Wednesday 8 June 2011

Rochdale child 'prostitution ring' charges

Eight men have been remanded in custody over allegations of grooming* and committing sexual activity with teenage girls in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. The charges against them include rape, paying for sexual services of a child, trafficking a child and controlling child prostitution.

 The charged men are:
  • Abdul Rauf, 42,charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual activity and paying for the sexual services of a child and trafficking a child within the UK
  • Mohammed Ikhlaq, 41 , charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16
  • Adil Khan, 41, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, two offences of sexual activity, and trafficking a child within the UK
  • Liaquat Shah, 41, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and two counts of rape
  • Mohammed Sajid, 34, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with a girl under 16, three offences of sexual activity and attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child
  • Qamar Shahzad, 29, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and rape
  • Mohammed Amin, 44,  charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual assault and sexual activity
  • Abdul Aziz, 40,  charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, trafficking girls, rape and controlling child prostitution
 Meanwhile, three men aged between 34 and 43 answered bail on Tuesday and were re-bailed to later dates.
A further five men are due to answer bail on 21 June 2011. Police said one man had been handed over to the UK Border Agency. Hamid Safi, 21, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, failed to answer bail and is now wanted by police.

Try not to blink before the news story vanishes
*Wikipedia definition of grooming here


  1. I heard about this on Sky news this morning but at no time then or since have they mentioned their names. I wonder why?

    Maybe it's because all their names are Muslim names that were not published?

  2. I bet the BBC are waiting for a murder to happen so to bury these atrocious crimes like there did previous when the girl from Bristol was murdered.Spoke to soon on the BBC home page there have a white man knifed for £12,the mother and daughter murdered and Mascot who posed in underwear and this news is tucked away furthered down.Another race and religion motivated crime but as it's done by ethnics it won't be judged as so.

    For St George.

  3. And here are four more from last January :-

    Four men from Rochdale have been arrested in Hull and charged with conspiring to commit robbery.

    Imran Mohannad Ali, 31, of Mere Street, Deeplish
    Saeed Ibrahim, 36, of Bluebell Drive, Castleton
    Sajjad Anwar, 19, of Deeplish Street, Deeplish
    Naveed Ahmed Latif, 32, of Chamber House Drive, Marland

    appeared at Hull Magistrates Court today. They are accused of planning a robbery which was due take place at around 11.45am on Friday (January 7) in the Cottingham Road/Beverley Road area of Hull.

  4. Celtic Warrior, just for the record :-

    The charged men are:

    Abdul Rauf, 42, of Darley Road, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual activity and paying for the sexual services of a child and trafficking a child within the UK

    Mohammed Ikhlaq, 41 of Cloverhall Crescent, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16

    Adil Khan, 41, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, two offences of sexual activity, and trafficking a child within the UK

    Liaquat Shah, 41, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and two counts of rape

    Mohammed Sajid, 34, of Jepheys Street, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with a girl under 16, three offences of sexual activity and attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child

    Qamar Shahzad, 29, of Tweedale Street, Freehold, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16 and rape

    Mohammed Amin, 44, of Falinge Road, Falinge, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, sexual assault and sexual activity

    Abdul Aziz, 40, of Armstrong Hurst Close, Rochdale, charged with conspiracy to commit sexual activity with girls under 16, trafficking girls, rape and controlling child prostitution

    Meanwhile, three men aged between 34 and 43 answered bail on Tuesday and were re-bailed to later dates.

    A further five men are due to answer bail on 21 June 2011.

    Police said one man had been handed over to the UK Border Agency.

    Hamid Safi, 21, of Kensington Street, Rochdale, failed to answer bail and is now wanted by police

    From their ages they don't appear second generation muslims. I wonder how many were born "British".

  5. Murdered his girlfriend -

  6. Here's another link

    Of course this is NOT raaaycist is it??? Eau neau!!! definitely NOT!

    This disgusting tax payer funded institution deliberately neglects to mention that the OLDER attacker was BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I like this site^-^

  8. Is Rochdale the home of that bigoted woman?
    I cannot think why she would be against incomers coming in and enriching the culture.

  9. Re the Kent boy confirmation....

    Now if the young victim was black and the knife attacker white, the parasitic beeb as it's become would have splashed this on every news channel.
