Friday 24 June 2011

A culture debased

There was a trailer for a new TV show on earlier, it is a US import called Keeping Up with the Kardashians  It felt somewhat surreal in that it seemed it should have been narrated by someone like David Attenbrough a man who has dedicated his career to reporting  on the more bizarre zoological phenomenon.

Its a sad fact of life that whenever you think that our celebrity culture can not sink any lower, something comes along to prove you wrong.  However, surely this has to be the very bottom of the trench.
This is life Jim, but not as we know it. Suddenly the late Anna Nicole Smith seems to have been so much more refined than I remembered.


  1. Licence goes with an increase in tyranny. In most cases when there is a police state, a totalitarian tyranny being prepared the masses re somnified by licence and decadence. A few minutes ago in Exeter at an EDL Demo a couple were arrested because a Muslim woman made a complaint:
    ..."Omg it never fails. In Exeter leafleting, ob showed up, muslim woman has made an allegation. Details taken and two arrested. what we done?"

  2. Mister Fox, I more often than not enjoy your comments ,but this one leaves me a bit non-plussed, or is it me.

  3. Michelle Moyer is thinking about getting a job as it is hard being Dennis Rodman's ex-wife. It would be her first ever.

    There are tons of women who just want to marry a sports star for an easy life. Reality stars the Kardashians for example.

    WON - Khloe Kardashian (La Lakers Odom is her husband) Teen Choice Award for Choice Female Reality/Variety Star shared with Kim Kardashian (Dropped Reggie Bush for some NBA guy) and Kourtney Kardashian (Has son with an actor (Hey! She is from LA so this is sort of normal))

  4. @ Ian

    You are a bad man! I clicked on the video you suggested and now have to wipe my dinner of the keyboard. Shame on you!

  5. I managed to avoid the keyboard - just! depressing wasn't it!

  6. @ Ian

    She has got the way overweight thing down to a t!

  7. Yorkshire Bob, this is what I was driving at. From Tim Heyden's latest on The British Resistance:

    Then and Now. Part 1 of 3

    "As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends correspondingly to increase. And the dictator…will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, the movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude that is their fate". - Aldous Huxley Introduction to ‘Brave New World’

  8. Urban Commando29 June 2011 at 10:19


    Selling sex to the masses as 'compensation' for the loss of their political end economic freedom is a tried and tested weapon of the elites, used throughout the ages.

    A book worth reading on this subject:
