Thursday 19 May 2011


Following the news in today's papers that MDC member, opponent of Robert Mugabe and one time white Zimbabwean farmer Roy Bennett and his family have fled to London after he and his family were the victims of repeated death threats, I have posted the text of a speech Mr, Bennett gave to the South African Business Club on May 4th, over at South of the Zambezi.  It can be read by clicking here.


  1. off-topic but I didn't know where else to post this. A Ugandan man in Canada found guilty of murder by deliberately infecting women with HIV - two died.

  2. I wonder if the following "gentleman" will be a guest of honour present at the meeting?

    Former member of Mugabe secret police granted asylum in UK
    A former member of Robert Mugabe's feared secret police in Zimbabwe who admitted kidnapping dozens of his political rivals and carrying out acts of torture "too gruesome to recount" has been granted asylum in the UK under European human rights legislation.

    Phillip Machemedze, 46, came to the UK in 2000 along with his wife because he had "enough of the torture", but waited eight years to apply for leave to remain.

    He was originally turned down by the Home Office in March this year because he had committed crimes against humanity.

    But on May 4, he was granted asylum on appeal under European human rights laws because a tribunal ruled he would be killed by his former Central Intelligence Organisation colleagues if he returned to Zimbabwe.

    According to sources close to the case, he and his wife are living on social support benefits in Newport, south Wales.

    An estimated 800 people were kidnapped or disappeared, 80 were killed and 90 more tortured in the run-up to the 2000 elections in Zimbabwe, which saw Robert Mugabe's Zanu PF beat the rival Movement for Democratic Change party by a slim majority

    Read the rest of this injustice here:
