Sunday 5 June 2011

Death of Johannesburg

Click the image, or here to view the death of what was once ine of the world's great modern and cosmopolitan  cities


  1. Thank you, Sarah

    It's like the pics that Arthur Kemp includes in The Lie of Apartheid, a provocative title it's true but he cannot avoid showing that the dismantling of Apartheid has led to the dismantling of South Africa.

  2. Just to enable me to receive on-going comments, of which I guess there'll be a few.

  3. It was always going to be provocative and a little on the nasty side doing this vid...Almost like I was kicking down the honest hopes and feelings of moderate and good intentioned folks in SA, but a few things made me do it...

    1) I worked in JHB for 5 years, what I showed in the vid is REAL
    2) JHB survives, of course it does, but sans any whites and any real investment....JHB Stock Exchange anyone?
    3) It stinks...It really actually smells rank...Buildings are infiltrated by vagrants and zimbo refugees. Fires are often started in these buildings and many souls die....Google Methodist Church Johannesburg refugees...
    4) I was personally involved with a charity in Berea called "hole-in-the-wall" where mothers literally abandon their babies who are then taken care of. I raised R10,000 for the charity - but it is a lost cause, nobody really cares, the mum's know where they can dump their "unwanted" baggage. The ANC does not care one iota, why should I?

    Thank You Sarah

  4. We see the same thing in Africa that we see in America, Detroit is the obvious example, but the same thing is happening in many cities where whites are leaving and blacks are taking over.

    It really is tragic. They were great cities, proud achievements, and now they are dying.

  5. Same in England.
    This animal was made "Attorney General" in 2007 and only 'stepped down' when the stinking Labour party lost last year.

    Look at it and read it's profile.,_Baroness_Scotland_of_Asthal

  6. A very sad film clip,i have 2 old family friends who worked in Jo-burg many years ago and other parts of SA and when visiting us use to tell of the vibrant and prosperous Jo-burg,Durban etc and how these cities could be compared with European cities but as with the case with the rest of Africa where the white man has left so leaving the africans to run there own countries,to the joy of leftwing liberals and marxists,everything deteriorates and collapses and funnily it's the white mans fault??

    For St George.

  7. Hell, I used to stroll through Joubert Park and remeber those Impala when I was a child (late 60s'). This is the first time I have seen this video and looking at those images makes me rather angry. I also remember the Rissik street PO.

    Not a nice way to start a week, but thanks for posting the vid.

  8. More on the so-called "Baroness Scotland"

    Can you imagine do-gooding white toadies who placed the woman in the village Asthal?

    She has about as much in common with Asthal as a snake in a manger.

    God I hate the present establishment but one thing's for sure "what goes around comes around" Khama to non whites enjoying this. ;)

  9. The Watcher On The Wall6 June 2011 at 03:01

    Keep in mind these images date from circa 2008.

    Google "Death of Johannesburg" to access the original blog and a wider range of better quality photos.

    Google Earth street view is also worth a more recent look-see at those places one recalls from yesteryear. ["Motortown" at the bottom end of Eloff St is an especially poignant scene today - once proud Roman temples laid waste and Gothed.]

    I remember Joburg CBD [esp Hillbrow] as a rather edgy place to visit, work, shop and do business [1972-1994]. The repeal of the Group Areas Act in circa 1985 had a profound effect on Joburg's urban landscape with the CBD decaying visibly by the time I left.

  10. Sad about the Jeppe area. I have a book entitled Good-Bye Dolly Gray, The Story of the Boer War by Rayne Kruger, Four Square Edition, 1964.

    The dedication states "To the teachers and companions of my youth at Jeppe High School, Johannesburg; and to the memory of those of them who died in World War II."

    Cruelly ironic that the area now seems to resemble a war zone in the name of 'truth and reconciliation.'

    I doubt if any of the survivors of Rayne Kruger's generation could reconcile themselves to the reality of the new local order.

  11. To any and all liberals reading this site, never forget the adage that anyone who has lived in Africa will tell you:

    Take the white man out of Africa,
    and Africa will go back to the bush.

    Or to put it another way:

    How on earth can you expect a race that has never created (they may have helped build it, but create it - definitely not) a western style city and civilisation, be expected to run, maintain and develop it?

    The liberals assured us that South Africa would prosper once "oppression" was removed and universal franchise was granted.

    "Oppression" ended 21 years ago.
    Universal franchise became a reality 17 years ago.
    Here is the visual evidence to illustrate the failure of these la-la feel good opinions and theories.

    Would anyone like to offer an explanation?

  12. I was personally involved with a charity in Berea called "hole-in-the-wall" where mothers literally abandon their babies who are then taken care of. I raised R10,000 for the charity - but it is a lost cause, nobody really cares, the mum's know where they can dump their "unwanted" baggage. The ANC does not care one iota, why should I?

    Your concern & empathy does you credit but at the end of the day its white people throwing their resources away on non-whites.

    Let blacks look after their own children.

    Arent there jobless, homeless whites in SA these days?
