Sunday 26 June 2011


I have posted regular blog contributor Mike Wilson's latest article at Sarah Maid of Albion II, where it can be read by clicking here.

The reason I have decided to publish it on the second site is due to the controversial and sensitive nature of the subject matter, which readers will appreciate when they see the image accompanying the essay.

Mike sent me the article earlier in the week, and I have taken some time to think about it before I decided to publish it.  However, it is an interesting article, and in the interests of free speech I think it deserves to be published.

By publishing Mike Wilson's article I do not endorse the views he has expressed, neither do I reject them by putting them on the second site.

I have not taken a view on the issues in question and do not know whether the documents Mike refers to are genuine or not.  This is why I felt it necessary to place the article in context.

Please click here to read Mike Wilsons essay "Trying to Pull it All Together".


  1. I'm so glad you published this Sarah. Yours was the one nationalist site I held in eteem, the only one untainted by the rabid Jew-hatred present on so many other nationalist sites.

    I totally agree that free speech is fundamental to any society that calls itself "civilised".

    With free speech comes the freedom to discriminate - something that is equally if not even more valuable. We need much more of it but don't hold your breath.

    Having been a part of the nationalist scene now for some six years, Wilson's article has convinced me that British Nationalism is a sick joke. The "blame the Jew" game and the holocoaust denial is something as a keen historian I am so tired of, so bored of, so sick of and as it is obviously such an intrinsic part of the movement, I now choose to break away and to hate my own people and country.

    It is clear to me that the supreme sacrifice made by all of my family and millions of other British families has all been for nothing. As if anyone cares or even understands what they fought and died for. Certainly not what marxist Britain and the sheep-minded Brtish have now become, no way.

    For me, this article proves my long-held assertion that my country is a lunatic asylum and thankfully, I am fortunate to be able to "fiddle as London (and Birmingham and Leicester and Manchester and Bradford etc.) burn".

    I choose now to hate my own. The muslims will bring to Britain what the British truly deserve, they certainly do not deserve the freedom paid for in blood that they now wantonly abuse and take for granted.

    To you Sarah I wish you the best of luck and if you can leave the marxist madhouse of Britain, I hope you take the opportunity. I have and rubbish such as this article has convinced me that I would rather die than live in what passes for "Great Britain" nowadays. There is quite frankly, nothing great about it.

    Thanks Sarah and please forgive me for not wishing you "the best of British", but I think you'll understand why.

    This is the end of the line for me with "British Nationalism". God bless Israel aand God Bless Serbia. For Britain I couldn't give a hoot, keep bowing before your marxist and muslim masters, whilst blaming the jews for the severe failings of your own. The muslims are laughing at you and now, so am I.


  2. @ Reconquista

    I am sorry to see you express such feelings, I can understand why you do, but we must never give up.

    I hope you will reconsider, you are too good a writer and too important for us to lose.


  3. Hi Sarah

    Thanks for your support, if only other nationalist supporting sites adhered to the same standards you set for your site.

    I wrote that comment after watching a group of English set about a street flower seller here whose only crime was to try and sell them a red rose. One of the girls - drunk - then assaulted him and when he fought back, three guys attacked him and threatened to "beat his f*** head in."

    All over a rose.

    Then I read the article and it's the straw that has broke the camel's back. I can't stand with Jew haters, I fully support Israel as you know yet the Jew hatred is rampant in nationalism and I want no part of it.

    I really, really loved writing for GA's site and was very proud to be published on your site and other nationalist sites. It was my way of contributing to our cause the best way I could. But what shocked me greatly was the hate-filled venom nationalists have spat at each other for the last year or so. Add in the Jew hatred - I wrote an entry trying to explain that what is being done in Israel by the International community is being done in British cities too - and vile abuse was directed not only at me but at GA and others connected to the Green Arrow site.

    You can probably guess the nature of the insults.

    I want to continue writing but all that happens is a myopic focus on the Jew phantom. All while Islam and Marxism destroys our nation, aided and abetted by our very own people.

    And that's the problem that isn't being addressed Sarah. It isn't the Jews - it isn't even the Muslims - it is our own people who have willingly chosen en masse to hate themselves and their nation and adopt cultural Marxism as their new religion.

    Nationalists badly need to understand Marxism, how it has evolved and how it has become the dominant ideology in our society.

    That is what I really wanted to focus on but each time, the Jew haters hijack the debate and abuse those who don't accept their idiotic blame game which is actually nothing new and also a Marxist narrative straight from the USSR.

    That's where I am at Sarah. I'll keep popping by here as you write excellent and important articles.

    Keep up the good work Sarah and thanks again.


  4. I covered this topic in a fair bit of detail here.

    There's no doubt that the Protocols make disturbing reading. I've always found remarkable the extent to which they foretell pretty much exactly what has transpired in the following 100 years. The point I make in my post is that Jews have a lot to answer for, but that we should not assume that all Jews feel or act this way.

    But it sure is a vital topic that has been swept under the carpet most efficiently.

  5. The judge or the Jewry , which one shall it be ?

  6. Er, why would Jews want to destroy the Christian West when the real threat against them comes from Islam? Are you seriously trying to tell me that the Jews want to destroy those who protect them? The article is utter rubbish at the most simplistic level.

  7. "Regardless of who wrote them, they contain a precise description of Reality. Their contents are true, only their authorship is in question."

