Tuesday 3 May 2011

Richard Spencer: 'Bin Laden a useful bogeyman'


  1. Let me first say that I can't watch this - videos load SO SLOWLY for me, I don't know why.

    Re: Osama.

    First, an amusing aside: Someone asked me this week at the water cooler if I heard that "they got Obama"...hilarious!!

    Seriously though. As an American, I see his killing at this point as a reflection of INCOMPTENCE at best. I.e. it should have been done by the end of 2002 at the latest to be a meaningful response to 9/11.

    At worst, this is just another media campaign to distract us from the harsh economic realities of life in America today. I.e., 20% unemployment, rising prices for everything, especially food and gas...no hope, or plan, for recovery in sight. For me, this killing at this point marks the beginning of Obama's re-election campaign. Blah, Blah, BLAH.

    And, finally, I for one am not distracted.

    Nice blog you have here.

    Best Regards,

  2. I've got the same problem Rachel,and maybe lots of other people hence the dearth of comments. However, I don't think your missing much. After viewing the small amount which I managed to download, it appears that Spencer and the bimbo are just in the process of making visual overtures to each other.
