7 or 9/11 attacks to criticise all liberals and Muslims? That would be truly vile.

    "had it not been for the repression and persecution now practised by the Western establishment in suppressing all opposition to multiculturalism, Breivik is unlikely to have ever committed his heinous act. "

    And there we have it. If Western society hadn't grown up and moved away from foolish 19th Century attitudes, he wouldn't have had to plant bombs and shoot children? That poor, tortured man.

    Also, exactly what persecution and repression? You are not prevented from expressing your views (as the BNP website this blog, and the plethora of nationalist sites you list in your blogroll show), or from physically meeting in groups or political parties (EDL rallies, the NF /BNP, etc). Society at large rejects your views, but that is neither persecution or repression. It is simply that most people don't share your concerns, and where they do, don't share your views of the causes or the solutions.

    "It was he who planted the bombs and shot at the children of the elite, but much of the blood he spilt is also on the hands of that very elite and with those within politics and in the controlled media who actively denied him a voice and who vilified his legitimate concerns."

    Rubbish. As you say, he bombed and shot the people, so let him take the personal responsibility for his actions. You and many of your followers share many of his delusional views (the jewish conspiracy, the Marxist conspiracy, the genocide against Whites, the liberal support of some kind of Muslim superstate, the idea that you are an oppressed minority who have no access to political solutions, etc). As you yourself say, "[I] share many of his concerns," but neither you nor the others have resorted to mass murder. He made his choice, and it was a selfish, sadistic choice.

    "Those of us who do not share the state approved attitudes, and especially those who attempt to speak out against them know full well how dangerous it is to do so and how overwhelming the current levels of repression actually are."

    It isn't at all dangerous. What "danger" do you, Alanorei, Dr. D, Mr Fox, your husband, or any others face in attacking the people you do? Being called 'racist' or 'bigoted' is not a danger. People losing respect for you or dismissing you is not a danger.

  8. "In Britain, the degree of political terror which currently exists within our so called democracy is evident by how often ordinary, decent, members of the public will start any less than glowing reference to race, immigration or multiculturalism with the urgent assurance that they are “not racist”, whist at the same time they will invariably lower their voice and even often glance over their shoulders, to check they are not overheard, before speaking."

    People are scared of being labelled 'racist'. This is not "political terror", it just shows that they are cowards.

    "It is clear from every poll that a significant majority of the public hold significant concerns about mass immigration, multiculturalism, and the increasing influence of Islam, yet there is no platform within any of the three main political parties which reflect those views."

    Pretty sure Michael Howard's Tories made it a key part of their election campaign, and it was rejected by the majority of Britons.

    "The state controlled media (the only available mainstream media in the country)"

    What? The BBC runs ITV, ITN, Sky and the newspaper industry in this country? I must have missed this.

    "As this is going on, party members are prevented from working in various occupations, such as the police and they are even excluded by the church."

    That is a controversial measure. I personally think that as long as someone can do the job as expected, they should be allowed to do the job. I understand the concern that a member of a racist organisation would be less able to, but they should still be jodged by their actions, unless there is clear evidence of a risk posed to the public.

    "Dagenham, supporters of the multiculturalism, with the connivance of the British state, will go to the extent of importing thousands of new ethnic minority voters into an area in order to defeat a Nationalist candidate. "

    When did this happen?

    "Where were the political voices raised against the show trials of Geert Wilders in Holland, Lars Hedegaard in Denmark, Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria, or even Nick Griffin in England? "

    Didn't those trials mainly result in 'not-guilty' verdicts? If so, that is very uncommon for a "show trial".

  9. The first rule of holes:
    If You Are in One, Stop Digging!

    However, this option closed long ago for Europe's left-wing elite.
    Some of them are beginning to get a little bit uneasy about the rapid Islamisation of the continent, but they dare not concede that there is a problem with multiculturalism.

    To do so would be to admit that they have allowed an ultimately catastrophic situation to develop on their watch. This would, of course, be electoral suicide.

    So they keep on digging, and with each shovelful the impending Islamageddon becomes ever more inevitable.

    And the hole that they are digging is their grave and ours.

  10. James

    As I said, those who believe in the current political orthodoxy, or at least support it have no comprehension of the level of repression and persecution which exists within the so called democratic west. Your response shows that fact very clearly.

    People’s lives can be destroyed they can be forced out of their jobs, they can indeed be the victims of political violence and across Europe, including the UK, there are people in prison today for what they think and for what they write.

    You call people cowards for being afraid of being called the “r” word, but that word has been used to bully and intimidate the white west for decades, any hint of it is denounced by the establishment, the media and all members of the political elite. Throughout our culture there are numerous examples of attacks on racists. What is “Rock against Racism” all about if not to stigmatise those who do not think in the politically correct manner. Night after night popular entertainment and drama repeatedly portray those opposed to a multi-racial west as vile and evil people, to the extend that expressing such views is little different than admitting to paedophilia or that you torture little fluffy animals. The perception is that to do so can lead to being ostracized, losing friends and sometimes employment – and that perception can often become a reality.

    Geert Wilders was found not guilty but Lars Hedegaard and Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, and although Nick Griffin was acquitted at his most recent trial, he has a political conviction for "hate" resulting from a previous prosecution.

    As to the media, I didn't say it was state "owned" I said it was state controlled. All the mainstream media slavishly follow the orthodox PC line required by the establishment.

    Finally I certainly did not seek to excuse what happened, merely to explain it.

    Please do not take this response as an invitation to enter into debate.

    As to your other comments, I will leave it to readers to decide which of us is correct.

  11. "As I said, those who believe in the current political orthodoxy, or at least support it have no comprehension of the level of repression and persecution which exists within the so called democratic west."

    I believe in reality, and not just what suits my own views, but I am aware that you and your fellows follow different thinking, and that is why I am genuinely interested in how you justify your approach. I'm going to honestly ask you some simple questions.

    "People’s lives can be destroyed they can be forced out of their jobs, they can indeed be the victims of political violence and across Europe, including the UK, there are people in prison today for what they think and for what they write. "

    Have you ever been forced out of a job because of being a Right-Wing nationalist? If not, who has this happened to in the UK?

    Have you ever been the victim of political violence as a result of being a Right-Wing Nationalist? If not, who has this happened to in the UK?

    Have you ever been jailed because of your Right-Wing nationalist political beliefs? If not, who in the UK has?

    "You call people cowards for being afraid of being called the “r” word, but that word has been used to bully and intimidate the white west for decades, any hint of it is denounced by the establishment, the media and all members of the political elite."

    Whatever. If it's what you believe, stand up for it, or you are a coward. Why are you so scared of being 'denounced' by people you yourself have no respect for? How do you respect yourself if fear of these people's bad opinion holds such horror for you?

    "Throughout our culture there are numerous examples of attacks on racists. What is “Rock against Racism” all about if not to stigmatise those who do not think in the politically correct manner."

    Rock Against Racism is your best example of being 'attacked'? People who are opposed to racism are allowed to meet in groups with like-minded people, just as racists are allowed to do the same. It's not our fault if your position and arguments are so poor that more people agree with us. There are plenty of media outlets and personalities who are vocally opposed to 'PC', but even they don't want to touch you guys, and again, that is not the fault of anti-racists.

    "The perception is that to do so can lead to being ostracized, losing friends and sometimes employment – and that perception can often become a reality."

    Again, if you don't have the courage of your convictions to risk that, stop blaming other people. i asked you for questions about people being fired, but the rest of that is little more than peer pressure. Plenty of people across the world now and through history are facing real oppression, where they face arrest, torture, murder, blacklisting and more. To compare social embarassment to that is an insult to people going through much worse than either I or certainly you have ever had to face.

  12. "Geert Wilders was found not guilty but Lars Hedegaard and Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, and although Nick Griffin was acquitted at his most recent trial, he has a political conviction for "hate" resulting from a previous prosecution."

    So, how were they 'show-trials'?

    "As to the media, I didn't say it was state "owned" I said it was state controlled. All the mainstream media slavishly follow the orthodox PC line required by the establishment. "

    You are fatuously suggesting that the state is interfering with British journalism in order to defend its beliefs and actively control the news. I suggest that is rubbish, but do feel free to point out where it is happeneing.

    "Finally I certainly did not seek to excuse what happened, merely to explain it."

    I admit, that was a bit of a tease, but you did end up saying that 'the establishment' was just as responsible as Breivik. That certainly seems to absolve him of a huge chunk of his responsibility for his actions.

    "Please do not take this response as an invitation to enter into debate."

    Oh of course, why bother to engage with people who disagree with you?

    "As to your other comments, I will leave it to readers to decide which of us is correct. "

    An objective jury of my peers if ever there was one. ;-)

  13. There you go again Sarah, into the smokescreen.

  14. yorkshirebob said...

    "There you go again Sarah, into the smokescreen."

    LOL! Don't worry my friend, I shall venture no further into that fog. From experience I know it gets thicker and worse smelling!!!

  15. Mr Fox, I think we are actually talking different languages here, because here in Britain, there is no sane way to describe Wilders or the EDL as, "a multi-racial, pro Israel form of Liberalism". They are conservative Right-Wingers.

    "The MR-PC people, with The Guardian in the van are desperately trying to portray this as a neo-Nazi operation"

    Nobody has done that. If anything, at first, everyone was rushing to claim it as an Al Qaeda operation, but since the facts came out, I have not seen it described as anything but a carefully-planned campaign by one clinically, if not legally insane individual.

    "Furthermore, by defending "Eurabia" these dated lefties are promoting anti-Semitism and attacking Israel!!!"

    The only people who belive in the fiction of Eurabia are a mad fringe of Right-Wing islamic nutters and their corresponding mad fringe of Right-Wing Nationalist nutters. To the rest of us in the real world, it's simply irrelevant.

    "You might be interested in the persecution of Alan Lake."

    I don't understand, is anything in that article wrong? Where is the persecution?

  16. Wilders openly states that he wants to defend Europe's freedoms and rights from Islam. These freedoms and rights were gained while Europe was largely Liberal, you know, believed in individual rights, freedom of association, freedom of speech etc
    With respoect you repeat old fashioned and meaningless terms that are supposed to be descriptive like "right winger" - but what do you mean by it?
    Your acceptance of these quaint expressions and your unquestioning trust in ideology and interpretations offered by The Guardian and the elites, show you to be a simple follower rather than a questioner of orthodoxies.
    That is why none of us can be bothered with you: you come onto a forum where non-conformist people are questioning received opinions and versions of realiy and try to counter it by re-stating those old views and think you are challenging us - yawwwnnn.


  18. "Wilders openly states that he wants to defend Europe's freedoms and rights from Islam."

    This is what qualifies someone as 'liberal' in your book? I have never once heard a politician on the Left or Right say that they want to do away with "freedoms and rights". If he was identifying big business and religion in general as threats to our rights and freedoms, I would see your point, but this is little more than fear of 'the other'. Pure conservatism.

    "These freedoms and rights were gained while Europe was largely Liberal, you know, believed in individual rights, freedom of association, freedom of speech etc"

    That is why he supports arrest without charge or trial ("Administrative Detention"), reduction of taxes and regulations, is against equality of religion, and wants an enforcement of a state language?

    Upon closer examination, I do see that there are policies here and there that differ from the typical Conservative, Right-Wing approach, but overall, that is clearly where his politics lay.

    "With respoect you repeat old fashioned and meaningless terms that are supposed to be descriptive like "right winger" - but what do you mean by it?"

    Well, it's a term used in contemporary politics a lot, so I found a quick definition that hits most of the key points.]]
    "...the term "right wing" became associated with maintaining the status quo and protecting the interests of the established elites, like the nobility, clergy and the wealthy. "
    The article does go on to discuss the problems with the over-simplification of the Left-Right axis, and I do see how this applies very much to Wilders. It does also mention the Nolan Chart, where we can very easily identify Wilders as 'Libertarian Right'.

    "Your acceptance of these quaint expressions and your unquestioning trust in ideology and interpretations offered by The Guardian and the elites, show you to be a simple follower rather than a questioner of orthodoxies."

    You are very happy making assumptions about people, aren't you? I have to admit that I get a very similar impression of you, only with The Mail as a representative of the orthodoxies you define your view of life by. I have no doubt, though, that you would strongly disagree with that view.

    "That is why none of us can be bothered with you: you come onto a forum where non-conformist people are questioning received opinions and versions of realiy and try to counter it by re-stating those old views and think you are challenging us - yawwwnnn. "

    Again, I know you see me that way, but to be honest, I am constantly taken aback by the conformity, Centuries old-views, and received opinions on show here. And let's face it, we can all be bothered with each other, because here you are replying to me and attacking me. I know you may cry off here to make a point, but normally our exchange would go on for 5 or 6 more posts before you backed out.

  19. Dear Anonymous

    I think you must have confused me with someone else. I've never been arrested or cried rape!

  20. James, James, you do over rate youself. I would back out from no intellectual anywhere. But I am too busy writing articles to get caught up with debates on comment sections of blogs.

  21. I think something may be up with the comments here. I have posted a response which never appeared, and got a notification of another 'Anonymous' message which has not appeared on the site.
