Sunday 17 July 2011

Failed State Colonisation - The Greatest Threat of Our Time

Thanks to Paul for drawing my attention to an interesting article which was published on the Sultan Knish site back in May.  The writer gives a frightening account of the outcome of mass immigration, from failed states into previously successful first world nations. which deserves a wider readership.  Click here for Failed State Colonisation - The Greatest Threat of Our times 


  1. thanks for the interesting information

  2. This is a very accurate analysis of the problem we have between the US and mexico. As he was writing about Country A and Country B, I was filling in USA and mexico, respectively and it all fit perfectly.

    At the root, the problem is our own lack of moral principles, our lack of understanding of who we are and why we exist. We have allowed the insane ideas of the French Revolution to mislead us, to the point that we no longer know who we are, or why we are here. It has taken us like a virus.
